Broad, but I don’t think you need to reduce classes, just broaden what they are good at.
My point was that many fans of Broad want to reduce classes and the game accuracy become less customizable aas you try to uppackage things and try to put them back together in a balanced way.
Rage & Reckless Attack are a packaged deal along with LOH and Divine Smite for flavor and power.
If you break them apart, it's unbalanced.
If you pull them out and put them together, you didn't do anything. You went from Barbarian (Class) Berserker (Sublcass) to Warrior (Class) Barbarian (Subclass) Berserker (Subsublcass). Big Whoop.
That's how I'd like it.Druids get wildshape. I have several concepts for druids that are ill-served by turning into animals . Funnily, so does D&D, but instead of replacing Wildshape, it just bolts something on.
Star Druids that replace Wildshape with their Constellation-shape. Muck Druids that replace their Wildshape with their Aura of Detritus.
The narrower a class is, the more likely my concept won’t fit in it.
Choose class features of similar power and flavor and offer options.
Druids have Wildshape. Moon Circle get Wildshape (Beast), Star Circle gets Wildshape (Constellation) Fire Circle gets Wildshape (Fire Elemental)
Create a new class for companions and aura: the shaman
Shaman gets Primal Companion. Land Shaman gets Primal Companion (Beast), Spore Shaman gets Primal Companion (Spore Swarm), Spirit Shaman gets Primal Companion (Ancestral Warrior)