Burned Circle - OOC Thread


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@Bluedevil @Thanee

The two of you are in pretty good positions to take advantage of the situation. Neither of you are under direct assault, so you can move freely, set up maneuvers how you want, etc. I've got some compels coming for both of you down the line so don't worry too much about that. I'm just waiting for what I want to be relevant.

was just thinking that, I think I am going to maneuver to give the Ghoul the aspect "Divided attention" by maneuvering along the opposite wall of the room from Juno. Can I use weaponry for that?

You know assuming that Juno didnt just smoke him outright...

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I'll take the Compel. It fits. Freakin' civilians. :p

Rolling Defense against Claws...

EDIT: 1 Stress, I'll take the hit. I'd like to attempt a maneuver to knock the ghoul down, then grab Mara and get her back inside. Is that possible, and if so, what do I need to roll?

And in what order are the actions happening this time?

Ghoul's got supernatural strength and claws, so its actually +4 stress on top of that for 5. Since your fifth box is marked off, it would have to move up to the 6th if you don't take any consequences or spend a FATE point defensively.

And if you could perform a maneuver and rescue her, it wouldn't be much of a compel! You can grab her and pull her back into the house. She won't resist so there's no roll needed, but you'll have to spend your whole action getting her back in there if that's what you want to do.

As for Initiative order, its the same as last time. Initiative runs purely off of raw numbers, so until someone's Alertness changes initiative stayls the same. Ways that initiative can change are people going into were-form, magic spells/potions/etc., spending FATE, and things like that.

Ghouls - Epic
Juno - Great
Keira - Good (human) / Great (were-form)
Logan - Fair
Malcom - Average

Hmm...perhaps stick on the offense, give Malcolm a chance to do something...

Lets see how this fist rolls and see what happens...

How does Juno's enhanced Recovery work? Is it strictly out of combat?

Hoo...not bad. I shall tag his Winded to make this an 8. Lets see if I can't knock down another of his stress boxes.

I'll roll defense against your fists. I just realized I could have rolled Fists against your fists attack before (not that it would have made a whole ton of difference). So I'll be rolling that.

As for Juno's recovery power, Inhuman Recovery has one in-combat effect that is to clear away a single physical minor consequence using a supplemental action (giving you a -1 penalty to your main action in the exchange). It's really beneficial as it allows you to soak away 2 stress for free once per scene.

By the way, did we ever decide on a Catch for Juno?

was just thinking that, I think I am going to maneuver to give the Ghoul the aspect "Divided attention" by maneuvering along the opposite wall of the room from Juno. Can I use weaponry for that?

You know assuming that Juno didnt just smoke him outright...

You can indeed roll Weapons to do that. The ghoul will roll Athletics against your Weapons to attempt to stay out from your reach so it doesn't have to divide its attention between the two of you.

Juno's Attack vs. Ghoul
8 Attack vs. 5 Def. so the ghoul takes 3 stress. The ghoul marks off his 3rd box.
Ghoul #1: Physical Stress OOXX ; minor WINDED
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First Post
Ah I could do a fancy maneuver but Juno has really been kicking the crap out of this guy, might as well try another sword swipe. Going to try and hit him. Not aiming to kill him though.


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Rolling defense against Malcom's attack.

The ghoul meets, which means a base 0 stress, but the sword is Weapon:3 so the ghoul takes 3 stress.

After Juno's attack, the ghoul does not have a third stress box currently available, so it moves up, up, up to become a moderate consequence. This removes 4 stress, which is a waste for the ghoul, as one is left on the table that itself is out in the cold. The ghoul takes the moderate consequence LACERATED SHOULDER. Ouch!

Ghoul #1: Physical Stress OOXX ; minor WINDED moderate LACERATED SHOULDER
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First Post
Clever use of size there... and I thought they might have re-implemented the smallcaps font. :)

Speaking of initiative... who's turn is it now? I must admit, I am not entirely sure. :eek:

Keira's next action will certainly be changing her form... these ghouls are not there to play, so we better get serious, too. ;)



First Post
Clever use of size there... and I thought they might have re-implemented the smallcaps font. :)

Thanks. :) I really like the way they use all caps like that in the book, because it lets you weave aspects into sentences. Those Evil Hat guys are pretty smart!

Speaking of initiative... who's turn is it now? I must admit, I am not entirely sure. :eek:

Keira's next action will certainly be changing her form... these ghouls are not there to play, so we better get serious, too. ;)

What I'm doing right now is to get everybody's actions all at once for the exchange, then I'll worry about the order as we work out the details, for example, applying Juno's hit before Malcom's.

You are able to shapeshift as a supplemental action. So if you want to take an action along with it, you can do so at a -1 penalty.


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As far as combat mechanics go, what is the difference between a minor consequence and a moderate one? As aspects, they'd both give the same bonus when being tagged or invoked by a foe, right?


First Post
As far as combat mechanics go, what is the difference between a minor consequence and a moderate one? As aspects, they'd both give the same bonus when being tagged or invoked by a foe, right?

As far as aspects go, they're exactly the same. The only differences are that minor consequences soak 2 stress while moderate ones soak 4, and minor consequences go away faster than moderate ones.


First Post
As far as aspects go, they're exactly the same. The only differences are that minor consequences soak 2 stress while moderate ones soak 4, and minor consequences go away faster than moderate ones.

Yeah Minor ones go away after the scene in most cases and Moderate ones can last several scenes or the rest of the story.

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