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Barsoom Tales II: Romance, Revolution and BLOODY REVENGE!!! -- COMPLETE


First Post
I can't say that I was shocked by the revelation but I commend you and your players for allowing that situation to develop. I would expect it takes a very mature group.

I am however curious as to what this does to the party dynamic. Elena has said very clearly that she doesn't trust Arrafin and never wants to see her again. It would seem the party is headed for a split which, from a metagame perspective, means someone will be rolling up a new character.

Any hard feeling among your players?

This was certainly cool for the story but I wonder if it had a RL effects on your game.

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Unattainable Ideal
No enduring hard feelings. We were all going through some kind of crazy times -- this was the fall of 2001, so if you recall, a few things were going on then and we'd all lost our jobs (except for Etienne's player) so we were basically camping at each others' houses and playing Barsoom twice a week. It got kind of intense, I think partly just because everyone was really stressed out and needing some serious escapage.


Unattainable Ideal
What A Woman's Got To Do: 15

A great dark tower rose over the ruins of Zuyang, a whirling column of blackness miles across and reaching up into the sky, far out of sight. The city lay spread around the blackened remains of what must have once been a pleasant river valley. Trees grew on the hillside where Elena, Arrafin, Nevid, Isaac and Etienne stood, but they were withered, stunted things twisted and gnarled with sickness.

What grass grew here was yellow and thin, and cobwebs hung from every branch, as though no animals ever passed beneath. The whole place stank of decay and disuse. Down below, along the cracked and smoking ravine that had once been the bed of a great river, stones lay jumbled upon each other, only occasionally arranged in any sort of order that might suggest actual construction.

"I saw this..."

"What? Nevid? You saw this? Where?"

The slight Saijadani youth turned to Elena.

"In my dreams. Tsin Kwan's memories. I saw... her. The Demon Goddess. She did this."

He staggered to his feet and peered back at where a vast, smoking crater told of the enormity of the explosion they'd just witnessed. Vast sprays of earth disappeared beyond the hills, launched upwards hundreds if not thousands of feet into the air. Faintly he heard the impacts as boulders the size of houses plunged into the city.

At first he thought the wave of twisting smoke radiating out from the crater's edge was flame. He realised, without knowing how he realised it, that he was watching the souls of the people of Zuyang, torn from their bodies by the pure rage of unchecked Shadow. A great dark cloud began to form overhead.

"You haven't destroyed her."

Thousands died as he spoke. The wave of death expanded outwards. Behind it, buildings exploded into dust, paving stones blasted up hundreds of feet into the air, walls blew apart, and behind it all, the terrible terrible screaming of a young girl's tantrum.

"You've just made her angry."

Nevid looked up at that freakish tower of darkness.

"Those are... souls. Souls torn from their bodies by the Demon Goddess, and never able to pass on to the Shadow Realm. They're stuck here forever."

The group stood silently, staring down at the scene of long-ago horror and death. Over the groaning wind, another fainter, more unsettling sound became audible, as of millions of distant voices moaning and crying out, indistinct, but agonizing in need.

"And they're hungry."

"Oh, good," muttered Isaac, "That's exactly what I was hoping you'd say."


Within the ruins it was much, much worse. The whirling vortex of dead souls howled in a continuous painful screech that dragged at their eardrums, making it almost impossible to communicate. The group staggered down ruined streets, clambering over ripped-up paving stones and collapsed walls, trying to ignore the terror and anxiety that built up as they pressed further into the devastated city.

"What was that? What was that?"

"What, Elena? What did you see?"

"No. Nothing. Never mind."

Isaac chewed ferociously at his cigar as he followed his friends. The undead voices moaning all around them set his nerves on edge, and he himself was seeing odd shapes in the shadows, menacing apparitions that disappeared when he looked at them, movement just out of the corner of his eye.

