Best Archer Build


First Post
Just to add a few more comments. The Ranger's Horse can be his animal companion, making the horse more effective and durable.

Also, I'd drop the Ride-by Attack and pick up Weapon Focus or Point Blank Shot.

Nifft said:
7th level Ranger
Feats: Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery, Ride-By Attack

Bonus Feats: Track, Endurance, Rapid Shot, Manyshot

Class Abilities: Wild Empathy, Animal Companion, 2 Favored Enemies (+4, +2), Woodland Stride

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If you are worried about fireball specifically, the super-long-range idea would work, but so would casting Resist Energy on himself and his horse. If he's a ranger with spells and enough Wisdom for a bonus 1st level spell, he can cast it twice. Unless the archer doesn't know the PCs well enough to know to expect fire; I don't know what his circumstances are.

Of course, if the heavy horse is an improved animal companion with 5 HD, he has 5d8+10 hp, or an average of 32 hp. A fireball from a wand does 5d6, or 17.5 average damage—and only 8-9 damage if the horse makes its Reflex save. In other words, if the horse is beefed up, he's not going to get taken out by a single Fireball. And once the first fireball goes off, the ranger can cast Resist Energy if he didn't know to before.


Registered User
Assuming you'll have a ranger with the horse being his animal companion, I wouldn't worry that much about fireballs... the horse has evasion (given Ranger level 6), the rider will have the problems but could stock up with Resist Elements spells.

I would worry more about Entangle and similar spells which will inhibit his movement.

To get away: Not sure if invis potions will make his horse invisible by share spells... Actually, I'm pretty sure it will not.

Be sure to let the horse take the Run feat. Longstrider (Rgr1 spell) is good as well and lasts a long time, not even the monk will catch this rider.
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Keith said:
If your animal companion has evasion, and you are sitting on it...well, you can see where I'm going with this.

I am not sure, if I know where you are going with this, but rephrase the first setting:
The animal companion has evasion because you sit on it (cover? :) ). -
"Hey, riderguy, would you be so nice to suck up all that damage from that fireball there for me.. Thanks" (Reminds me of Jolly Jumper and Lucky Luke - in one combat, Jolly gets Luke to carry him :) )

Mustrum Ridcully

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