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Blood & The Adventures of The Mottled Red Dogs (OOC Thread)


First Post
Welcome all and thanks again in helping to create substance out of my idea.

In Game Thread
Rogue’s Gallery can be found here. (Post your final toons here)

Things that need to be discussed before game can begin are:
- Group Name (You will be referred to this name later on in the campaign)
- Characters knowing of each other prior to signing up
- Last minute minor character crunch changes due to party mixture (feats, skill points, weapons, armor, and gear ONLY!)

Enforcer: Gavrin d'Lyrandar Chaotic Neutral Half-Elf Swashbuckler from House Lyrandar
defcon1: Massif Dardungren True Neutral Dwarven Barbarian from Clan Dungren
Necro-Kinder: C0-H7 True Neutral Warforged Warblade from New Cyre
Blood Cookie: Hermal Vown d’Cannith True Neutral Human Conjuror from House Cannith
Drowned Hero: Toldar Barlom Chaotic Neutral Human Artificer from Sharn
Brother Allard: Van Maricore Chaotic Good Human Rogue from New Cyre
Eryndur: Windlemas d’Orien Neutral Good Human Scout from New Cyre

Sir Rugrew is a well established tradesman and has been one of the many individuals who have helped New Cyre grow into the town that it is today. His expertises lies in providing a wide range of much needed goods as well as provide the rare and exotic antiquities that capture the eyes and often the purses of those with gold to spare. His craft is compounded by his innate ability to weave a capturing tale of epic proportions in less than a moment’s notice, which is one the many reasons why you have come to meet him.

As it stands, Sir Rugrew is soliciting for hired hands for his next trek to the City of Sharn. Accepted applicants will be guaranteed contracted rates plus follow on work if their services are deemed appropriate. All interested parties will meet with Sir Rugrew’s second mate Ms. Kot’diana at the 3-Colored-Dog Inn.

New Cyre: What started as a refugee village in the wake of the destruction of Cyre has rapidly grown into a large town with over four thousand inhabitants. While the disaster that destroyed the nation to Breland’s east wiped out much of the Cyran population, those living near the western border had enough time to cross over into the Brelish countryside ahead of the strange wall of dead-gray mist that eventually stopped just a few miles east of Vathirond and Kennrun. King Boranel took pity on the refugees and established the camps that evolved into a village and then a town.

