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Boolder's Goat - The Adventure


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It was a dark and stormy night in the city of Boolder's Goat, and the nightlife was at its peak. Parties were held, people got drunk, and it was in general a very good night for the barkeeps and tavernowners around the city.

However, this was a couple of weeks ago, and none of you really remember it. If ale and other sweet juices is the reason, or if you were not in the city yet, does not matter. You simply do not remember it.

Today the city is alive. Really alive. The streets are full of traders, crying out the ever-cheap mercandice they currently have on display. Ratheads, broken pieces of glass, old rusty forks and breadcrumbs are just a few of the things that are being advertised as "Thee new priime adventurerere geare! Get some heree for alemost noting!"
Every corner is occupied by a jugler, a street magician, a bard or some other entertainer. Children of all races are running from corner to corner, wanting to see as much as possible.

There is this though, the city is quite full of the new rumours about the Caves of Doom, and what might be hidden therein. This might have something to do with all the posters that is now all around the city.


Heroic heroes are needed on a quest to find the
Ultimate Ultimate-Something in the
Caves of Doom and Horrible Death.
A reward will be awarded to the hero/heroes
who delivers the
Ultimate Ultimate-Something to the Ruling Circle
in the Horrible And Treacherous district in Boolder's Goat.
If this is something for YOU, talk to Barkeep Gromswee
at the Unpleasurable Horsie.
You may keep the treasures you are sure to find.

Any and all mutilations and/or deaths will be compensated for by the city of Boolder's Goat.

This might be something to look into. There might be treasure to had, avdentures to survive, feats of uncomparable worth, and best of all, there might be monsters to slay.
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Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob awoke from his drunken stupor in a strange room. Not to say that there was anything especially unusual about it-- save maybe for the hideous thing peacefully sleeping next to him-- but just that he had never been in this particular one before. He looked over at his bed companion and, as he'd done so a thousand and a half times before, silently swore off drinking forever. He wasn't quite sure what manner of beast he'd bedded this time, it was obviously half orc, but that was the prettier half.

With practiced ease, he slowly and gently removed his hand from under the gently heaving torso next to him, slipped out from under the covers and gingerly stepped to the floor. "Perfect," he thought smugly as he quietly put his pants on. Unfortunately, he'd indulged a bit too much the night before and, still a bit tipsy, fell to the ground.

"You come back bed, bay-bee," it said sleepily, not rolling over to look back at him.

"Yes, of course, uh, just a moment." Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob whispered a couple arcane words and brought into being an Unseen Servant, which he commanded to take his place in bed.

"Cuddle me," her harpy-like voice said. The gnome wizard commanded the magical force to lay an arm across her, but it refused. A battle of wits ensued, but Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob ultimately won and the unseen servant hesitantly began cuddling her.

"Me starting feel playful..."

Not wanting to be there when the monstrosity realized his deception, he quickly put on his cloak and hurried out into the bustling town, already in full swing. Looking up at the sun, he judged that it was already a couple hours past mid day, he should start scouting out a new tavern to spend the night!

While walking through the town, Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob came upon a man playing a flute in front of a woven basket. The man was obviously from eastern lands from the way he dressed and looked, and much to the crowds awe and fascination a large, hooded viper started rising out of the basket, entranced by the music. "How boring," Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob thought, "I know!" as the snake swayed back and forth in time with the musician, the gnome cast Mage Hand and sent the snake hurtling at the bewildered eastern man's face, to spice things up. Laughing as the man rolled around on the ground in pain, he tossed a silver piece into the bucket next to the basket and walked away.

It was then a poster caught his eye. A quest filled with monsters and treasure! Monsters often carried gold and treasure could be sold for gold, and of course gold bought ale! Patting his pathetically limp coin purse, he knew that this was his destiny. Getting directions from a street urchin, he made his way to the Unpleasurable Horsie in the Horrible and Treacherous district!


Magma had been led to this "city" by Heironius, something was afoot, as they say. Making his way through the bustling market place, he can't help but notice, the many posters advertising the Caves of Doom and the Ultimate, Ultimate Something. Being the Munchkin that he is Magma is sure, it is his destiny to cleanse this den of evil, and claim his reward. He asks a passing patron, where he might find the Unpleasant Horsie, given directions, he makes his way to the establishment.


Tabitha strode through the city streets, causing pedlars and urchins to get out of her way lest they impede the progress of one so full of purpose. They weren't to know that Tabitha walked that way normally, even to go buy milk. Currently however she had an important quest, a quest above other quests, a meta-quest. Yes, a quest to find a quest worthy of her talents and one that was sure to please Geoff. Here in the city of Boolder's Goat she was sure to find one.

