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In case anyone is wondering, my tune "Pistolero" is specifically a Pathfinder song. It's all about the Gunslinger class. Whee! :cool:

In case anyone is wondering, my tune "Pistolero" is specifically a Pathfinder song. It's all about the Gunslinger class. Whee! :cool:

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A Wicked Kendragon
You might want to check your attribution there [MENTION=29398]Lanefan[/MENTION]. It was Janx I was responding to. :p


First Post
I'll be there (99% certainly) but I very much doubt my bandmates would be.

Where? At Gencon for the bardic gathering?


First Post
That's a spambot copying Lanefan from the first page.

If this keeps up we won't know who said what. :D

How embarrassing! I probably should have experience points removed for that one. :) And yes, kidding aside. It has become difficult to tell who said what. *le sigh* I just figured zie was one of the other Battle of the Bards new members (like me.)


First Post
My guess is that [MENTION=21712]Everett[/MENTION] was referring back to "Ravens in the Library" from heat 1, another fine song with but a tenuous connection to topic.
I've got entries in two heats so guess where my vote went there; but in the other two heats the song I liked most (and thus voted for) didn't win either.

Lan-"it's all in the ear of the beholder"-efan

This is actually the first heat I've voted in, or even noticed the contest. I usually pop onto Enworld just to read Sagiro's Story Hour.


Once again? Her last song was called Playing D&D. It was about.. wait for it.. playing D&D. :hmm:

I believe, as [MENTION=29398]Lanefan[/MENTION] has also pointed out, that you have mixed up artists and songs.

SJ's 2 songs were Ravens in the Library and Were Owl.

Both were excellent songs, probably the best in the competition as works of music. [MENTION=21712]Everett[/MENTION] mentions that this factor is why he chose her work.

I was simply disclosing on why I didn't choose SJ's work by my criteria, which I believe matches close enough to the original contest request.

I mentioned it, because I wanted somebody who was familiar with her work to point out if she was an artist who worked in the designated theme, or if she was simply submitting some of her songs that sort of fit.

I felt it was more of the latter, whereas every other entrant wrote songs on the requested topic.

Otherwise, every professional artist/band could submit any song from their catalog that they thought might win because it mentions a dragon, rather than because they wrote a song about D&D. Manowar writes songs that sound like they fit D&D, and they would better match the criteria if I didn't know who they were, than what SJ has submitted.

Anyway, that's my stance. I don't need convincing SJ is better, I need perspective on why SJ should I should change my criteria or why she does actually fit.


IThat Were-Owl is languishing in 3rd place is a real shame, and says something about people's inability to trust the artistic instinct.

Actually, I'm wondering if most other people are applying the same filter I am that her work doesn't sound like it's about D&D but has vague references to something one could find in D&D (namely a fantastic beast called a were-owl).

I reckon, there's something wrong with the world if people think other songs are better than hers.

I'm assuming the world isn't broken, and that folks just deemed her work to be outside of the requested topic. I feel like her submittals happened like this:

Friend: Hey, SJ, you should check out this music contest on EN World
SJ: hmm, D&D...huh? What the heck is that?
Friend: you know it's about fantasy adventures and stuff, like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones.
SJ: Well, I got a song about Ravens and Libraries. Does D&D have Ravens or Libraries in it?
Friend: Well, you can have a Raven as a Familiar for your character, and you might find a library with ancient tomes in it...
SJ: Excellent....

I'm being facetious, but that's how SJ's entries feel to me, and might be why they are scoring lower.

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