Sharn, City of Towers: There has been a major settlement on the Hilt of the Dagger River since before recorded history. The current metropolis, Sharn, has existed since the formation of the original Five Nations, about seven hundred years after humans rose to prominence on the continent. For more than two millennia, the towers of Sharn have grown, rising thousands of feet into the sky. This vertical expansion has given the metropolis its title: The City of Towers. [sblock=Notes]
1. A bit of fair warning, though this adventure starts in New Cyre, I do indent on taking this all over the realm (hopefully).
2. Traveling will be done by whatever means is necessary at the time. Although I will hint that obtaining an airship or a rail car is foreseeable.
3. Their will be scenes were materialistic weaseling is not only encouraged but required. After all you are hired hands. This could possibly make interesting opportunities for Paladins and Monks. Creativity will be key in those situations.
4. Intimate knowledge of the Eberron campaign is not required as I have almost all of the books and I am willing to answer any questions that I can. Or at the very least point you in the right direction.
5. There will be multiple threads associated with this campaign. An OOC thread will be for game discussion and meta-game talk. An IC thread will be strictly for IC gaming. Any OOC questions and discussion should and will take place in the OOC thread. Lastly there will be a COMBAT thread were all combat declarations and posting will take place.
6. I will be making my decision for the party based on number of applicants, party nutrition, concept, and background (all in that order) within 10-12 days of this posting. (17 Sept)
7. Submissions should be within normal expectations with nothing over the top (This has yet to be defined and probably never will be, however I still reserve the right to enforce it.)
8. I will make every attempt to post in the range of 3-5 times a week or when everyone has posted their actions which ever comes first.
9. During combat it will be highly recommend that a post should have more than one action, as it is possible that the battle ground has changed in an unforeseen way by the time your character goes.
10. Players are encouraged but not obligated to make their own dice rolls when the need arises. This will help move things along. If you would like for me to make the roll, please make it obvious for me to do so. Note; all rolls will be made on invisiblecastle.com with a link in your post. I have a zero tolerance policy towards players that fudge and cheat with their rolls. I alone reserve the right to fudge any rolls.
11. Maps and hopefully pictures/portriats will be made available.[/sblock] [sblock=Character Generation]Starting Level: One
Point Buy: 28
Funding: Max starting gold
HP: Max first, every level after that one can either take half their hit dice plus Con modifier or roll on invisible castle.
Accepted races: Only Eberron races (Not negotiable)
- If you wish to play Drow, Orc, Gobliniod, etc it is highly recommended that the submission have a colorful background.
Acceptable sources outside of races: All Eberron related material, all Complete books, all Core books (including PhP II), all Races of books (only if it relates to a Core Eberron race i.e. Gnomes, Drawfs etc), Frostburn, Stormwrack, Sandstorm, Psioncis, MIC, Spell Compendium, Weapons of Legacy, WOTC will be the only Errata’s that are acceptable as long as it available for download.
Character History: Please state your character’s motivation for being in New Cyre at this time and for taking this job to Sharn City of Towers. This reason could be anything but should be something that I can weave into the over all story line later on. History can be as detailed or vague as you like, just so long as you get your point across.
Progression: Please display some kind of progression to level six also let me know if you plan on choosing a PrC or joining an organization (both options are highly encouraged) as I plan on weaving that into the story line for future character development. If luck is with us, players should see levels higher than six.
- No evil alignments. Materialistic sure, evil no.
- With each submission please volunteer a group name or two. This name will be used to represent the group as a whole when dealing with others. It will also be the name of the all three threads once the game begins.
- Along with a group name their might be a need for a group leader or spoke person. I am unsure of this being a regular requirement but it could not hurt to be prepared. [/sblock][sblock=Campaign Flow]
Encounters will be run in a mission-esk style with an overall plot hook that will come to light over time. ‘Missions’ will most likely begin and end in some kind of city or town, were resources/services can be procured and new work can be found. The type of adventures/encounters will take place all over the realms and will included but not limited too urban, wilderness, dungeonscapes, plains, small towns to large cities, remote islands, airways and railways. The theme of encounters will hopefully include all the big ones like, escort, rescue, bounty hunting, caravanning, relic finding, large battles and sensitive negotiating plus some small ones as well. All types of characters will get plenty of time to do whatever they do best. So those aerial-mounted-lance-charging types will find gainful enjoyment and employment as well as those blessed with a silvered tongue.
I will provide evolving primary goals with each ‘mission’ that will be up to party as a whole to complete. I will also try to give secondary goals that will be given to only certain players. Completing these goals will be up to the player to complete. Completion of all primary goals will grant rewards to everyone and secondary goals will grant rewards to all those that were involved. I will do my best to make sure that everyone gets their fair share. The quality and quantity of these goals will be directly influenced by the characters history.
For example, a mission could be to escort a certain snobbish noble who is being pursued by un-kindly people from Sharn to Wroat. Overall success is that everyone makes it alive to Wroat. A secondary objective might be for the group cleric/paladin to convince the noble to meet with a local orphanage for a charitable donation upon their arrival or for the group’s bard/rogue to obtain a certain prized heirloom from said noble.[/sblock]


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Hey, glad you liked my submission!

Of the two group names I suggested ("Rugrew's Crew" and "The Mottled Dogs"), I rather like the second one; I seems like the kind of name the group might casually apply to themselves upon leaving the tavern for their first mission together, after glancing at the sign over the entrance that reads "The Three-Colored-Dog" :p Just a thought.

Since Hermal comes from distant Karrnath, I don't think he would know any of the other characters beforehand, though he may very well come to see Gavrin as something of a kindred spirit, since they are both "disowned" members of their respective houses. He could also see his own thirst for knowledge and discovery mirrored in Toldar's enthusiasm for new infusions.


Thanks for letting me join! I believe that Windle is the only one of the three dragonmarked PCs who is actually on good terms with his house. As a representative of the House Orien contingent in Oargev's court, his name is known (in a general way) both in the caravan markets and in the dragonmarked embassies. The other PCs may have heard Windle's name dropped as a potential scout when looking for caravan duty.

I like the Mottled Dogs, and (if I may be so bold) I like my submission of the Empty Scabbards.


First Post
Enforcer said:
I am unclear, however, on where our final characters are supposed to be posted. Here?
The link has been fixed. There should be a RG thread for everyone's toons.

For group names we have:
-- Mottled Dogs (3 votes) I like this too :)
-- Empty Scabbards (1 Vote)
-- Rugrew's Crew


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