They moved on, finding themselves on a long boulevard that stretched straight into the heart of the ruins, deeper into the darkness beneath the great towering whirlwind of horror above them. Further in, the devastation was not as complete, and here and there walls still stood, mute witnesses to a century of suffering.

Etienne kept his focus on the next unsteady paving stone, refusing to look anywhere around him, no matter how many bizarre shadows tugged at his attention. Arrafin staggered on with her eyes closed, clinging to Isaac's belt and fighting to maintain her feet in the raging gale.

Voices muttered and groaned. Shapes danced and threatened.

Elena tried to keep her wits in order, but distractions bore down on her. Every time she turned to see what was hovering off to one side, cackling or shivering, it vanished. Only to reappear on the other side of her vision. She was sweating heavily, despite the shrieking wind.

Nevid recited recently-learned formulae in his head, clinging to sanity through the cold rationality of mathematics.

"Let's make for that building! The big one on the right!"

Isaac grabbed Elena's shoulder and pointed towards a low complex of buildings that seemed less damaged than others and might provide some shelter from the ever-increasing winds. They staggered in that direction, passing through a crumbling gateway and on into a high hall that still had most of its ceiling intact. The sudden decrease in noise from the wind and the voices startled them all so much that for a second they didn't realise what surrounded them.

"I guess this is your girlfriend's old place."

Skulls. Thousands upon thousands of skulls lay arranged in tidy piles, their empty grinning faces speaking of slaughter. Slaughter on a scale so vast as to be unimaginable. The pyramids of skulls stretched across the immense hall, seeming to shrink as they receded into the distance.

But they didn't recede that far. The smaller skulls were... smaller.

"Oh, :):):):) me. Those are children's skulls. Little babies. Oh, you're kidding me. This... this..."

Elena broke off as her attention was drawn upwards, up the far wall, to where the group of them realised a massive fresco was just visible beneath decades of dust and decay.

Looking down on them all was an immense portrait of Madame Yuek, a seductive smile touching her perfect lips.

Elena pointed, turning to Arrafin.

"Is that what you like? Huh? LOOK at this place! This is her palace, or whatever. LOOK at what she is!"

Arrafin glowered, but made no response. Elena rushed over and grabbed her.

"What's wrong with you, Arrafin? What the hell are you thinking?"

"Whoa, whoa, Elena, calm down. Not now."

Isaac took a smack across the jaw for his efforts. Elena glared at him, and then swayed, putting a hand to her head.

"Guys. I'm not... I don't feel so good. I think we need to... hurry up."

"Yeah, okay. Come on."

Isaac kept a close eye on Elena as they went back outside, once again braving the voices and wind as they made their way deeper in towards where their maps told them the Sanctuary would be.

All of them struggled as they made their way up the ruined boulevard. Isaac found his hand straying again and again to his swordhilt, and only by shaking himself mentally could he restrain the desire to draw it and attack the endless shapes around him.

"There it is!"

Etienne saw it first; a cluster of collapsed buildings just beyond a stretch of rubble and deep yawning pits. They had to work their way around the worst of the destruction before they could approach the ancient compound.

"Careful, Etienne, don't-- oh, there he goes."

The normally nimble half-Kishak had been making his way over an unsteady block the size of a house when it tilted and he slid from sight. Isaac sighed.

"Here we go again."

The others scrambled over to where their friend had disappeared, to find a inclined block leading down into darkness, where Etienne could just be seen, waving at them.

"Guys, come down here! I found something weird!"

"That's tempting."

They struggled down the slope and into the space beyond. It turned out to be a dank chamber, lined with strange machines hissing and bubbling. Wires and tubes ran in confused patterns all over, fluids pumping and dripping as unseen vents hissed and sighed. The noise from outside faded away.

"There's no dust here. This hasn't. This is new."

Arrafin studied one of the great banks of dials, coils and switches.

"Shang. This is Matai Shang's work. It's all bound up in sorcery."

Etienne called from around a corner.

