Bother Around Beregost - Not really setting out to recruit right now but...


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Hmm a rogue huh? *rolls dice* Says here I'm your man for the job. Nah, I'm joking but if you're still up for a sneaky dude to slip in I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't love the opportunity. Course I've been tryin out a barbarian defender prestige as an alternate go-around. Think about it and get back to me. I'll be waiting with anticipation.

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Well hello Barsallus

I'm happy to fit another new body in - it would get the party back to CR appropriate levels.

Barbarian PrC I'm unaware of?

Tell me more please


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Wilphe said:
I think it's about time for Ivellious to make it on stage, a quick patrol south to see if Thalantyr has sent the promised scout or whatever works for you.

Try not to kill each other in when you run each to each mmmkay?

Sounds good to me


First Post
Well if we are gonna be level 6 then my barbarian would be lvl 5 and PrC as a devoted defender, the rouge would be a lvl 6 rouge purely focused on traps and locks.


Barsallas, we are at level 5, having levelled from 4th right now.

I recall Devoted Defender being a 3.0 PrC from Sword and Fist, is this the one you mean?

I'll need to review it in more detail, but happy with either really

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