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Boston Game Day - May The Fourth Be With You (PLAYER SIGN-UPS)


What: Boston Game Day!
When: May 4th, 2013 from 8:00am-8:00pm (see Travel, below)
Where: 3 Bridle Spur Road, Danvers, MA
Why: To have fun, of course!

You are welcome to our temporary abode for a day of games and fun with friends.

Travel: I will cover this in more detail as we get closer to the event, but after taking a look at the MBTA schedule for the commuter rail to Beverly, I wanted to make a special note - if you are planning to take the train, please be on the 8:30am out of North Station, which will get you to Beverly at 9:03am, where we can pick you up. Likewise, we will ensure that after the final timeslot, you can be returned to the Beverly station in time for the 8:05pm heading back to Boston.

Schedule (due to the train schedule, the timing is shifted by one hour compared to prior Game Days)

8:30-10:00: Breakfast/Socializing
10:00-2:00: Morning Games
2:00-3:00: Lunch/Socializing
3:00-7:00: Afternoon Games
7:00-8:30: Dinner/Socializing

We'll cover more regarding logistics and food in due time.

With the above out of the way, let's get down to business...


If you are interested in joining us for the Boston Game Day and are interested in playing in one of the games, please post your prefered game below. If your first choice is full, rest assured, all of the games are being run by quality GMs and will provide for a few hours of fun with fellow gamers. While I am signed up to play in LordBill's game, I have to say that it was very tough to choose and I am stoked to hear about how the other games go. I also count three unveilings over four slots, with Piratecate, Umbran and LordBill offering up new games.

Morning Games

1. Umbran - The Fungus Among Us - Atomic Robo - 4 to 6 players

The Fungus Among Us

Fightin' Action Scientists of Tesladyne Industries are dispatched to Biome 3, a research facility in remote Oregon, after the station's team leader failed to report in as scheduled. It was probably just a communications gear malfunction, so there's no reason to expect any real problem at the lab devoted to the medical applications of various strains of fungi. No reason to worry at all...

Uses the upcoming FATE-based Atomic Robo rules from Evil Hat Productions. No rules knowledge or familiarity with the Atomic Robo comic book required. 4-6 players.

Those looking for a taste of Atomic Robo, however, can find some free samples here: http://www.atomic-robo.com/free-comics/
1. [MENTION=9709]Salad Shooter[/MENTION]
2. Ladysprite
3. [MENTION=20334]Tharian[/MENTION]
4. Tabitha
5. [MENTION=6741636]Tachikoma[/MENTION]
6. [MENTION=6741645]RazorLollipopGirl[/MENTION]

2. LordBill of Bedrock Games - Sertorius - New Game (Network System, i.e. Servants of Gaius, Terror Network) - 6 to 8 players


Be a mighty sorcerer with a spark of divine power, a hulking ogre cursed by the gods, or even a lesser mortal.

Experience a swords and sorcery setting where magic is powerful, but very dangerous for the wielder.

Get an early look at a new rpg a year before it is published.

I would like to run a morning and an afternoon session, and 8 players is fine, with 6 being ideal.
1. [MENTION=8964]FickleGM[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=88534]WalkingCorpse[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=34156]ericpat[/MENTION]
4. Tharian's Friend

3. Seonaid - Mystery Scenario - Hollowpoint - 2 to 5 players
Hollowpoint: bad people killing bad people for bad reasons

I don't have a scenario yet (shhh, don't tell the players). No experience necessary, just bring a writing implement and the desire to mess things up.
1. [MENTION=35770]MrsFickleGM[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=96117]Mrwright[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=305]Storminator[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=35735]Dantilla[/MENTION]
5. [MENTION=6729341]CrazyCake[/MENTION]

4. nasrat - A Winter's Tale - Dread - 5 players

A Winters Tale

An arctic expedition using Dread (Jenga mechanic). 5 player slots.

January 1937

Members for expedition sought STOP

To collect weather data to make a magnetic survey; to photograph the aurora borealis and study its effects upon radio transmission; and to explore the area northwest of E...

Ideal for those without family constraints as the arctic freeze will mean the expedition is isolated for the winter months.

Contact P...

