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BrOp's Age of Worms Adventure Path (OOC)

Erekose13:[sblock]OK, so I've been thinking that psychic warriors do not grow on trees, not even in Eberron. The only naturally psionic PC race are the Kalashtar, and they wouldn't just teach their skills to anyone. So the question then becomes, how did you get your training? Here is an idea:

Kerwin has a mentor. During the war, possibly in another country, Kerwin met a kalashtar who took him under his wing. Think of it like an American GI studying with a Japanese swordsman or martial artist after WWII. This might mean that Kerwin espouses many of the philosophical outlooks of the kalashtar in his daily life. He tries to live by the code of the Path of Light and has very high standards for himself. Kerwin continues receiving instruction from his mentor on a regular basis, but since that mentor is no longer around, it might not be as often as he would like. He might live as close as Sharn or as far away as the other side of Khorvaire.
Kerwin would like to fight the Dreaming Dark. He knows of the kalashtar war against the Inspired and their quori masters and sees it as a threat not just to the kalashtar, but to Eberron as a whole. Psychic warriors are not normal fighters, and he feels because of his training and natural gift he has been choses for this. He sees adventuring as a way of growing into his powers, but that eventually he will fully join his kalashtar "bretheren" in their greater struggle.
Kerwin would be very aware of the influence of the Inspired and would look to confront them at every turn. He knows that they are quite powerful and often hold positions of great authority, so he is content to bide his time until he can strike at them effectively. His most important goal now would be to identify the agents of the quori.
Kerwin might be a little paranoid, seeing Inspired agents around every corner, and thinking that anyone in authority who does not agree with him is secretly an agent of the Dreaming Dark. Soldiers returning from war often bring a lot of the war home with them. Kerwin could be a prime example of this.

As stated, these are just some ideas of how to integrate Kerwin more fully into the Eberron setting. If you come up with something you like better, feel free to pursue it (with my advice, of course). :)[/sblock]

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BrOp: [sblock]Hmm. that could work, I do like the Dreaming Dark stuff in Eberron and could see it being something interesting to play with. however the one part of Kerwin that I would really like to explore is the dragonmark of house orien. Future wise I see his mark growing as he does in power (the lesser and greater marks). I was wondering if there is anything that could be done to tie his own personal manifestations of power to the mark.

I know that dragonmarks are exactly what they are as entire mercantile houses have been built on specific powers. Perhaps he is a failed breeding attempt by the Inspired. A vessel that cannot hold a full quori spirit, possibly because of his mark itself.

The Inspired unlocked latent psi potential in their breeding program genetically creating a being capable of psionic ability, but in the dream world strong enough to repell a quori seeking to possess him. As a failed experiment he would have been killed had the complex not been raided by a group of atavists. Given the small Inspired presence on Khorvaire, the Kalashtar were able to strike quickly and completely but could not bring them selves to kill a marked human who as they could see was not bonded.

They had planned to take the tyke under their wings, but the life was too dangerous for such a small babe. They turned him over to his parents and they found him again during the war in far off Karrnath prior to his work with Sniffer. Working with him for several months they honed his as yet untapped potential. When wind of a strong Inspired presense reached the Atavists they once again left Kerwin, unwilling to let their protege fall into Inspired hands while still a young man.

Unknown to either group is that his mark and his psionic powers are linked and what the breeding the Inspired had used to create Kerwin had done would unfold in the years to come.

How's that sound for a bit of an expansion? Too far out?[/sblock]

Erekose13:[sblock]Too far out? This is Eberron! ;)

No, I think the background is fine. You want something bigger than life for these kinds of epic games anyway. Mind you, I doubt we as a group will even make it to third level, but who knows? Sorry if that sounds cynical, but generally that's how these games go. It's a lot of attention to pay to something for a very long time.

On my end, I'll try and work your background into the greater Adventure Path story.

So how does Kerwin feel about being back in Diamond Lake after the war?[/sblock]

A recent post in a different game reminded me of something. Unless we're in combat, or unless you state otherwise, I am assuming that you are "taking 20" on the following skill checks: Search and Open Locks. Both of these skills are full-round actions, which means that "taking 20" takes about 2 minutes to complete, which is not an unreasonable amount of time. Also, both of these skills don't have immediate negative consequences, so you can just keep on trying. There will be exceptions to this rule, given the circumstances, but unless anyone has a problem with this or states otherwise, I'll assume you're "taking 20".


BrOp:[sblock]Okay cool, I know that characters dont always progress very quickly. I've only had one character on here advance more than 2 levels.

Regarding Diamond Lake, he is trying to pick up a broken life after the horrors of the war as well as integrate the teachings of the Kalashtari. But everything he has been through is making it very difficult to adjust back to the old naive life he used to live. That is why he was so ready to join his friends adventuring, to get out and live again, to experience danger and risk again. He doesn't have any other connections to the pitiful town any more other than his friends and would be happy to go where ever the adventure took them.[/sblock]


Excellent thanks, its really great of you to work with each us to work the characters more into the story line. I'll have to take a hint from that when I start up my next game (not for a while yet). Sorry to be taking off for a week and a bit on the 20th, please NPC Kerwin as required :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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