She paused in front of the notice.
<Yes this will do>
"Excuse me, fair citizen," she said, picking the passerby who was least covered in mud, "I seek the Unpleasurable Horsie. The fate of the lands may hinge upon me getting there."

"Umm, sure. It's right in the Horrible and Treacherous district. Uh, go down here, cut a right, then a left, go on aways, and you'll be there."

"Thank you good Burgher, may Geoff smile upon you," Tabitha strode purposeully and with purpose.


First Post
The Unpleasurable Horsie is quite a big establishment. The red painted three-storied wooden building is located on the edge of the district, facing one of the cities few parks.
Over the entrance a sign is hanging, showing a horse dropping its load on a wooden table.
However, when you enter the tavern you notice that there is a substantial lack of horses and manure. Thankfully.
The current patrons of the tavern are few. A group of young men is sitting at a table in one of the corners, a few middle-aged woman are sitting in front of one of the three fireplaces, chattering and laughing. A barmaid and a cleaning boy is sitting at a table, having a quiet conversation while also keeping half an eye on the rest of the room.
The atmosphere is really quite pleasant.
Across the wall in the back is a counter, and behind it is what must be Gromswee. He has the build of an orc and the facial features of a gnome.
He smiles happily at you when you enter, and nods friendly in greeting.


First Post
Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob walks into the Unpleasurable Horsie and pauses a moment as his eyes adjust from the bright light outside to the relative dim light inside. Reflexively, he surveys the sparse crowd for any females who catch his (sober) eye, but none do. The barmaid, maybe after a couple drinks, but... Not put off, he strides up to the bar and attempts to pull himself up onto a stool. After struggling a bit he conjures up an unseen servant to help him up.

"You must be Gromswee," he states. "I understand you have need of an Ultimate Ultimate-Something. Fetch me some ale and tell me about your offer, my good lad!"


Magma, makes his way inside, quite pleased at the lack of horses and thier droppings. He surveys the place and makes his way to the bar where he sees Bob. Everyone knows Bob, he's speaking with the barkeep. Magma goes to the bar, and introduces himself. "Magma of Heironius at your service, I understand you have a problem at the Caves of Doom?"


First Post
The barkeep get a mug of the shelf, and fill it with ale. He then handes it over the counter at you.

"Yes, indeed I am Gromswee. You've seen the poster, I take it. You're not the first, I'll tell you that! I don't expect you'll be the last either. Well, you want to go to the Caves, eh? You, and what army pray tell?
No, no! Don't get me wrong my friend. I only noted that you were alone when you entered. These Caves might be to rough for a lone lad like yourself. I will, however, keep an eye out for any potential companions for you. Just write your name on this list. If you can't write, I'll do it for you." he finnishes with a smile, then hands you a scroll full of names.

"Also, write down what kind of expertice you will be taking to the team, if you are chosen. You wont need to stay here, just stay in the city, and my agents will find you when the Ruling Counsil and myself have picked out the ones we would like to send out."

The barmaid comes over to Gromswee, and as she whispers something in his ear, and an annoyed expression passes over his face in the blink of an eye.

"Excuse me, I need to attend to a situation. Please, finnish your business here, and stay as long as you'd like. Swina here will be at your service."
Gromswee gives you a friendly nod and a goodbye, before leaving through the door to the kitchen.

Swina, the barmaid, smiles shyly at you, and ask if you'd like some more ale.

Just then, a curious looking fellow enters the bar, and comes over, greeting the gnome at the counter.

Swina offers him a cup of ale, and explains that Gromswee had to leave, but she can help him with whatever he'll need. She then proceeds to tell him more or less the same as Gromswee told Mxplyxtokylcopolypticdionobob, only with more pauses and stuttering.
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"Well the name's Magma, I'm follower of Heironius, and decent with a blade. Then there's benefit of me heritage, having a dwarf for my father, and an elf as me mother, proved quite advantageous. Plus I'm just plain blessed. :D Could I have an ale, please."

He then turns to Bob and introduces himself, "Magma of Heironius at yur service. Of course yur Bob, everyone knows you."
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Karl Green

First Post
TimTim, male Halfling, Rogue

TimTim is making his normal rounds... around town. Walking the market, saying hi to stall owners and farmers come to town to sell their goods. It is then when he sees the sign, and thinking to himself Well now, that be something new...monster hunting, hmmm well what could this something-something be... I bet its big...and ugly... I got to see it...

He heads for the Unpleasurable Horsie and looks around. Seeing the barkeep (and the others sitting at the bar) he heads over, smiling and running his fingers through his fine beard. Looking for an empty seat he climb up into it and says to the barkeep "Good inn keeper, would you know where I might find one Gromswee? And if I could get a spot of elven wine, and maybe a nice slice of cheese and bread?"

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