1. [MENTION=6722357]EatsLemons[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=41134]Nerfwright[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=16485]ShadowDenizen[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=6720554]MallofCthulhu[/MENTION]
5. Mummy Baggers
6. [MENTION=6707806]A loveable scoundrel[/MENTION]

5. Qualidar - The Raw Deal and the Iron Hand Gang - Deadlands Reloaded - 4 to 6 players
The Raw Deal and the Iron Hand Gang

The most brazen crime this side of the Mississippi has struck the city of Harrisburg. Can a secret posse of Agency conscripts hunt down those behind the smiling masks of the Iron Hand Gang? A savage worlds adventure in the weird wild west of Deadlands. Up to 6 players. No system knowledge required.

Our Cast of Miscreants: (to be chosen at the table)

Azreael Whyte – Gunslinger
Job Drummond – Steampunk Soldier
Dr. Phineas Drake – Mad Scientist
Hannibal Crane – Huckster
Scarlet O'Bannon – Spy of Ill Repute
Mathias Blacque – Stage Magician
1. [MENTION=45241]Princesskeyblade[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=2]Piratecat[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=4779]John Crichton[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=9758]Ao the Overkitty[/MENTION]
5. [MENTION=12815]orchid blossom[/MENTION]
6. techbint

Afternoon Games

1. Gabriel "FickeGM" Whitehead - Steam Wars - Airship Pirates - 4 to 6 players

Coruscant, a plateau-spanning city, rests uneasily above the mist-shrouded lake below. An emperor sits uneasily upon his throne as he watches his most able servant from beneath a shadowy hood. A warrior strides uneasily from the throne room, the orders from his emperor weighing heavily upon him. A princess stares uneasily out the window of a skyship as it speeds away from Coruscant, the fate of so many resting in her hands.

In the galley of the princess' skyship, two labor dolls argue incessantly about a recent event. One, the overly cautious personal servant of the princess, is berating the other, the skyship's energetic waiter, for his wreckless behavior around the princess. The waiter, having no vocal capabilities, whirrs angrily in response, as he tries to explain that he was not bothering her, but that she was giving him something to keep safe.

Miles away, a barren plateau called Tattooine sits desparately above the mist-covered wasteland below. A young man kicks the dirt in frustration as he watches his friends leave him behind as they speed toward the city. He stares hopelessly at his uncle's condensation farm, realizing that he will never find the excitement of which he dreams every night. A call from the house brings him back to reality as his aunt announces the readiness of the evening meal.

In the skyport city of Mos Eisley, a group of youngsters speed past a pilot and his mutant friend as they are about to enter a seedy cantina, hoping to find a drink and perhaps a bit of relaxation while they contemplate their next move.

Hours go by and a pilot emerges from a seedy cantina, stumbling drunkenly as his mutant companion attempts to steady him. A princess, followed by two dolls, rounds a corner while watching behind her. A young man, eager to find his friends, speeds headlong down the road in his hover-cruiser.

A pilot stumbles into the road as a princess accidentally runs into a furry mutant, interfering with his attempt to keep the pilot out of the road. A young man veers suddenly to avoid hitting a drunken pilot. The strangers all stare nervously at each other as disaster is barely averted...or is it?

Suddenly, a group of Imperial Stormtroopers round the corner, weapons drawn, as they look directly at the strangers...

Take part in a somewhat familiar story told in a Planetary Romance/Steampunk setting as Luke, Han, Chewie, Leia, R2 or C3P0.

This is a game for 6 players and will utilize the Airship Pirates game system.

EDIT: I gave up my morning slot so another GM can run. I also decided to go with the Airship Pirates system.
1. [MENTION=29637]nasrat[/MENTION]
2. Ladysprite
3. [MENTION=305]Storminator[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=88534]WalkingCorpse[/MENTION]
5. [MENTION=6707806]A loveable scoundrel[/MENTION]

2. LordBill of Bedrock Games - Sertorius - New Game (Network System, i.e. Servants of Gaius, Terror Network) - 6 to 8 players

Be a mighty sorceror with a spark of divine power, a hulking ogre cursed by the gods, or even a lesser mortal.

Experience a swords and sorcery setting where magic is powerful, but very dangerous for the wielder.

Get an early look at a new rpg a year before it is published.

I would like to run a morning and an afternoon session, and 8 players is fine, with 6 being ideal.
1. [MENTION=16485]ShadowDenizen[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=35735]Dantilla[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=20334]Tharian[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=6729341]CrazyCake[/MENTION]

3. PrincessKeyBlade - Bulger Returns, the Hunt Begins - Savage Worlds - 3 to 6 players
[sblock]Bulger Returns, the Hunt Begins

Everyone thought when Whitey Bulger was sentenced that he would never see the light of day again. Last week, he was released after serving out his lengthy sentence. His body is now 95 % cyberware and he is much more lethal than he was in the 1980's. His cult following has helped him form a new Irish Mob in Southie. The cops can't figure out what to do, and that is where you come in.

