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D&D (2024) Bastion rules: every pub owner is at least 13th level


So, I haven't read this thread yet or the general one, but have people noticed how ABSURDLY dumb some of this stuff is?

Example 1: You start with (likely) three Roomy facilities and a cramped one. Assuming you keep these on the ground floor and build everything else you get for your bastion up in future levels, do you want to take a guess at the cost of the Walls to enclose your bastion?

35,000 gold and 1,400 days (3.8 YEARS), as you will need 140 five ft squares. I literally drew this on graph paper and counted. And what do you get for this cost? On the weeks that you aren't at your Bastion, if you roll a 10 (5% chance) you can reduce the number of losses you suffer by rolling two fewer dice. That's it. Four years and enough gold to buy every Basic Facility at Vast with 14K gp left over. And this is at LEVEL 5! If you weren't planning on multiple stories right from the get go, and make the mistake of building broad? Then you will effectively never be able to afford walls.

Example 2: Other than magical items, there is only one other use for BP. Coming back from the dead! It costs you 100 BP to do that though. So, when will that happen?

Well, If you spend 8 weeks at your Bastion, getting 8 turns, you can create 40 bastion points. Meaning that, it will be until level SEVEN to get enough points to survive dying... once. At level 7. Do you know what else you have access to by 7th level? Death Ward. Which prevents you from dying. And by 9th level, you have Raise Dead. By 9th level a Bastion is going to be generating ~96 BP a level... still not enough to come back from the dead, and this is assuming you spend every single week at your bastion.

By the time you can reliably have the benefit of this once per level... the fear of death is practically gone from the game!

Example 3: Let us say that you are a 5th level wizard. You decide you want to build a Bastion. You look at the list and two things jump out at you, an Arcane Study and a Library. Perfect, right?

So you build your facilities. And what do you get?

The Arcane Facility has three benefits. 1) After sleeping in it you can cast Identify without spending a spell slot or using material components. That... is utterly worthless! Unless they have severely ripped Identify apart, it is a ritual spell (so it never uses slots anyways) and the material component isn't consumed. 2) You could create an arcane focus! Which you already have? But you can sell it for 10 gp... after a week's work... 3) You can create a blank book with nothing in it, which can sell for 25 gold... after a week's work...

You decide to look at the PHB, page 159, and see that you can sell your spellcasting services for 10 to 50 gp... PER SPELL. Of which you have far more than 3 per day, meaning that you can trivially make so much more money than this.

The Library? You can learn three facts you didn't know about something famous. For a week's worth of work.

And that's it. That is your entire benefit from you Bastion Actions, except rolling some dice and hoping to build up enough to get a magical item.

And this is fairly common. The highest gold per action at 5th level is the Garden (50 gp per action) with the second being the Storehouse (50 gp profit per two actions, as long as you invested 500 gp the first time), Everything else either costs you money, or gives no monetary benefit.

Example 4: Hey, wanna take a guess how easy it is to lose your Bastion Actions? Or even your whole Bastion?

1) At level 5 you can only be away for 5 weeks. I'm in a game right now that has us needing to travel from Neverwinter to Baldur's Gate. Wanna guess at how long that takes? About three weeks by foot. Meaning, if we had a Bastion in Neverwinter where we started, and we had to travel to Baldur's Gate, if we arrived, spent less than a day on the adventure, and immediately turned around, my Bastion would be destroyed and looted for being abandoned.

2) That's not all! Let's assume you are lucky enough to be gone only 4 weeks. There are four rolls on the d20 that can lose you hirelings from the Maintenance action. That is a 20% chance. That is about a 59% chance of hitting at least one of them over four weeks. With the Library and the Arcane Study, I have only two hirelings, and zero defenders. Meaning that if I get a single 10 (18.6% chance) or happen to get two of these events, I've lost all my bastion actions for the week.

And this is the sole purpose of the Barracks, Armory, and Menagerie. You have to get these facilities, out of your limit of 6 facilities, to prevent the attacks, and the other three events are simply going to wreck most facilities, as you generally only have one or two hirelings in the majority of them.

