Blight Makes Right (DM: TwoHeadsBarking. Judge: Lord Sessadore)


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[sblock=OOC]Virtue of Valor & Strength of Valor: benefit to Alek.

Forgot to mention Majestic Word: Lephisto can spend healing surge, and gains extra 4 hp.

IC still down. I'll leave the save vs ongoing necrotic damage to you, THB. (Which is at the end of his next turn, isn't it! I think I'm getting it.)[/sblock]

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Lephisto circles the hound, quietly praying as he does so. He then swings his sword in a shinning arc that cuts through the hound.

The goblin, seeing that its death is close at hand, shrieks in rage and charges into Alek, dealing a grievous wound.

24: Blighted hound 1 (-30, bloodied, cursed, -2 AC, granting CA, divine challenge)
24: Blighted hound 2 (-40, dead)
24: Blighted hound 3 (-40, dead)
24: Blighted hound 4 (-54, dead)
18: Lephisto (25/27+4)
15: Goblin (-52, bloodied,cursed)
14: Growl (14/30, bloodied,ongoing 5 necrotic damage) <== Your turn.
12: Feyr (16/26)
10: Adran (17/28, Slayer's Song, ongoing 5 necrotic damage)
9: Alek (7/30, bloodied, +2 to next damage roll)

Lephisto moves to flank the hound, puts it under divine challenge, and attacks, which hits handily for 11 damage. The goblin charges Alek, hitting AC 20 and dealing 16 damage.[/sblock]

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19|[COLOR=DarkGreen]. . . . .[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen].[/COLOR] . . . . . . [COLOR=DarkGreen]. . . . . . . . .[/COLOR]|
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First Post
Growl once again assumes his bear form, then circles around to surround the goblin. Finally, he steels himself to finish the fight, while also shaking off the effects of the dread wound.

[sblock=Mechanics]Minor action - Return to warforged form, shifting to J17 in the process.

Move action - Move to G19.

Standard action - Second Wind, granting +2 to all defenses, and spending a surge.

End of turn: Save vs ongoing necrotic damage:

Save vs OGD (1d20+2=14)


[sblock=Growl's Info]Growl- "Male" Warforged Druid 1
Initiative: +0, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 19
AC: 17, Fort: 14, Reflex: 11, Will: 16 - Speed: 6
HP: 16/30, Bloodied: 15, Surge Value: 7, Surges left: 9/11
Action Points: 1

Chill Wind
Savage Rend
Wild Shape

Darting Bite
Second Wind
Warforged Resolve

Faerie Fire

Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing that Alek is bleeding profusely, Adran moves to stand by his side. He seeks to disorient and disadvantage the goblin as he did the hound.

[sblock=OOC]Guiding Strike vs goblin, -2 to AC. Slayer's Song garners CA.

Guiding Strike vs goblin: (1d2+7=9, 1d8+4=6)

Actually, I'll try that again, rolling a d20 instead of a d2! :lol:

Try again! Guiding Strike vs goblin: (1d20+7=24, 1d8+4=9)


If Feyr's lightning bolt has dropped the goblin, Adran will just stay and attack the hound.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini-stats]Adran Cassis, Bard 1
Initiative: +1 | Passive perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 14
AC: 15 | For: 13 | Ref: 14 | Will: 15
HP: 28/28 | Bloodied: 14 | Surge value: 7 | Surges: 10/10
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Draconic, Eladrin
AP: 1 | Second Wind: not used
Basic Attack/Opportunity attack: +3 vs AC, 1d8
Powers: Guiding Strike (PHB2), War Song Strike (PHB2)
Acid Orb (PHB2), Majestic Word (2 of 2 used) (PHB2), Shout of Triumph (PHB2), Words of Friendship (PHB2)
Slayer’s Song (PHB2)


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[SBLOCK=OOC]I wrote one thing and thought another one when I rolled my dice. So what is written is written. Hound is hit and goblin is miss.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
The last hound falls to the ground, twitching with static discharge. Meanwhile, Adran handily runs the goblin through. Suddenly the road is quiet once again.

[sblock=You win!]Congratulations. Here are your hp counts for the end of the fight, for those of you who want to spend healing surges.
Lephisto: 25/27
Growl: 9/30
Feyr: 16/26
Adran: 12/28
Alek: 7/30[/sblock]


First Post
The bladeling take a moment to take his breath and looks around if anything else would be coming. Once he is sure all is finish, he look at the goblin.

"Is the goblin dead? And does anyone know the Goblin's tongue. We might learn a few thing if we question him." suggests Feyr.

[SBLOCK=OOC]With Adran's Song of Rest ability, Feyr spend 1 Healing Surge and is back to full hp. He is now at 8/9 healing surge.[/SBLOCK]

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