Book of Distant Stars - a monster manual by Mesh Hong


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I can just echo the "I would be interested in this" that Rechan said.
They all sound good, and I don't really want to influence you to do something you might not find as fun or interesting.
Having said that though, I think a lot of people a thirsting for terrain and hazards. I don't know if doing a whole book on them is possible (I find it harder to come up with ideas for hazards than monsters), so it might be more appropriate to add a few in each monster book? Something that fits the monster theme of course.

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Mesh Hong

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Yes Terrain and Hazards was a section I was going to add in the last book, but I somehow forgot. :eek:

I will be sure to add ideas for these in my next offering.


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This -
I have also tentatively started on "The Book of Serious Threats", which will consist of solo creatures and themed adversaries. My reasoning is that there arn't that many solo creatures in the official monster manuals and most of the ones presented (especially in MM1) are a little underwhelming.
and this -
I might try and put together a few short side quests, plot ideas and situations though. or the Book of Distractions?

Hmm, I will see how the mood takes me, unless someone comes up with a good idea.

This book has been a great help to me, thanks! The arri-vastril we're the perfect solution to a main heroic tier plot I was brewing in my world where the majority of the populace is undead (but not many intelligent) as the plane is on a collision course with the shadowfell :).

edit: which I populated with alot of your undead from your previous book haha. I just hate presenting my players with standard MM monsters so I always custom bake them myself but now you handed me a nice tool for the job. Really helps against metagaming :).


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I've downloaded both your books, Mesh Hong, and I love both of them. Thanks especially for doing the Far Realm creatures; it REALLY helped me out for one of my adventures (in it there's an ancient artifact that allows unreliable/random connection to the Far Realm).

I wonder if just a generic wildlife book might be useful. I know I always like my PCs wandering in some wilderness for a short bit to get to the main plotpoint, but I can never muster the wildlife to really get the right feel...


First Post
These books are great. I needed some abberations that didn't fail. Some suggestions for another book are:

Dungeon Dive - Book of critters for the generic dungeon (Oozes, Undead Goblins, Kobolds etc)

Book of traps - (im not sure if your uber creation abilites extend beyond monsters, but, if they do,I need traps for 4e)

Random encounters - Wilderness, urban, cave and other places that need a random table for when the players wander.

Tome of poison and disease - Some poisons and diseases that are actually more fun then "+12 vs fortitude, 3d6 poison damage and 1d6 ongoing poison damage"

Kudos on the work as always


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