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Building a World


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After leaving it sit for so long on the old boards, I've decided to transfer and update the thread. Some parts may only be a title, as I will have to fill those out as time goes on. Enjoy!

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(December 23, 2000)

This thread is supposed to see how many people are interested in building a world, maybe getting a forum for it, but that's a long shot. So, since I had the idea of the world building thread, I guess that puts the ball in my hands. The following is the world I'm working on, please feel free to comment, I can always use some advice. Here we go.

A brief campaign background
The PC's were told of a new continent to the north. The empire hired people to go explore and colonize the continent, and of course the PC's decided to go (note: the new continent was a way for me to try something new , like exploration, and make some places that I had wanted to for a while). To make a long story short (I don't want to focus on the story, maybe I'll post about that in another thread) one of the PC's used a one-time magic item to cast Elemental Swarm, and had them level the town in work on the new continent. The empire, which lost more money than in could (also engaged in a war) called the whole thing off, and the PC's are stranded on this new continent they know nothing about).

A brief overview of the continent so far

The PC's started in an enormous forest, two hundreds miles north to south, and about three hundred miles east to west. It's divided up into sections of creatures controlling it, and the PC's haven't left it yet (thankfully giving me more time to create).
Here are the places I have so far (I will detail them in the coming days/weeks and tell where they are in relation to the forest the PC's started out in):
A nation of magic using dwarves deep in a set of mountains. It's going to be a mageocracy. They aren't all that interested in gems and jewels as other dwarves are.
An empire of civilized orcs. They aren't barbaric like orcs on the southern continent. The empire will have a lawful good alignment (I think).
A small country of bugbears, trained to fight since they were born. They are complete military fanatics. The country, while small, packs a punch. They even have a version of the Navy SEALS. This country will have to be lawful evil.
Ogre nation, barbaric.
A nation of giants that rule a decent chunk of the continent. They are constantly at war with the orcs.
Halfling barbarians tribes that fight each other for rule of the plains. They harass the orcs sometimes, and pose a threat when they mount together.

What I'm trying to make now
Names. For everything possible. Does anyone know a good place to find them?
More nations.
Monasteries, druidic circles, ect...

Well, that's just a brief overview of everything. I'll get to work posting more in the next few days...


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Originally posted by Master of Shadows:

You should model the bugbears after the roman empire. I think you should add a race of elves that exist in the forest but don't really have a nation. They hide mainly to avoid conflict from the real powers. Nomadic forest dwellers. And what about giving one of the races a GOD that plays an important part of their culture. Make them somewhat fanatics. Could be interesting.


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Originally posted by Dalenthas:

Well, whenever I'm trying to come up with a name, whatever rolls off my toung easiest goes. Unless I'm going for an orcish or dwarven sounding name, then I use a lot of hard Ks and Gs. Seems to work kinda well


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Originally posted by ChillyWilly:

Sorry, no help with the names. Are the halfing mounted? If so, on what? If they are, you can base theirsociety on the Huns or Mongols.
I would disagree with the Bugbears being modeled after the Romans. The Romans were a very organized and disciplined fighting machine. They, also, used alot of political manuevering to conquer or subdue enemies. They would hire one tribe of "barbarians" to harass another thereby distancing themselves from the fray withl little enegery. I forgot some good explains of warrior races that were not so highly organized but rather centered on individual combat.

I need to stop going on and on. Do you general ideas of areas and need specifics or do you more of a rough ideas that need much more expanding?


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May as well start out with the forest that the PC's started in and work my way from there. This has been the focal point of my campaign so far, and I have the most info about it.


Draligar Forest (200 miles N to S, 350 miles E to W)

