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Black Sails Over Freeport Part 2 - Intrigue Inn (aka the Haunted Place)

Karl Green

First Post
Freeport, Warehouse, ten-bells (night)

(occ sorry for delay… tried to post this Sunday and board crashed on me and I did not save my stuff :( not sure about others but I am having some problems posting lately /occ)

Initiative Round 6
23 - Villard
22 - Kitsch
21 - Black Jack
17 - Guards
13.5 -Noble Rogue
13 - Zoraster
13 - Torren
12 - Fat Mic

Villard moves a bit and fires at One-Eyed Pete, who is looking in his general direction (was looking at Torrin after getting burned by acid)…
Attack roll 6+7=13, miss, second Attack roll 18+7=25, hit; 7+2=9 points of damage
…his first arrow goes wild but the second one strikes the man in the left thigh and causing him to cry out in pain and stagger and then collapse onto the walkway

Kitsch moves higher into the rafters and tries hiding from the pair below…
Hide 9+16=25, going past 60ft, Fat Mic loses sight of him and those he is now 'hidden' again… next round you could fire from cover but it would be to far to get Surprise attack, but if you spend next round you can get within 30ft of almost any of the guards
…and they do seem to lose sight of him.

Black Jack stabs at his guard again…
Attack roll 2+10=12, miss
…but this time he misses.

The guard attacking the elf snarls and stabs at him again, shouting "I'll gut ye mate!"
Attack roll 13, miss
But he can't get past Black Jack's guard.
The guard that passed Fat Mic his pistol runs down the walkway and past the curtain
The two guards that appeared behind the noble rouge rush down the walkway and yell "Move back bossman, let me gut this runt fer ye" and while the female stops about 20 some feet behind the other tumbles near his boss, but does not attack…
normally no check to pass through allies square, but the walkway is pretty small. He is mostly just getting in the way this round, not attack. Tumble check total 17
Zoraster also notices four additional guards running down another walkway towards crossway. They will be here in 10 or so seconds. Kitsch sees this group and notices another group of 4 or 5 coming from the other walkway (will come up from the south way). Below on the floor, a group or four or five is moving towards where Torrin's and Villard's locations.

The Noble retreats back 30 feet down the walkway, saying "Split that little buggers head would you!? I want his head mounted on my wall now!"

Zoraster curses a bit and stabs at this new threat…
Attack roll 4+7=12 miss
…but his misses him.

Fat Mic looks confused for a second, and growls up at where Kitsch disappeared to "Wer'da ye go ye monkie!? Git back har!?" and looks for Kitsch

Black Jack has taken 12 points of damage
Villard has taken 4 points of damage
Torrin has taken 11 points of damage
Zoraster has taken 18 points of damage
Kitsch has taken 8 points of damage

Map same as last round, so see above…
T - Torren (on the ground below)
V - Villard (is under Guard number 6, 15ft below and in the dark)
B - Black Jack
K - Kitsch (is above Black Jack)
Z - Zoraster
F - Fat Mic
1 thur 8 - Guards
N - Noble Rogue
[+] -Walkway

+ [N] + + +
+ [8] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [7] + + +
+ [Z] + + +
+ [F] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
[i]T[/i] [+] + + +
B5 +] + + + 
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
[i]V[/i] [+] + + +

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First Post
Villard unaware of the other group coming, rejoice as he sees another of his enemy fall. Keeping his head cool and disciplined he grabs another arrow and aim at the fat yelling half-orc "That should shut him up for good"

He fires twice at the big guy.

OOC +6/+6 1d8+2 20/x3 (assuming he is farther than 30 feet away)
also karl didn't see Torren action in your last post.
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First Post
Torren crouches behind a small crate, waiting silently until one of the approaching men is in position. Then he leaps onto the crate with a shout and skewers the thug.

Hide +7
Jump +4 (taking 10 if I can, so 14 total).
Then attack, hopefully getting Sneak Attack. Rapier +7 (including +1 for higher ground) Damage 1d6 (+1d6 Sneak if I get it).

The relevant bit from the SRD description of the Jump skill:
SRD said:
Hop Up: You can jump up onto an object as tall as your waist, such as a table or small boulder, with a DC 10 Jump check. Doing so counts as 10 feet of movement, so if your speed is 30 feet, you could move 20 feet, then hop up onto a counter. You do not need to get a running start to hop up, so the DC is not doubled if you do not get a running start.

Karl Green

First Post
(occ for JimAbe...
[sblock]SORRY man, I had him hiding in my original post, then forgot it in this post. Hide check 8+7=15. Note that 3-4 guys will be appearing this next round... would Torrin attack one? They other 2-3 will see him[/sblock]


First Post
Zoraster Surefoot HP 24/42

It;s getting way too crowded up here. I hope Torren, Kitsch, and Villiard aren't in as much trouble Jack and I. "I'll be back for you! You better sleep with both eyes open!" Zoraster calls out to the noble. Then he turns around and takes a stab at distracted Mic while rolling past his knees once more.

OOC: Let's see if Zoraster's tumbling luck can hold for one more roll...

Tumble +14
AC 24, 25 vs Mic
rapier +7, 1d4+4 dmg

If the tumble succeeds, he'll move as close to Jack's position as possible.


First Post
Yes, Torren will still attack even though he's out-numbered. He knows Villard is down here somewhere and he won't likely get a better chance than attacking from hiding.

