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Back Off Man... I'm A Scientist! (CALLING KAHUNA BURGER)


I've decided it's time to have a bit of amusing fun here on the EnWorld boards, and what better way than to play a little Ghostbusters RPG! To be honest... I only kinda sorta remember the Ghostbuster d6 rules (and really couldn't care less what they actually are anyway), as this game will be more about being silly, making bad jokes, and having our action go completely haywire. I want this basically simple and funny... and anything that stops the game from being that is not going to be used.

Think of this as a bunch of bad Saturday Night Live characters working together to solve sci-fi scenarios that normally get lambasted by the gang at Mystery Science Theater 3000.

So for all those of you who are interested in being a Ghostbuster, here's da rules I'm using:

You have four abilities: MUSCLES, BRAINS, MOVES, and COOL

Each one starts at a 1 and can go to a maximum of 5. You are given 7 points to distribute amongst the four abilities. These numbers will be the amount of d6's you roll to accomplish something. So if you put 3 points into Brains, you have a total of 4. You will roll 4d6 on any Brains checks to reach a target number (TN) to accomplish something.

Each ability has 3 points worth of skills (which you select to be a bit more specific under each ability). Each point in a skill gives you another d6 to add to your ability roll when making a check that falls within the skill's perameters. You can choose one skill at 3 points, two skills at 2 points and 1 point each, or three 1 point skills. Thus, if the character above selected MYTHOLOGY as their skill under BRAINS and put all 3 points into it, they would roll 7d6 (4d6 for Brains plus 3d6 for Mythology) any time they wanted to find out something about ancient legends, myths, stories etc.

When rolling dice, one of the dice you roll is always the infamous "Ghost Die". This die has the Ghostbusters logo where the six pip would have been. If you roll your dice and a 1-5 appears on the Ghost die, you add that number to your dice total as normal. If however the Ghost logo appears, you do not treat it as a six, but rather that it means an amusing Complication has arisen. If you still suceeded in your check even with the Ghost appearing, then it's a small complication for amusement's sake. If you however MISS your target number AND roll the Ghost logo... then a BIG complication has occured. All this does is pretty much assure you of lots of humorous complications (since 1 in every 6 dice rolls will have the Ghost appear).

Your final character choice is your Goal - why is it you are becoming a Ghostbuster. These include things like Money, Fame, Serving Humanity, Soulless Science, Sex, Adventure, etc. Every character has a Goal that he or she tries to obtain while busting ghosts, and when you roleplay your character that way, you get more Brownie Points (the XP of the Ghostbusters game).

Brownie Points are the catch-all for anything special you choose to have happen as you play. If you make a bad roll, you can spend a Brownie Point to re-roll. If you want to get something special (like equipment or stuff), spend a Brownie Point and it'll somehow fall into your lap. If you got a Ghost on a roll, spend a Brownie Point to make the Ghost disappear. If you succeed in a terrific, amusing, outstanding action that never should have worked... spend a Brownie Point and I might raise your relevant ability or skill up a point (or give you a new skill altogether) Etc. Etc.

You'll also be given Brownie Points for amusing the GM through character interaction. The more your writings amuse me, the more Brownie Points I'll give you. This game is all about writing smart and funny.

So that's the basics of the rules. For those who'd like to play, the character creation and selection will be as follows: write a short couple of paragraphs which describe your character's arrival at Ghostbusters Headquarters with the want-ads in hand, looking for a job as a new Ghostbuster. Think Winston arriving in Ghostbusters I. I want a sense of who your character is, what is special about him, perhaps what his Goal is for coming here looking for a job, and anything else you think'll be fun to write. Remember... this is a comedic sci-fi action game we're playing here... I want the wackiest bunch of goofballs that you'd find in the movie Stripes.

All interactions with HQ will be with Louis Tully (and NOT Peter, Ray, Egon, and Winston), so if you want to deal with someone in charge, Louis is it. (And for those who submit character arrivals AFTER others have submitted theirs, keeping continuity amongst the posts and characters will be looked upon favorably).

One post per character is fine. And you can also feel free to submit a "character sheet" as well at the bottom of your post if you think it'll help give a better impression of your character (although it isn't necessary). Important things to remember when filling out a character sheet:

Character names TEND to be an innocuous first name, and a really odd last name. Peter, Ray, Winston... conected with Venkman, Stantz, Zeddemore. You don't find many with names like "Jones" or "Smith" or "Taylor". However, a swap of a really odd first name coupled with a normal last name might be an interesting swap.

