Babylon 5... reboot?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
The problem for me is Im done with reboots. Especially for shows I liked the first time. Im not watching any more reboots. I would love to see new stories, even a continouation of crusade.
There can be new in reboots. I think the Battlestar Galactica offered a lot more than the original and was pretty decent for a time. It really depends on the context of the work. Though, I do understand the reboot fatigue, im just not going to instantly write them off.

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Which sounds goofy(haha)… but it’s not a small job.

It's not a small job! I can't imagine the number of hours it take to create a cross-platform synergy that not only monetizes a streaming series of The Enchanted Tiki Room, but places it within the same universe as Carousel of Progress and It's a Small World!


Mod Squad
Staff member
It should also be noted that the first two seasons had a story editor, Lawrence G. DiTillio, whose job it was to keep other writers in tune with the overall arc.

That sounds entirely consistent with what I've said. He'll need some form of collaboration to go on if he wants to succeed. I didn't specify what the nature of it will be, just that it has to exist.

Note that he's collaborated heavily since the original B5 was made - Sense8 being a solid example. We can allow that the man may have grown or changed somewhat, no?


The problem for me is Im done with reboots. Especially for shows I liked the first time. Im not watching any more reboots. I would love to see new stories, even a continouation of crusade.
I'm the same, but for the rare exception. I was in for the B5 reboot and, as Babylon 5 didn't really get a fair shake the first time around, I'll give it a chance too.


Deluxe Unhuman
In its day, B5 was at the forefront of the new wave of long-term story-arc tv. I wonder if JMS will be running with that, or doing something different - although I don't know what that would be. Maybe binge-length (2-4 episodes?) sub-arcs?


We'll see. JMS does not strike me as someone who plays all that well with others, particularly not on Babylon 5 which is his baby. He has on occasion expressed dismissal of the whole concept of writer's rooms.

It should also be noted that the first two seasons had a story editor, Lawrence G. DiTillio, whose job it was to keep other writers in tune with the overall arc.
whom he fired. Larry was responsible for incorporating a lot of the little detail the actors brought that filled in the characters. Like the bit of Vir and Londo singing opera because Stephen Furst wanted to sing.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I would love to see new stories, even a continouation of crusade.

To hear JMS speak of it, this is NOT going to be a simple repeat of the same story. He knows full well that nobody is going to, say, do a better job of the G'Kar and Londo relationship than Katsulas and Jurasik. So, he's not going to try to just repeat that.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
To hear JMS speak of it, this is NOT going to be a simple repeat of the same story. He knows full well that nobody is going to, say, do a better job of the G'Kar and Londo relationship than Katsulas and Jurasik. So, he's not going to try to just repeat that.

This time ....

Kosh doesn't die.


In its day, B5 was at the forefront of the new wave of long-term story-arc tv. I wonder if JMS will be running with that, or doing something different - although I don't know what that would be. Maybe binge-length (2-4 episodes?) sub-arcs?
These days we have the coherent story arcs, but series tend to be shorter than they were back in the network-television days of the original series. Virtual sets and virtual characters have come a long way, so maybe we'll see the story roam further afield more often than the original did, really delving into some of the alien cultures and their worlds.

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