The history of this forest dates back three thousand years, before it was elven a forest. The whole place was actually a rolling land, where dwarves held many strongholds on the surface. Beneath the hills were natural caverns where dwarves mined rich ores, even ianry (a magical metal used in the creation of artifacts). For one thousand years the dwarves grew richer and richer.
On the first shift of the day, a dwarven miner started digging at the end of one of the tunnels. In moments, he had opened a small hole in the wall. Peering through, he found a dark elf starting back. The dwarf never had a chance to raise the alarm, nor would he ever find out that he had tunneling into the dark elf city of Quasiet'inal, near the Yzintek Monistary (an order of dark elf monks / fighters). By the end of the first shift, the dwarven mine was overrun by the silent, deadly dark elves. Within the week, all except one dwarven mine remained. The mine the dwarves name Numeth'ador (dwarf for impentitrable maze).
As the dark elves found out, the mine had been well named. With twists and turns every few feet, tunnels in random places with random dead ends, crevasses, sinkholes, and many other dangers, Numeth'ador proved to be fatal for it's intruders. The dwarves launched themselves into a full fledged war, which consumed their thoughts and time for the next four hundred years.
The dwarves pressed the war, which had quickly grown into a stalemate. The dwarves were few, while the dark elves had a nation of trained warriors. By the time the fifth century was rolling around, the dwarves knew that defeat was to be soon upon them. One of the few dwarven wizards at the time, whose name has been lost in the flow of time, suggested an idea to the council of dwarven elders. With heavy hearts, the dwarves agreed to the wizards idea.
The wizard began preparing his spell, while the council selected five of it's fastest messengers (for the dark elves held all the surrounding lands above and below, although the only came out at night above ground, they were still thick upon the land). All the surviving dwarves gathered in the main hall of Numeth'ador and told of what was about to happen. They agreed.
The messengers were sent of, and immediately the wizard cast a spell that sealed Numeth'ador from above ground and below. Two days passed as he wove a spell, and for two days the walls of Numeth'ador throbbed as magic was drawn through them. On the third morning, the wizard finished his spell.
As soon as the last syllable was spoken, every dwarf had his life force ripped from him, empowering the colossal spell. The wizard was vaporized as a large explosion rocked throughout the halls. Hundreds of miles away the explosion was felt, and for two weeks wizards all over the world could only cast low level spells (level 1 to 3) and many said the end of the world was at hand. The drained magic slowly returned.
The explosion ripped over the surrounding lands that had once been ruled by dwarves, leveling every building on the surface. In the moments after the explosive force, another force swept over it, and immediatly plants began growing. In mere moments where hills had once stood, a thick, healthy forest stood. All except the twenty miles surrounding Numeth'ador which became a stagnant swamp.
The dark elves retreated to their cities deeper under the earth, not wishing to lose more of their kind, still unsure of what had took place. The few scouting parties that found a forest where there had been none before, returned with word of the great sorcery that had taken place. The dark elves of Quasiet'inal decided that the surface was off limits, and resumed plans of conquering the under world.
Meanwhile two of the dwarf messengers (two were captured by dark elves, and the third just couldn't get out of the blast area in time) made there way to their destinations. They told two elven kings of the new forest in the south, and what had transpired. Only one of the kings sent a party to see if it was true, the other merely beheaded the dwarf as he expected treachery from the dwarf and his race.
The party returned and told the king that the dwarf spoke the truth. The king released the dwarf, who went to the dwarven nation in the northwest to tell them of what transpired. The elven king saw the forest as a bigger forest, and decided that his people would be better off if they settled it. An exodus began a year later, and within the decade the elves had relocated.
The elves settled the eastern half of the forest, and to their surprise, found a community of forest gnomes living in the north. The elves, outnumbering the gnomes, made a deal with the gnomes, claiming that if the gnomes wished to stay in the elven forest, the gnomes would have to always have 100 gnomes as servants (slaves) for the elves. The gnomes, seeing no other alternative, agreed.


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Draligar Forest

The last 1500 years passed rather uneventfully with a few notable exceptions:

986 years ago a green dragon showed up and conquered the western 1/2 of the forest. It rampaged for many years before elven warriors gave it a good fight, almost slaying the beast. The dragon, knowing it was beat, offered the elven king an artifact in exchange for the dividing the forest into thirds. The dragon would get the west, the elves the east, and the center would be a buffer between the two. Almost every elf was shocked when the king agreed, and a few muttered their discontent, although they made sure no one was listening. They knew that whatever artifact the king now possessed, no good would come of it.

934 years ago, elves find mysterious ruins in the center zone. After the first few groups sent to explore them vanished, the elven king decided to declare them off limits. The ruins are actually a temple dedicated to the banished deity Skall (a lesser servant of Tharizun, but still a demi-god). Recently the PC's (their evil) tried to release Skall, but thankfully failed.

346 years ago, the elven king disappears, and a civil war looms on the horizon. It is narrowly avoided as the king's son Thelis'thinar calms every claiming that until they find out what happens to the king, he will not crown himself king. He does appoint himself as sit in ruler until his father returns. This quiets many, but rumors of foul play still circulate even to the current day.

98 years ago three tribes of goblins unite in the center zone and began building a city. Four more tribes soon join and the city of Refpok (goblin for Home of the Praised) is taken seriously by the elves. Indeed the city is complete within two years, under the rule of Rog an enormous goblin with a temper. They never venture into the elven lands, knowing the elves could easily defeat them.

41 years ago the first explorers from the southern continent arrived.

4 years ago, two ships were sent from the south bearing two dozen colonizers. More ships would arrive in the coming years.