This is a Savage World Shadowrun setting (Interface Zero). Rules are easy and game is fast. It can be taught at the table. I can take 3- 6 players.
1. [MENTION=13388]Qualidar[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=35770]MrsFickleGM[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=41134]Nerfwright[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=6720554]MallofCthulhu[/MENTION]
5. [MENTION=6741636]Tachikoma[/MENTION]
6. [MENTION=6741645]RazorLollipopGirl[/MENTION]

4. Kevin "Piratecat" Kulp - PLAYTEST - The Clock Project (GUMSHOE) - 4 to 6 players
[sblock]Playtest: "The Clock Project"

You were plucked from your own time seconds before an untimely death, and you were given a choice: guard Earth's history from time-traveling assassins, or return to a life that's about to be cut very short? We all know what you chose. But now your enemies have struck, there's a chronal wave bearing down on you and changing all of history in its path, and it's up to your group to save history. Not too shabby for your first mission.

Piratecat is developing a new GUMSHOE game about time travel, so come help playtest. 6 PCs, and he'll talk to you ahead of time about yours.
1. [MENTION=6722357]EatsLemons[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=177]Umbran[/MENTION]
3. [MENTION=9709]Salad Shooter[/MENTION]
4. [MENTION=9758]Ao the Overkitty[/MENTION]
5. techbint
6. [MENTION=34156]ericpat[/MENTION]

5. JC - Guardian's Bureau: Most Dangerous Game - Ubiquity - 4 to 6 players
The Guardian's Bureau: Most Dangerous Game

Martians, oh those tricky Martians. All has been quiet ... almost too quiet the last few weeks of the ongoing silent invasion. They had to be planning something big, either that or something else was in play. When a info drop arrives in from a friend about some odd happenings on a middle-of-nowhere island it was time to go. Unfortunately, the team's usual mode of transportation: The Invincible, is at least a full two full days out of port and speed is of the utmost importance. Luckily, a colleague has been working on something that could just solve their travel problems with ... acceptable risk.

Another perfect mission for the esteemed members of the Guardians Bureau.


Join an explosive collection of historical and fictional characters as they team up to thwart the forces of darkness. Strap on your gun, finish your tea and pack your passport because adventure awaits! Characters are action-movie versions of:

- Detective Sherlock Holmes
- John Watson, MD
- Journalist Nellie Bly
- Professor Herman George Wells
- Sir Harry Flashman
- Actress & Singer Lillie Langtry

Hollow Earth Expedition & Leagues of Adventure is powered by Exile Games' Ubiquity System. No knowledge of the rules is required and will be taught at the table. Just bring a writing implement and your wits!
1. [MENTION=12815]orchid blossom[/MENTION]
2. [MENTION=96117]Mrwright[/MENTION]
3. Mummy Baggers
4. [MENTION=11195]Seonaid[/MENTION]
5. Tabitha
6. Tharian's Friend
Last edited:

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Salad Shooter

First Post
first choice - fungus among us
second choice - raw deal

1st choice - clock project playtest
2nd choice - steam wars

Looking forward to some awesome games!

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
I would like to sign up for Qualidar's Deadlands Reloaded game in the morning and PKitty's Playtest game in the afternoon.

orchid blossom would like to sign up for Qualidar's Deadlands Reloaded game in the morning and JC's HEX game in the afternoon.


I will only sign up folks' first choices, if they are open and will only put you on your second choice if he first is full. Listing both, though, can be helpful, in case things change due to unforeseen circumstances. :)


Can I sign my wife (not on the board - just put techbint down as name) up for Qualidar's game in the morning and piratecats in the afternoon


I note piratecat wanted to reserve the last spot in his game so if that's full Steam Wars for techbint in the PM.


Paul, no problem signing up your wife -- and the reserved space was for EatsLemons, so that's all set. Your wife is more than welcome in that spot.


Mod Squad
Staff member
My wife (who commonly goes by "Ladysprite" for online uses) would like to play in the afternoon Steam Wars game (you've already got there, it seems - this is only for the sake of completeness).

In the morning, she'd like to play in my game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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