Skills can be anything you can think of under each of your four abilities. As this is a humor game, do not think of this as needing to min/max, but rather select skills that are goofy and fun to play. Muscles skills might be things like Lift Heavy Objects, Jump Far, Eat Anything, Run For a Long Time, Break Stuff, Punch People Hard. Brains skills might be Mythology, Build Things, Comic Books, European History, Pop Culture. Moves might have Dodge, Fire Proton Pack, Breakdance, Skateboard, Slide Down Poles. And Cool would have skills like Seduction, Con Artist, Being Impressive, Annoy People, Resist Anger etc. Make up, pick, and choose your skills that are going to round out your character from a roleplaying perspective. Some can be useful D&D type skills... some can be obscure "character-enhancing" skills that might very well get used during the game. Like having your character able to speak Klingon.

Here is a sample character sheet:


[B]Muscles[/B] 3
  Knock Stuff Over 2
  Twist Open Stuck Jars 1
[B]Brains[/B] 2
  Physics 3
[B]Moves[/B] 2
  Throw Things 2
[B]Cool[/B] 4
  Give Winning Smile 1
  Gladhand 1
  Pass The Buck 1

Goal - FAME

So hopefully this interests a bunch of you. I think in some ways I'll treat character selection almost like the Living worlds in that everyone who writes their character arriving at GBHQ will have their character sitting in the waiting area until I select them to go on a mission. If they aren't selected for the first one, they can hang out at HQ until the group comes back and then I might select them for the next one. We'll see how it goes. And for those of you who are wondering about things like combat, selecting equipment, etc... we'll worry about getting you up to speed when you go on your first mission. It's not like Winston had any idea what he was getting into when he arrived at the firehouse now, did he? Thanx guys! Post your character arrivals in this thread, as well as any questions you might have.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Sara Whetney
Human Female
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Age: 30

[B]Muscles 2[/B]
   Martial Arts 1
   Cast Iron Stomach 2
[B]Brains 5[/B]
   Fashion 1
   Obscure Lore 1
   Science 1
[B]Moves 2[/B]
   Proton Pack 2
   Dancing 1
[B]Cool 2[/B]
   Charm 2
   Sense of Humor 1
GOAL - Furthering her knowledge of the paranormal

Sara is a graduate of NYU with degrees in psychology, parapsychology and has a keen interest in the paranormal. Over the weekend she has been mulling over several job offers but stumbled across an ad in the local newspaper with the opportunity of a lifetime. Sara know full well who the Ghostbusters are and their renown. Too good of an opportunity to pass up, she took a shower and put on her best dress, hailed a Taxi and hightailed it to GBHQ.

Sara strides into GBHQ during lunch hours and heads on over to whoever may be in charge. She finds Luis and hands him her résumé, which includes potocopies of her degrees and the papers she has written based on her encounters with the paranormal.
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Thanx for the entry, Frukathka! And having just read it, I now realize something I didn't emphasize enough in my game explanation (and which, now that I'm mentioning more strongly, feel free to edit your character as much as you want).

I want this game to be FUNNY.

This game is like both Ghostbusters movies... with characters that are off-center and goofy, goals that are completely ridiculous, and repartee between characters on par with most bad Saturday Night Live skits. I want players who are bad comedians at heart who will make us all laugh with the stupidest, most inane banter and action you will find... like a Warner Bros. cartoon come to life.

So Frukathka... with this in mind please go back in and have fun with the character, because truth be told... she's too normal! :D And her skills are too useful. She's built like an actual d20 Modern RPG character, not someone who would stand on a rooftop covered in melted marshmellow about to make a sarcastic retort to Bill Murray. That's what I'm looking for... and character selection will be based primarily on how much fun and how funny you are with your character and their desire and arrival to be a Ghostbuster. Thanx Frukathka!


First Post
Name: William Hufflemeyer
Age: 19
height: 6'1"
weight: 300 lbs.
eyes: brown
hair: black and long

Muscles: 3
   Go without sleep:1
   LARP boffer combat: 1
   Burp Alphabet 1
Brains:  3
   Ghostbusters Media History: 2
   Cruise Internet:  1
Moves: 3
   Shoot Proton Pack: 2
   Shuffle Magic Cards without bending or creasing: 1
Cool: 2
   Witty Banter:  3

Goal:  Ultimate Fan-boy

William is the Ghostbuster's biggest fan. Ever. Growing up in a small Jersey subburb, he followed the news stories, People magazine interviews, and TV. talk shows covering the exploits of the Ghostbusters. Then, the greatest invention of William Hufflemeyer's life came into being: The internet. Now Will could find out all of his heroe's favorite foods, video games, and make collages with all of the fantastic pics! He ven started a fan-site and GB-blog. William's high school life has been GB fandom, magic cards, and lame LARPs where he has learned to weild pipe-foam and PvC weapons with reckless abandon. He's graduated high school, and, rather than going to college, has decided to strike out into the big city, and join his heroes!

Kahuna Burger

First Post
(ok, think Ghostbusters meets Ghost for a second... :p )

Gina Ravensoul
height: 5'3"
weight: 115 lb
Eyes: ingido (contacts)
Hair: Black (dyed)
Age: hmph! I beg your pardon?

