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Best feats for a Wizard


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I had an e-mail from Skip (Sage Advice) basically stating that any item could be made using the wondrous items rules (which tend to be more expensive than others).

This response was to a question on how could a cleric make a potion of neutralize poison. Listed in the DMG as a potion but it is spell of too high a level for a cleric to make a potion. I thought this was important since for pretty much ever potions of neutralize poison were common cleric made items.

When I get acces to my files I'll see if I can find the e-mail. Pretty much anything from the Sage is considered "official".

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d20Dwarf said:
That's not to say your DM isn't watching and scribbling notes furiously. :D

Speaking of that, would you be open to a Fireborn campaign? Since we can never decide on a good compromise between d20M and Spycraft, I figured that might be a good option for the modern campaign I want to run.

*is careful when dm watching*
Does Fireborn have cool spellcaster stuff in it?


shaylon said:
I was just wondering if anyone out here can give me some advice. What are the best feats for a young wizard in a 3.5 campaign, and why? My character has finally gotten his first bonus feat, and I am not sure what to do. To give a little backstory, this is a Forgotten Realms setting that so far has taken place solely in the Vast. The wizard has been in a lot of combat, although he is not really very good at it. With so few spells, and complete lack of skill with any weapons, he does very little on the field of combat.

I would like to be a bigger contributor to my parties survival. One has already died, on my watch, and I would prefer it not happen again. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Scribe Scroll, of course, but that's a freebie. Also, Arcane Disciple from Complete Divine. Take the Healing domain, choose a few cure spells as a wizard, scribe them onto scrolls, brew them into potions and put them in wands and suddenly your wizard is a great backup healer. Better yet, cast a cure spell into your hawk or raven familiar and let fly toward a wounded ally - there's none of that getting into melee range of a monster for the wizard-healer, unlike the hapless cloistered cleric.

Empower Spell @ 9th and Quicken Spell @ 10th and you're set.

Doug McCrae

fusangite said:
Also, Craft Wondrous Item can be useful, especially if one is working towards making a Headband of Intellect at 8th level. At your level, no metamagic feat is worth it for a wizard.
If you use the errata about caster level on the WotC site a wizard no longer needs to be 8th level to make a Headband of Intellect. He could actually produce one at 3rd level.

Doug McCrae

ForceUser said:
Scribe Scroll, of course, but that's a freebie. Also, Arcane Disciple from Complete Divine.
I don't think Arcane Disciple is a good idea, especially if you choose the healing domain. For one thing you need a decent Wisdom to make full use of AD, leading to MAD.

More importantly each class should play to their strengths. The cleric is the primary healer. Druids, bards, paladins and rangers can all serve as secondary healers without having to take a feat.


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argo said:
No. First off those charts are not in the Players Handbook, they are in the Dungeon Master's Guide and like all material in the DMG is meant as material to aid the DM in running the game, not for the players to wave in his face and cry foul. Secondly, even if you don't buy that argument the DMG still states quite clearly that magic item pricing charts are not rules but guidlines and that the DM may need to adjust the price of any new magic items to fit their power.

Now, that doesn't mean that a DM shouldn't allow the player to invent new items. That sort of thing is just rewarding good play and can add a great deal to a campaign. But don't forget that that is exactly what we are talking about... DM approval of a house-ruled item. And I don't think many DM's would let you go makign wonderous-item-wands willy nilly, otherwise you wind up witht the sort of absurd munchkinism where one feat does the work of three.

I guess I must have missed the part where ENWorld posting rules were declared official errata ;)

Scrolls are an incredibly cheap way to get around the wizard's two basic limitations: number of spells per day and not knowing what spells to prepare. And wands are a great way to make sure that your wiz can contribute something every round of combat, even if it's just a simple magic missile, while saving his slots for the big fight at the end. Potions are more of a cleric specality but it is still nice for a team-oriented wiz to be able to hand out items that the rest of the party can use.

Of course, wonderous items do that better :p


Well, if you want to be technical about the DMG and PHB, ALL the magic items are in the DMG. Therefore all magic items would fall under the same catagory, that of having to be approved by the DM. Which is actually the case in my games. And I wholeheartedly approve of the DM using rules as guidelines. I only wish more people approached more of the RAW in that way. Rules as written is a horrible approach to gaming in my opinion. People need more creativity. The entire RAW approach is, in my opinion, the thing most wrong with the 3.x culture. If you were to take that away and approach the entire thing as guidelines (which there is at least one paragraph saying you should do) it would be a better game/culture.

ALL magic items should be a reward for good gameplay. Players shouldn't be able to wave foul no matter what magic item (or spell) the DM doesn't want.

OK, ok, granted that allowing wands and potions would technically be allowing one feat to work for three... but then again, people in my games HATE creation feats. If noone is going to make wands or potions and you think they should be able to, it doesn't hurt. And there is the very real fact that 1) the game system wasn't really very well thought out. (Fine, the very real opinion). And 2) No matter what else you claim, unless you're being absurd, you'll save more gold making the wonderous items in the DMG than you ever will making wands. And the gold you save early on can easily pay the remained of the full price )from if you had taken that feat instead) for the few wands you want to make. Plus the rules for making wonderous items with charges and making one use wonderous items are written down. They really DO have duplicate items. It's not MY fault if the game system designers wrote in a way (and therefore either intended or are pretty bad at noticing these things) for the smarter characters to make potions and wands AND wonderous items for all one feat.