So, we have minor benefits, and defending those minor benefits come with MASSIVE costs completely out of line with the benefits you get. Now, sure, some of the high level facilities can give some big boosts. You Empower a Demiplane and you can start each long rest with five times your level temp hp. That's INSANE, but others are super niche/Useless (You can use an adventurers guild to put things in your trophy room for no benefit, or gain a new creature in your menagerie). The most money you can get is with the Storehouse, which at 17th level allows you to make 5,000 gp with two weeks of work. And other than the storehouse, most things get you a max of 500gp of value (except the stone masons, because they can make your stupidly expensive walls for free)

So, over all... there is a decent idea here. But none of the execution seems worth the hassle.

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This whole bastion system seems like a side game for interested groups to pursue when they aren't actually playing D&D. Definitely not for me, but I suspect it will make a subset of players very happy, and good for them!

Example 1: You start with (likely) three Roomy facilities and a cramped one. Assuming you keep these on the ground floor and build everything else you get for your bastion up in future levels, do you want to take a guess at the cost of the Walls to enclose your bastion?

35,000 gold and 1,400 days (3.8 YEARS), as you will need 140 five ft squares. I literally drew this on graph paper and counted.
Are you sure about this? I'm getting 9,000 gold and 360 days (1 year) to complete a wall around the starting facilities if you build in a square, or 10,000 gold and 400 days if you build in a line.

For my calculations, each roomy facility is 4x4. Placed in a square (with the cramped facility still given the space of a roomy facility for these purposes), you have to surround an 8x8 block of space. This is one space out from the facilities themselves, so you have four 8-block walls on the edges, plus the four corner spaces to connect them, giving a total of 4*8 + 4 = 36 wall squares.

Of course, that doesn't give you any walking space or hallways or whatever. If you add an interior hallway between each room, as well as an exterior walking space between the facilities and the walls, you need a total of 4*11 + 4 = 48 wall squares for 12,000 gold and 480 days (1.5 years).

Still ludicrous. I can't really even see it being a reasonable real-world build time, giving you're making 20 foot high stone walls in a 65 foot square. 6 months, maybe, and that's without any possible construction magic. (Sadly, Mold Earth and Move Earth explicitly avoid letting you do stone construction. Otherwise it could be done in a couple days, at most.)


I believe we would be remiss if I didn't post a link to Strongholds and Followers...

This does it better, but has a lot of its own issues. I've homebrewed it every time I've used it.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
This does it better, but has a lot of its own issues. I've homebrewed it every time I've used it.
There is a point to make here. There are many ways to accomplish the same general goals (in this case building and maintaining a player stronghold). Each has its good and bad points, and each will work better for some and worse for others. There is absolutely no reason to presume that WotC's way is the best one, or that it should be valued over another for any non-subjective reason.

Do some research, and pick the one that works best for you.


Are you sure about this? I'm getting 9,000 gold and 360 days (1 year) to complete a wall around the starting facilities if you build in a square, or 10,000 gold and 400 days if you build in a line.

For my calculations, each roomy facility is 4x4. Placed in a square (with the cramped facility still given the space of a roomy facility for these purposes), you have to surround an 8x8 block of space. This is one space out from the facilities themselves, so you have four 8-block walls on the edges, plus the four corner spaces to connect them, giving a total of 4*8 + 4 = 36 wall squares.

Of course, that doesn't give you any walking space or hallways or whatever. If you add an interior hallway between each room, as well as an exterior walking space between the facilities and the walls, you need a total of 4*11 + 4 = 48 wall squares for 12,000 gold and 480 days (1.5 years).

Still ludicrous. I can't really even see it being a reasonable real-world build time, giving you're making 20 foot high stone walls in a 65 foot square. 6 months, maybe, and that's without any possible construction magic. (Sadly, Mold Earth and Move Earth explicitly avoid letting you do stone construction. Otherwise it could be done in a couple days, at most.)

Ah, I see where my mistake was. Since I was counting 5ft squares to make sure I wasn't counting wrong, I ended up multiplying the feet instead. That was a stupid mistake.

My shape ended up with 32 wall squares, because I discounted the cramped room and stretched the third roomy facility over the top of the others. That drops it to 8,000 gp and 320 days. Still a year.