"Uh, guys? It gets worse over here."

The others joined him, and drew back in horror at the sight: a young pre-pubescent girl lay on a steel slab, unmoving and rigid, with dozens of tubes and hoses emerging from her body. Her forehead, arms, thighs and sex all dripped blood and other fluids where these mechanical insertions had been made. Unidentifiable fluids pumped in and out of the girl's body.

"She's alive. What the hell is he doing?"

Arrafin pointed at a nearby rack, where a number of identically-shaped crystals sat. The first was dark, but the others were clear, like massive diamonds. Arrafin approached them more closely, but jumped back in alarm.

"It moved. It's..."

Both she and Nevid peered at the darker crystal.

"There's something inside..."

"A soul. A human soul."

Isaac nodded, chewing on his cigar.

"Alright. Let's get out of here. We've still got to get to that Sanctuary, no matter what Shang is up to in here. Somebody help Elena."

The Saijadani woman had started weeping uncontrollably. At Etienne's urging she roused herself and followed the others unsteadily back out into Zuyang's hideous streets.

"I can't. I can't."

"Come on, Elena, we're almost there. Just a little further. You can do it."

"Please. I."

Etienne put an arm around his friend and helped her over the last pile of rubble. They caught up with others on the edge of the courtyard that had once been a Blood Council Sanctuary. Not much was left, but there was enough to indicate the typical outline of buildings in a Sanctuary.

"Okay, so. Tea."

Isaac looked around expectantly. Etienne shook his head.

"I don't think we need tea, actually."

"The Blood Sister said tea."

"Any liquid will do."

"No, we need tea."

"Look, just give me the cup and I'll show you."


"Give it here!"


The argument between Isaac and Etienne ended at the gunshot. They turned in shock to see Arrafin and Nevid turning likewise, all of them facing Elena.

Who collapsed to the ground, pistol falling from her hand.

And half her head blown off.


Unattainable Ideal
What A Woman's Got To Do: 16

Collette stared long and hard at the dead woman in the cage.

"Are you sure she's dead?"

The enormous man beside her shrugged.

"She ain't moved in more'n a day, boss. She ain't breathing, far as we can tell."

"Give her a couple more days. We'll know when she starts to decompose."

The slender, dark-haired woman turned and walked down the stone hallway. She climbed the steps and stood for a second in the half-ruined dining hall of some grand house. One side of the room had been taken up with a sort of camp: cots and trestle tables arranged, around which sat or leaned a near-dozen heavily armed mercenaries.

"So? Is she dead?"

Collette strode to a table on which was spread a detailed map of the Barony of Lasseux. Various arrows and lines denoted what appeared to be troop movements or battle sites. She studied the map for a second, then slammed her hand down.

"Very close. Starvation seems to be working. Once we're sure she's gone, we'll put her in the ground."

"Cut her head off first. Cut the heart out and burn it."

"Yeah, good ideas, Matthias. We should do that."

"Seemed like a nice lady. It's a shame."

With a sigh, Collette turned around and leaned back against the table. She was an incongruous sight, a slight figure amongst these burly fighting men, but she obviously commanded their respect.

"Yeah, it's a real shame. But it had to be done."

"Is she the last?"


"She had a kid?"

"A son."

Matthias' face darkened considerably at the news, as though a sudden sadness had struck him.

"Damn. We got to find him."

Collette shook her head.

"I don't think so. Isaac will find us. Let's make sure the cages are good and strong. He's no old woman."


The Tarn mourned. Of course, in the bizarre world they formed and inhabited, mourning required dance and song and capering insanity.

Usually they danced around their beloved King and his beautiful Queen, but today they danced around a new, unfamiliar figure, dark and somber and very, very handsome.

Farouk ibn Zaoud stood unsmiling in the midst of frivolity. He did not smile as the Queen of the Tarn approached him, the very picture of seductive glamour and fey passion.

"You... come on your mistress' behalf?"

