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Boxed sets - love em or hate em

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Boxed sets are fine. Frankly, though, I kinda like the setting books that are the norm today. The only thing I'm missing are the poster maps, but in theory they could be added to books as well. After all, they add posters to magazines fairly frequently.


That's Latin for "cool"
They ad advertisments to magazines too. That's why they can afford to put the maps in there.

Of course, guys like you and I light cigars with hundred dollar bills before we take our private jets to tropical islands where lithe, exotic beauties rub designer lotions into our skin from bottles made of jade and platinum. So paying an extra $3 for a map is no big deal of us. But some of the little people get all angry-like when some game company charges the extra money for this stuff.


PS how are your gold dice working out? Do the ruby pips flaw the roll in any way?

Gah... it's so hard to remember the little people. The ruby pips did tend to make the dice roll funny; I gave those to one of the "little people" in my game and had a new dice set made out of 40 carat diamonds. They work really nice. They're hard, too.

Although if books can't afford poster maps, then boxed sets must be outrageously expensive. Lock and Load by Privateer also had a poster map.


Your bottles are made out of jade? Cheapskate.

I liked boxed sets, but they killed TSR dead. Too expensive to produce, ship, and shelve, not enough profit in them. I'd rather have nice hardbacks or paperbacks from a company that can stay in business.


Original D&D(1974) is the only true game. All the other editions are just poor imitations of the real thing. :D

it came in a box


First Post
Boxed sets always sound great, but they rarely deliver more than a setting book. Of the boxed sets that I really enjoyed, I can think of Pavis/Big Rubble for RuneQuest, and that's about it. Most of the other boxed sets just a slightly different way to package the same material you can get in a non-boxed book.

Overall I think there is a great deal of potential in the boxed set concept, but there is rarely any interesting follow through.


Original D&D(1974) is the only true game. All the other editions are just poor imitations of the real thing

Change is good.

What do you feel about boxed sets?

I know that boxed sets will never return but some of the best products have been boxed sets: FR City of Splendors, City of Greyhawk, Greyhawk From the Ashes, and Night Below were all amazing products. The maps from City of Splendors and the Greyhawk sets were incredible.


That's Latin for "cool"
diaglo said:
it came in a box

Yeah, but what cost $8 in 1974 would cost $31.66 in 2003 and that doesn't factor in the spike in paper prices circa 1994. And that's for a game that only goes up to level three with artwork that was not so hot.


PS - Those jade bottles are masterpieces from the Chinese Tang dynasty carbon dated to 750AD. It's not like I'm shopping at Pier One or anything. Which reminds me. I just broke one. Anyone know a museum willing to sell?


BiggusGeekus said:
Yeah, but what cost $8 in 1974 would cost $31.66 in 2003 and that doesn't factor in the spike in paper prices circa 1994. And that's for a game that only goes up to level three with artwork that was not so hot.

yeah, i ranted about the high cost of the boxed sets too.

but you are confusing it with 2edD&D Holmes' Basic.

Original D&D(1974) went all the way up. as far as you wanted to go.

Voidrunner's Codex

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