Muscles: 2
Hit below the belt 1
Open tight jar lid 2

Brains: 2
Tarot 1
Business sense 1
Ventriloquism 1

Moves: 3
Slight of hand 2
Gypsy dancing 1

Cool: 4
Fake possession 1
Tell them what they want to hear 1
Scare ghosts 1

Goal: eliminate real ghosts so she can go back to faking them.

Gina makes her living off of ghosts. The kind that flicker the lights, rock the table and speak through her to tell their grieving widows that they have found peace and regret their earthly infidelities, which never meant anything to them. What she doesn't need are real ghosts. The kind that blow up the light fixtures, coat the table and her guests in ectoplasm and speak on their own to tell their grieving widows that they hate the afterlife and wish they had had the nerve to get a divorce and live with their mistress who they loved much more, thank you very much.

Walking into the Ghostbusters office with the clicking of boot heels, she cuts an exotic if petite figure in loose silk skirts and a black velvet vest. She hands Louis her card, which features gothic script, pictures of Tarot and candles, and an improbable amount of glitter pen. "I've been getting a lot of ghosts lately, and they're bad for business," she says bluntly. "They mostly go away when I yell at them, but they keep coming back, so I want to take the fight to them. What do you say?"


These are awesome, guys! Keep 'em coming! If I can get a solid group of 5 Ghostbusters together with a nice array of personalities, focuses and styles, we'll get started.

Muscles 4
- Heavy Lifting
- Break Stuff on Purpose
- Hang on to Stuff 

Brains 1
- Sports Knowledge

Moves 4
- Juggle
- Grind 
- Flex

Cool 2
- Lady Killer
- Make Anything Look Cool 2

Goal: Adrenaline.

Xander Braunschwagger grew up in a small town at the base of the Alps, and his first love was Skiing. He worked as an instructor for a short time, and a mountain guide. Then he was introduced to snowboarding by a few rogue scholors, and his life changed. It opened up the world of extreme sports to him and he charged headlong into it. At the age of 17, he left home and traveled across Europe, learning every sport and trick he could. He basejumped off the Fjords and bladed down the Great Wall of China. He learned that the great masters of the Xtreme (as he learned it was spelled) sports were in America. At 22, he booked passage to California. He's ground, flipped, and 360ed his way across America, placing second only to the great Tony Hawk himself in the X-Games. And along the way, he's had his share of run-in's with the myriad ghosts of the world, never quite knowing what to make of them.

Always seeking a new thrill, he hitched a ride from a passing city bus on his skateboard and and read the folded back of a paper a patron held. Wanted: Ghostbusters. Impulsive as ever, he decided it was finally time to find out what all this Ghostbusting was about, and if he could have some fun doing it!

He swaggers into the headquarters, skateboard under one arm, light gleaming off the conspicious lack of a helmet and his bald head. He pulls off his sunglasses and leans his large 6'2" on the desk. "I come about ze ad," he intones in a heavy German acccent. "I zink I fit ze "able bodied" qualifeecation, ha ha ha!"
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I'm not blessed with enough time to play, but I just wanted to pop in and say DEFCON 1 is an awesome DM, and that this sounds like fun! Good luck, everyone!


First Post
Barry Longnecker

OK, to take a break from my other, very serious, game, this sounds like just the ticket!

Barry Longnecker
height: 5'8"
weight: 250 lb
Eyes: Brown with black plastic cokebottle shopglasses
Hair: Greasy long Black
Age: 25

Muscles: 1
Press TV Remote 1
Eat large amounts of food 1
Block doorway 1

Brains: 5
Blow Things Up 2
Locate Convenience Store 1

Moves: 3
Cook Ramen Noodles 1
Call Mom for Help 1
Blame it on someone else 1

Cool: 2
Drink milk through nose 1
Stare down 1
All things Madonna 1

Goal: Marry Madonna


Barry is the proverbial couch potato and has started tracking Ghostbuster activities through the 6pm Nightly News. He lives with his mom and dotes on her constantly, often asking her for advice, whether to pick out a video to watch or when to bathe. He works as a clerk at the local 7-11, often reading Weekly World News, People Magazine, or staring into space dreaming of life married to Madonna. He has collected a closet full of Madonna paraphernalia (unbeknownst to his mom).

He is very smart and did very well in chemistry class until he was kicked out of school for blowing up the lab using normal everyday items that can be found in the home. He was thereafter home-schooled by his mom, hence his dependence on, and loyalty to her.

His mom has recently been nagging Barry to "find a respectable job", like becoming a brain surgeon (which seemed boring to him), or an Antarctic explorer (?!?). Barry decided that he could best help humanity, and best get away from his nagging mom, by becoming a Ghostbuster.
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