The stoic warrior shook his head.

"No. I come on no cause but my own. I have no mistress now."

The Queen's green eyes widened. They widened still further when Farouk held up his right hand, in which he clutched the amulet that Elena had once used to control him.

"I am free."


Voices on all sides erupted in thunderous fascination. Farouk nodded.

"I hold my binding. None holds me. And I wish a boon of the Tarn."

"Indeed? What do you offer? What do you seek?"

"I seek the wisdom of transforming my binding, to render myself safe from mortal control forever. You have such wisdom. No mortal control you, despite your binding. Give me that knowledge."

He paused and studied the Queen before him.

"As for what I offer... I shall bring to you... HER."

The Queen laughed.

"To this we agree. The Tarn will share its wisdom with you, free one. Once you have brought HER to us."

There was more dancing.


"I'm not doing this, Torokan. This is wrong."

"It's the Demon Goddess, Morisawa. Are we ever going to get another shot at her like this?"

The two Nahanese women, nearly identical with their pinned-up hair and crimson kimono, sat staring angrily at each other. The younger one shook her head.

"No. Not with Shang. He will betray us, Torokan. You are putting the whole order at risk."

"Order? What order? There's nothing left, Kari. You're practically the only one left I can trust."

"Because Shang has corrupted the rest! And now you're giving him the perfect opportunity to clean up and take over completely. The Blood Council will cease to exist."

"I am decided, Morisawa. And I need you there."

Morisawa sighed and looked down at her knees, the kimono tucked carefully around them. The room was lit through paper panels on one wall. Outside, cicadas buzzed and the steady crop-crop-crop of a gardener's shears told of quiet labour. It was all very steady and soothing.

"F**k, Kimiko, I can't. He's going to betray you. All of us."

They locked eyes.

"Is it mutiny if I don't go?"

Torokan shook her head.

"No, Kari-chan. No. I won't do that. I'll take Morikage."

They were young women. Perhaps twenty years old. Morisawa wiped at tears on her cheeks.

"I will kill the Demon Goddess, Kari. She must be destroyed."


Water tumbled from a tiny laquered teacup. It spiralled down, breaking up into droplets and dancing tendrils, and splashed into the dusty earth.

Etienne sobbed as he poured the water. Arrafin was still screaming, clutching at Elena's body. Isaac stood dazed, his cigar fallen from his mouth. Nevid stared hard and angry at the ground.

The ground where suddenly green verdant grass bloomed. Stately walls rose up around them, a well-tended courtyard, low elegant buildings and beyond, a high open pagoda with a raised flagstone floor.

Black tendrils drifted past them all and they turned. There stood Yuek Man Chong, the Demon Goddess, in all her unholy glory, and the confused civilians who bore the soul of Tsin Kwan, the last Blood Mother.

"So. The b***h didn't make it. We don't have time to grieve, people. Shang is coming."


Unattainable Ideal
So we are about to begin the third-last game session of the season. What follows is a two-session long combat that has to rank as my greatest achievement as a GM. I am trying to give a sense of what those sessions were like: the party was INSANELY engrossed at this point. Elena's player will be handling the Blood Council for these two sessions, and that turned out AWESOME. These two sessions will be spread over three episodes (assuming my planning turns into actual writing as I expect it to).

There are five more episodes in this Story Hour (I think), and then my telling of the Barsoom Tales is done. Really, everything I have written about this campaign is in order to write this next bit. THIS is the bit that made me want to share this story. I literally needed 120,000 words to get all the necessary pieces into place. I sure hope it's worth it.


First Post
WHOA!:eek: Didn't see that one coming. I guess my earlier comment about the party breaking up and someone rolling up a new character were taken care of in-game.

Great story hour Barsoomcore. Can't wait to see how it ends.


Unattainable Ideal
What A Woman's Got To Do: 17

"What's going to happen?"