But yes, even at the "cheapest" I don't think 8,000 gp and 320 days is worth it. Especially since this wall only really protects your Barracks and your Menagerie, which you only get to protect your other facilities and once more YOU ONLY GET SIX. And all that the barracks and menagerie DO is prevent you from losing two facilities... by having you lose a facility in their creation. So you lose two facilities....

One person on Reddit had an idea of a full Barracks (and maybe Menagerie) generating flat BP every turn. And I kind of like that, because the idea of BP is that you are getting respect and influence. And if you have a barracks full of trained soldiers who are helping keep the local area safe, that makes a lot of sense, and gives them a purpose outside of the poorly thought out attacks.

So, continuing the examination of the walls:

Building the walls around the square compound with some walkway spacing required 48 wall squares. That costs 12,000 gold and 480 days of construction (assuming no Mason's Guild, which you can't get til level 17).

Assuming Bastion Turns of 7 days, and 7 Bastion Turns per character level, if you started building the wall as soon as you got the Bastion at level 5, it would be completed when you were level 15 (or level 16-17 if you get 6 Bastion Turns per level). By that point you really ought to just wait til level 17 and get the Mason's Guild to do it, even if it would still take a full level to wall in the most basic compound. You've already spent the vast majority of your game without walls. Why worry about one more level?

Also, if you use the Level Up table on expected gold acquired per level, it would require all the gold you made from levels 5 to 10 to pay for the wall. Though you're only building 5 wall spaces per level, which means it's really just 1250 GP per level to continue to construct the wall, which you can afford starting at level 7. (In other words, factoring in what you can afford, you're not getting the wall complete before level 17 anyway.)


I'd add this to the revamp of Bastion defenses. Instead of Barracks, Armory, and Wall, just have a single facility called "Bastion Defenses". You start with a handful of defenders, and you can issue orders that will take a certain number of turns to complete.
  • Recruit more defenders (1 turn)
  • Build wall (4 turns?)
  • Equip defenders (2 turns) (assumed to be ongoing after being performed once) (maybe make it an ongoing cost, with associated benefits? ie: guards with polished plate and nice weapons get more respect than those with bottom-of-the-barrel equipment)
  • Guard (default action if no other orders; provides social benefits)
  • Promote (special action at higher levels; rank-up the defenders, improve the defense and quality of the wall (and expands if you added more facilities), and improve social benefits when Guarding; costs a good chunk of gold)

Using the Promote action upgrades lots of things.

The wall might start as a wooden palisade at level 5, then add parapets at 9, upgrade to stone at 13, and some special/magical look at 17.

The walls and the defenders' rank affects defense rolls against attacks or other intrusions.

The defenders' rank affects the social benefits. EG: +1d4, +1d6, +1d8, +1d10 to Charisma checks made inside your Bastion, at increasing tiers.

Defenders might potentially affect other facilities, such as shops, theaters, ballrooms, etc. Places where social events happen, or where security is useful. In other words, provide some point in actually getting this facility.


Pub Owner, as they jump up and land on the bar counter while introducing themselves to the PCs.

"I was an Adventurer like you once. Then I took a Mug in the Knee!"


I don't know if you have me on ignore or something, but you don't seem to respond to my posts. The DMG already has rules for building a stronghold at any level (just takes money). The difference is you don't get the bastion benefits. The bastion rules do not replace the rules in the DMG, they augment them.

In post #54 of this thread I provided some of the tables from the DMG. There is more information in the DMG too (and PHB).

EDIT: FYI Xanthar's doesn't really add anything to the guidelines in the DMG and PHB for building and running an establishment. It covers other downtime activities though.


An adventurer-owned business can earn enough money to cover its own maintenance costs. However, the owner needs to periodically ensure that everything is running smoothly by tending to the business between adventures. See the information on running a business in “Downtime Activities” in this chapter.

It's in my opinion the single best book to date outside of the core three.

However, there are not more rules (downtime or otherwise) for strongholds/businesses, etc. in Xanthar's which is what @Epic Meepo was asking about.

The 5E book for running businesses. I've always thought one could always refluff the rules here and there to get the Stronghold rules for 5E games at the time of its release.

Voidrunner's Codex

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