"I guess I must have missed the part where ENWorld posting rules were declared official errata ;) "

Yea, there was a short meta discussion about it. I didn't participate but I found it an enjoyable read. I understood the point of both sides of the conversation, but basically one side was using the general impression that since the exact items aren't in the DMG it must be house rules, whereas the other side pointed out that, indeed, the rules and tables were there (if complex)... and therefore it was core RAW. Actually, with a few easy additional house (guideline what to accept) rules it's not too hard to allow players to take that table and run.

Oh, and potions... actually, even if you don't allow potions that are in the DMG as wonderous items just because they're duplicates (in obvious disregard of the duplicates that exist), it's STILL better to take wonderous for those potions. Go back and reread the guidlines for potion making. There are a lot of restrictions, and you can make more spells into elixers than you can into potions.

And yes, a *few* scrolls are pretty good. But when I can find a DM that will allow me to trade that feat in for something I'll use more often I definitely do it! To me, I'd rather just buy or find the few scrolls I want... and/or make pearls. MmmMmm Pearls of Power.

Falling Icicle said:
I couldn't disagree more. I've been saved many times by having a scroll handy that had a spell I needed but hadn't prepared (or had already expended). I'm not saying one should go crazy on scroll making, but it's helpful to make a few here and there with spells that can be lifesavers but you can't afford to prepare.

And Wizards should always keep a couple scrolls handy of some of the more staple spells, like Dispel Magic, Invisibility, Stoneskin, etc. You never know when things will go messy and you need an extra one of those spells. It's better to have something and need it than to need something and want it.

Yes, it costs xp, but the experience loss of making a scroll is miniscule (my first level scrolls only cost me 1 xp each - oh no), and it's an awful lot less xp than dying will cost you. ;)

Oh, sure, you're FIRST level spell only cost you one XP. (But then, at first level you only need 1000 to advance, so...) Higher level spells cost more. But I agree. Note that I said "many" scrolls, not "any" scrolls. Definitely have and or make several. Just not many.


First Post
IME, the best spells to scribe are those that you don't tend to cast during a fight. Detect Magic, Identify, Knock, Invisibility. Mage Armor is also a prime candidate, since the duration lets you spend a scroll in the morning and be armored for the rest of the day without commiting those precious spell slots to it.

Shard O'Glase

First Post
ARandomGod said:
Potions are a horrible investment, make a scroll, it does the same thing better, and without a feat. And for that matter, dont' make many scrolls. What a waste of gold and, more importantly, XP. Because if you never use it it is, indeed, a waste. And if you ever DO use it, you have just destroyed it. OK, ok, personal philosophy. But you don't save much gold with making potions or wands over purchasing them, potions and wands are of marginal use at decent (for a mage) levels... the only reason I even USE them is that selling them at half price isn't generally worth the bother. Craft wonderous item, on the other hand has, bar none, THE MOST items available to make. You want more first level spells? Pearl of power, only 500gold to make. And an unlimited number of "charges". In the short run you'll have saved more than enough gold to buy the paltry few wands or potions you might want by making wonderous items, and in the long run you're far, FAR ahead.

And my alternative opinion.
Never craft a single wand, and don't buy many either. Metamagic is awesome IF you're a sorc, but as a wizard I simply have to either call you lazy or tell you you shouldn't be a wizard, depending on why you didn't research the spell instead. If it's just because you didn't want to, lazy. If, on the other hand, you're DM doesn't allow spell research... well, it's unlikely that you should play with that DM anyhow. At least not as a wizard. Someone without the available time and imagination to invest into arbitrating this and keeping it balanced within the campaign isn't really worth playing under, IMO.

Still, I do agree with craft wonderous and improved initiative. ^_^

regarding potions there purpose is for you to craft an item that doesn't require an action by you to activate. And for the wizard I generally agree you don't save much money but for clerical potions enough helaing potions are used that you can save money in making them voer buying them. As for wands if its a low level wand yeah you don't save much just a few hundred GP here and there, but its purpose is to make 50 charges of somehting in a short period of time. i personally think you can get by fine with scrolls because I generally don't need 50 of a spell at low levels and at high levels I'll just take craft staff. Which now that it adds the users stat mod instead of the base stat mod to the DC actually can be useful for a backup for a wider range of things. Still I generally agree with you and almost never make charged items except for a few scrolls here and there.

And for metamagic, sure wizards can design spells but design a metamagiced spell not so much. I'm not going to let someone design a silent D-Door, all spells at there base should have some component at least without metamagic helping. Empower, um no empower lets you do 15d6 at 10th level no other spell in the game lets you do that I wouldn't let someone research that. Spells consistently do something like 1d6 per level not 5d6+1d6 a level or 1.5d6 a level.

Quicken effects maybe for some defense spells, but there are no quickened attack spells I'm aware of. The few times quicken is built into a spell its for a spell that would lose its usefullness if it couldn't be done almost like a reflex.

Chain spell for non damaging spells well I guess I'd allow research of mass spells, but if you're going to apply chain spell to lets say 8 spells routinely researchng 8 spells takes a lot of time and money a feat might be the better idea especially since you can apply it to ant single target ranged spell you invent later on. For damaging spells I'd let them invent it at a better level than you can with the feat since they screwed up on that end.

don't get me wrong metamagic is certainly a much better option for sorcerers but wizards can still get a good use out of it.


Klaus said:
IME, the best spells to scribe are those that you don't tend to cast during a fight. Detect Magic, Identify, Knock, Invisibility. Mage Armor is also a prime candidate, since the duration lets you spend a scroll in the morning and be armored for the rest of the day without commiting those precious spell slots to it.

Really Mage Armor? a spell that you have to cast every day??
that is throwing a lot of cash away at low levels. and detect magic? what else are you doing with your cantrips?

I will agree with the other choices, and include such things as mount, and comprehend language, stuff that wont crop up everyday but might be needed in special circumstance.

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