Isaac spoke with a degree of nervousness he was unable to conceal. Madame Yuek's offhand response did little to comfort him.

"I'm not sure, actually. I've never tried this before."

The Saijadani and Etienne stood before the statuesque vampire beneath the great open pagoda of the Blood Council sanctuary. The polished marble floor stretched away on all sides, forming a great square a spearcast or more across, raised up a man's height from the lawn of the Sanctuary. Two opposite sides of the square were open, vast arches that gave on to the rest of the grounds and the ruined city beyond. The other two sides were long arched porticos between rows of sturdy oak pillars. Overhead, the pagoda rose up as a hollow tower, open on the sides and echoing with the moans of the great cloud of souls that whirled over the ruins of Zuyang.

Arrafin, her hands drenched in Elena's blood, her face numb with shock, stood next to her lover, barely visible against the Lohanese vampire's outrageous garb. Nevid stood in the shadows of the pillars, still staring down at the ground.

Madame Yuek smiled at the two men before her.

"But we can assume Shang will come equipped to annhiliate you, so that he will have a clear shot at me."

"Do we have to assume that?"

"Silence. I'm intoning your doom melodramatically. Now. Hold still."

She appeared to do nothing at all, just stand very still. Her hands rose slightly at her sides, and then a nimbus of black energy surged out from her body and slammed into Etienne. It looked to Isaac as though Etienne had suddenly drawn a cloud of black steam into his body. The half-Kishak reeled, fell to his knees and vomited on the marble.

"Uh, maybe I don't--"

Isaac choked as a black radiance surrounded him and then penetrated his body, sending violent convulsions through him and he found himself on his kness as well, shaking and retching.

Energy surged through his limbs. His heart thundered in his chest.

"Oh f**k. What have you done to us?"

"Interesting. You're not dead. Well, it should still work. I have transferred a portion of my power into your bodies. That should tie your souls more tightly to your bodies, making you harder to kill. There may be some other side effects, as well."

"You were willing to kill us?"

Madame Yuek laughed, clapping her hands together in girlish delight.

"Of course I'm willing to kill you. I'd enjoy killing you. Enough with such foolish questions. You are not invulnerable, but you should be able to withstand a great deal of punishment. Arrafin, darling. We must begin the ritual."

Staggering, Isaac and Etienne stepped away from the two women as they joined hands. From behind them the dozen individuals (the "civilians" as Isaac thought of them) who carried the Blood Mother's soul came forward and, together with Nevid, formed a circle around Madame Yuek and Arrafin.

After a few steps, Etienne stopped and stared at himself.

"I feel good suddenly. Kind of..."


"Yeah. I think I can see better. Or react faster. Everything seems to be happening more slowly."

"Yeah. I feel..."



"Cool. What are we supposed to do?"

Isaac shrugged in response to Etienne's question, and turned in a circle, looking for evidence of Shang's impending wrath, almost hoping for something to fight with this new-found power. At first he saw nothing, then stopped.

"Maybe you should ask your girlfriend."

"Which-- oh. Hi, Sister Torokan."

The Blood Sister stood among the pillars alongside the elderly Sister they'd rescued in Luc'Davarionne. Isaac kept his mouth shut as Kimiko and Etienne stared at each other.

She spoke first.

"You're really going through with this."

"Well, yeah. You want the Blood Mother back, right?"

Isaac let Etienne and Kimiko talk as his eye was caught by a curious staff in the hands of the older Sister, Morikage. It was an ornate ebony artifact tipped with an enormous emerald.

Something about that staff twigged at his memory. Isaac shook his head, unable to place it.

"Etienne. Whatever happens, please, stay out of the way. There's nothing you can do here. This is too big."

"Boy am I getting tired of hearing that. You know, Matai Shang shows up, I'm going to kick his ass just because everyone's told me how I can't possibly hurt him."

"I'm sure your bravado will render you immune to searing flame and acid. Not to mention a vampire's hunger."