2 years ago the dark elves of Quasiet'inal became interested in the surface world once more, and decided to see what had changed. Upon finding surface elves above their heads, they hastily retreated, unsure of what to do.


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Current State of Draligar Forest

The Halisthian Elves

The elves are still ruled by Prince Thelis'thinar (Aristocrat 3, NE). Recently a robed figure has been spotted advising the prince when he walks through the forest. No one has caught a glimpse at what lies beneath the grey robes, but the rumors are flying. Recently the figure silently argued with the prince over releasing trespassers in the elven land. It is rumored that the Thelis had no choice in the matter and let the group go, although he bears a deep resentment towards the people he was going to execute. Some have suggested that the figure is the king returned, but that was quickly ruled out since the king would take back the crown, and the queen would have come out of her three and a half century morning period.

Prince Thelis'thinar is rumored to be looking for a magical artifact, called the Youthful Sword. It is supposed to grant the wearer immeasurable strength, plus giving the wielder immortality.

The elves themselves have created an order of rangers to do battle with the growing goblin tribes in the central zone. Called Whispers by most of the other elves, these warriors wage a silent war against the goblins. They have accomplished much with their guerilla warfare tactics, as the goblins haven't been able to build any other cities due to 'accidents' that occur during the night.

The Halisthian as a whole are quite satisfied with their lot in lives. Like normal elves they look down at lesser races, especially gnomes who are nothing but slaves to them. They have three main cities, although none have more than 4000 elves in them.

The Ten, the greatest elven warriors in the realm, where recently sent to the ruins of Numeth'ador, to investigate the appearance of a death knight. They found the former dwarven keep transformed into a nightmarish castle with giant skeletons perched on the towers, while nightmares circled high above the highest tower. They communicated this telepathically back to the elven wizards. Before they could receive an answer of what they should do, they were attacked by a death knight that rode upon a skeletal dragon. None survived the death knights charge. The wizards realized what happened and told the prince. They've kept the information quiet, and have told inquiring minds that the 10 are in the west doing a secret mission in the dragon's land. They know that sooner or later, they will have to deal with the threat, and address the nation. They are currently bickering on what course of action to take.

The capital city, Aran'ashoth, is actually built on the ruins of one of the dwarven mines. The elves haven't found out about the caverns below them. The city actually only holds 500 elves (the majority are guards and warriors). The council of wizards has it's own building, which is in the shape of an enormous tree. It is magically linked to the palace of trees where Thelis lives.

The elves know that in order to secure their future as rulers of the whole forest they will have to force out the goblins the dragon, but they currently take their time, waiting for their prince to plan the next move. Very few look forward to the war that will have to take place.


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Current State of Draligar Forest

The Gorroguach

The Gorroguach, meaning Goblins of Terror, have found themselves in trouble recently. For the past ten years, their city has held their numbers, but it has since become overcrowded and they need another city. The problem is that a group of elves have been sneaking around sabotaging their work. Even with a hundred goblins patrolling the grounds, the elves have managed to sneak in and destroy the new buildings. A few ambushes have worked, but the goblins have lost nearly twenty times the number goblins to elves.

High clan leader, Rog the 8th (barbarian 9), is preparing for a war, although he is doing it as discreetly as possible. He knows that the only hope he has to beating the elves is to catch them off guard. One of his scouts found a large cavern near the elven border, and tunnels that connect the distance between their city and the cavern (over fifty miles). Slowly Rog had the goblins set up a war camp in the cavern and sent a stream of supplies to it. This is the goblins secret base, one that has managed to avoid discovery even from the elven rangers.

A few weeks ago, Rog (while being serviced by one of his many concubines) received a visit from a dark elf. The drow proposed an alliance, to destroy the forest elves. The two parties have been talking secretly, only Rog knows about the dark elves (he killed the concubine right after the first drow left).

Rog is finding his options extremely limited. He has the green dragon on the west, an ocean to the south, centaurs to the north, and elves to the west. To top it off, his secret base could be easily wiped out by dark elves before he could even raise an alarm. The solution Rog has come to is that he will ally with the drow, and destroy the elves. He has already fortified the caverns under his city, for the time when the dark elves turn on him. Rog is also looking for some priceless treasure to give to the dragon, to pay off the next few years of tribute (he hopes).

The Gorroguach, as a people, are more or less peaceful goblins. They have become builders and hunters, although all of them have a burning hatred for the elves. They know that the elves will try to wipe them out, and they would rather beat the elves to the punch when it comes to starting a war. Most like Rog, and feel he can lead them into a war with a chance to win. Of course, if they do, someone will try to kill him and become High Clan Leader, but no one seems to want the responsibility right now.

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