Stupid me: I forgot to declare I was recharging my sword with Shocking Grasp. That was my intent but I have absolutely no problem with you telling me "you didn't say it, it didn't happen." Regardless, I won't use that on the current attack. I'll save it for when I'm more desperate (like next round :) )


Kitsch will move in to get a clear shot at the guards coming in on Torren, not wanting to leave his companion all by himself against four armed men. He'll stay as hidden and silent as possible. If he takes a shot he will use the frost ability of it.

Karl Green

First Post
Initiative Round 7
23 - Villard
22 - Kitsch
21 - Black Jack
17 - Guards
13.5 -Noble Rogue
13 - Zoraster
13 - Torren
12 - Fat Mic

Villard moves for a better shot and fires at Fat Mic…
NOTE he is farther then 30ft so no surprise strike; Attack roll 16+6=22, hit, damage 7 points, 2nd attack roll 6+6=12, miss.
…striking the fat half-orc with an arrow in his arm.

Kitsch fires at one of the guards down on the floor below advancing on Torren…
NOTE even if you move you would not get your surprise strike to far away, so up near the roof you get a bonus to hide as it is farther then 60ft for Fat Mic and therefore out of his Dark Vision range. Attack roll 19+11 =30, chance to crit 16+11=27, confirmed damage is 2d8+1d6 =8+5+1=14 points
…catching on in the right shoulder causing him to scream out and fall to the ground.

Black Jack slashes at the guard fighting him…
Attack roll 11+10=21, damage is 9 points
…stabbing him deep into his gut and knocking the man to the ground where he dies!

The woman pulls out a pistol and starts looking for Kitsch, yelling "We need light!"

The first group of Guards down, one shouts and charges Villard…
Spot check 16, only one Guard can react this round, he charges Villard, Attack roll 19 (+2 for charge, -2 AC), hit damage 6 points
…catching him with a nasty cut along his chest. The rest move forward and start spreading out

The second group rushes for cover from Kitsch, hear the shout and start moving that way.

The male guard who took the Noble Rogue’s place in front of Zoraster stabs at him, shouting “Die runt!”…
Attack roll 26, chance to crit 26! confirmed, Damage is 15 points
…wounding the halfling, but failing to drop him!

The noble rogue reloads his pistol

Zoraster stabs at and then tries to tumble back between the legs of Fat Mic…
Attack roll 18+7=25, Damage is 7 points; Tumble check12+14=26, just makes it!
…stabbing the half-orc and causing him to stagger, which allows the halfling to slip past the rogue and make it down the walkway. Fat Mic, bleeding from several wounds, screams out "I'm going tear ye apart ye little bugger!"

Torren steps out from behind a crate that he was hiding behind and stabs one of the Guard as he is running by to attack Villard…
Attack roll 15+6=21, hit; Damage 1d6+1d6 (surprise strike) +4d8 (shocking grab) total is 5+3+3+5+5+7=28 points
..stabbing the man deeply and sending electricity coursing through his body. He screams and falls dead!

The other two turn back toward him and raise their weapons (they have cover from Kitsch under the walkway)

Fat Mic snarls in frustration and advances on Zoraster to attack him with one of his meat cleavers…
Attack roll total 21 MISS
…but he missed the fast swashbuckler, and curses some more.

(NOTE that there are now 4 guards come down the walkway behind the Noble Rogue and 5 guards coming from the south walkway; they will be on the map next round)

Black Jack has taken 12 points of damage
Villard has taken 10 points of damage
Torren has taken 11 points of damage
Zoraster has taken 33 points of damage
Kitsch has taken 8 points of damage

Map Key…
T - Torren (on the ground below)
V - Villard (is under Guard number 6, 15ft below and in the dark)
B - Black Jack
K - Kitsch (is above Black Jack)
Z - Zoraster
F - Fat Mic
1 thur 8 - Guards
N - Noble Rogue
[+] –Walkway

+ [N] + + +
+ [8] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [7] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +
+ [F] + + +
+ [Z] + + +
[u]+ [/u][+] + + +
[u]B+[/u] +] + + +
+ [+] + + +
[i]V[/i] [+] + + +
+ [+] + + +

Map Key Down on the floor…
T - Torren
V - Villard
1-8 guards down on the floor
+ - 5ft square, dark
+ – 5ft square, light
X – boxes or obstacles on the floor

+ + + X X X + + +
+ + + + X + + + +
+ X X X X X + + +
+ + + + X + + X X
+ + + + + + + X +
+ X X + [color=yellow]+ +[/color] + + +
+ X X [color=yellow]+ + + +[/color] + +
[color=yellow]+ + + + [/color]X X + + +
[color=yellow]+ + + 3 [/color]X X + + +
X T X X [color=yellow]5 + +[/color] + +
+ + X X[color=yellow] + + + +[/color] +
+ X + [color=yellow]+ + + +[/color] + +
X X [color=yellow]6 + 8 + [/color]+ + +
[color=yellow]V 5 + 7 + + +[/color] + +
+ + X X + + + + +
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First Post
If he can Villard still holding his bow in one hand will try to jump and climb on top of the boxes on his left hoping the guard won't be able to follow him up

OOC Withdraw action : jump +11, tumble +11, climb +9, balance +9 also add 2 pts of damage to Fat Mic. Orcs are Villard favored enemy.

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