Etienne snapped just a little.

"At least she's trying to do something. As long as I've known you you've skulked around in the shadows. Now this person, who has every reason in the world to be hopeless and insane and just destroy everything, and SHE'S trying to help. Maybe you should stay out of the way, Kimiko. It seems to be all you're good at."

The Lohanese woman stared long and hard at Etienne.

"I asked you to stay out of the way, Etienne, because of what we once had. But this is bigger than any of us, and what must be done must be done. If you get in the way, I'll cut you down as surely as anyone else."

"What the hell does that mean?"

The Blood Sisters strode back to the pillars, watching the ritual taking place in the middle of the pagoda floor.

Long tendrils of shadowy essence drifted around the circle, filaments reaching into the heads of the assembled civilians. Arrafin and Madame Yuek stared at each other, the still center around which a burgeoning wheel of Shadow began to revolve. At times Isaac thought he could see patterns forming in the inky traceries, but the organizational structures evaporated before he could fully grasp them.

Something tremendous was taking place. His body began to shiver, and all his hair rose up from his skin as the Shadow began to concentrate, take form. Now from within Madame Yuek a great black flower opened up, complex petals scintillating with dark radiance, intersecting with the spinning wheel and writhing, twisting, undulating in some unfathomable rhythm Isaac couldn't begin to comprehend.

The civilians all stood, shaking, their eyes rolled back in their heads, seemingly supported by shadowy tendrils slipping up and down their bodies and drawing now from their heads a glitter of colour, sapphire gleams in the midst of blackness. Like thousands of gems the sparkling blue nuggets whirled inwards with the motion of the still-spinning wheel, aligning themselves with the flower that now become as sort of web hovering above Madame Yuek.

"What. The."

Isaac looked on the vampire's face and saw total focus, utter concentration, and he realised she was doing this consciously, manipulating the tremendous network of Shadow and whatever those blue things were, the connections to each of the civilians and the slowly-contracting web of shimmering blue above her.

He'd never seen her work hard before, he mused. He wondered how often she ever had to.

Slowly the sapphires came together and their brilliance grew as the Shadow began to recede. There was a flash, and suddenly an elderly Lohanese woman was standing beside Madame Yuek and Arrafin.

She reached up with a gnarled old hand and stroked the vampire's cheek. She whispered something in Lohanese and Madame Yuek smiled sadly, fondly.

And then all hell broke loose.

From within the pillars a savage blast of green energy tore across the pagoda, blasting two of the civilians to bloody pieces and slamming into Madame Yuek's chest. The vampire screamed as she was hurled backwards, knocking aside the heavy Hinsuan man who'd tried to stand up to Elena the other night. He crashed face-first into the marble and lay still in a sudden pool of blood. Madame Yuek flew back across the pagoda and slammed into a pillar on the far side, splintering the heavy oak.

Like a hose with too much water, the green arc of energy stayed pinned to her torso, writhing and snapping across the breadth of the pagoda to where Kimiko Torokan stood, both feet braced, holding the emerald-tipped staff in front of her. The magic gave off a hideous shrieking, almost drowning out the screams of everyone else in the place.

At the same time, at the very moment the strange green power struck the vampire, Isaac reeled as suddenly all the sorcerous power he'd been filled with evaporated, drawn out from him faster than an exhaled breath. His sudden return to his normal state left him feeling weakened, vulnerable. Afraid.

And also at the same moment, even as Madame Yuek's invulnerable body pulverised three feet of solid oak, even as that Hinsuan guy whose name only Elena had known died in some foreign place he'd never heard of, even as Arrafin began screaming for the second time in twenty minutes, over all the noise and chaos and terror, Isaac heard laughter.

Mocking, savage laughter.

Right behind him.

He spun to find himself staring up through the arachnid limbs of a mechanical nightmare. In the midst of which sat a hideous laughing madman.

Matai Shang had arrived.
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