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Cabal, City of Factions D&D 4E recruiting now!


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I might like to try the warlord class (not sure of course) and maybe the dragonborn? I'd pretty much like to try some of the new elements.

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Jack of Tales

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More factions

Blood Drinkers
Ruthless, disturbing tiefling warriors making use of slavery and intimidation to take over the city. Their fierce attitude and belief in infernal heritage can be seen from their origins. The blooddrinkers hope to conquer the city and, like the nobleborn, make it a capital for a growing empire.
Note: Sorry for the format, some sections are very long so I sblocked them to make the post shorter. Also, the coded area did not exactly transfer from word's tables as I wanted it to...damn.

The blood drinkers were once a fairly peaceful group from a nearby town. The ruins of Cabal were known to them but left alone because of the monster infestation in the city. This town was a small, walled settlement populated by tieflings, humans and a few Halflings. They had travelled here from Laris to start a frontier town using several resources in the area including lumber and gold. The ruins of Cabal were left alone for fear of death. Unfortunately, a red dragon attack left the town in ruins. The survivors fled into the walls of Cabal seeking shelter.

They were led by a demon priest, Grimori [surname] into the ruins. Grimori’s leadership allowed him to easily shape the beliefs of his followers. Soon enough those who were not tiefling were subjected to slavery. The group began to call itself the Blood Drinkers and stayed relatively low-key until about six years ago when the major influx of trade began to occur. [/sblock]

Blood Drinker Beliefs[sblock]

The Blood Drinkers worship the demon prince Grazzt. They believe that they are his mortal children and have been placed on this world in order to wreak havoc. Other races are nothing but slaves to them to be used and thrown away as they wish. Tieflings not of the Blood Drinkers are seen as heretics and are often kidnapped in order to sacrifice to Grazzt. It is seen as a great honor to drink the blood of one of these heretics. The faction also drinks the blood of their greatest foes when taken.

Within the faction there is one mighty temple. Named the Infernal Cathedral of Blood this building was once an ancient church but has been retrofitted by the faction. It has a high, cathedral ceiling with elaborate arches; from these arches have been hung the bodies of the defeated. The stained glass windows have been replaced with specially crafted windows depicting various seens of the Abyss (or hell, or whatever it’s called in New World). Demons with whips torture helpless souls in one window while seductive succubi tempt pious paladins in another. The pillars within the church have been left relatively untouched and still hold carvings of various ancient battles.

Stone statues of Grimori and other famous tiefling heroes have been erected along the walls out of stone harvested beneath the city. The altar is set upon a great platform surrounded by cages crafted out of the bones of slaughtered victims. A drain funnels from the altar into several bowls around the platform where blood is collected to be taken by the chosen. Each stone pew has been fitted with the skulls of enemies. [/sblock]

Race: While the tieflings firmly believe they are the chosen of Grazzt they are far from stupid. They make heavy use of slavery in their armies resulting in many powerful warriors rising the ranks. Particularly skilled individuals may even be allowed a form of lesser membership that is between slavery and a tiefling. [Note: This applies only to PC’s]

Dwellings: Blood Drinkers have taken up inhabiting where one river exits the city walls. The buildings still standing in this region were mostly small, one story houses made of stone with only a little elaboration. It is suspected that these were middle class homes like most of the houses in Cabal. A large portion of these houses had collapsed and thus much of the architecture looks different from the rest of the city.

The architecture in this area emphasizes tall, wide doorways and tall peaked roofs. Many of the stone buildings have been darkened with ash to make the entire area more ‘infernal.’ Slaves are kept in large wooden structures in a former market area. These pens are constantly guarded and watched.

Private resource: A portion of the river snakes off and down into the under-city below. After following this river the Blood Drinkers came to a crystal vein and have since made good use of it to obtain strong iron and other items from the Savuy. Near the crystal mine is also a massive coal mine which the tieflings also use for trade.

Games: The faction may believe they are mortal demons, but they are not all ruthless soldiers. A common game children play is called Beat the Slave which usually is exactly that. Another common game entails leaping over a burning fire and taking turns making the fire higher, and higher. This game is based off of an old legend about the tiefling hero Azrael Flamespear. The legend states that in order to fight off a well armored dragonborn hero, Azrael had to run over a mile of burning coal.

Music: Blood Drinker music commonly makes use of melodic music that causes shudders through the listener. Their music often brings to mind cruel punishments and unholy places. Common instruments include the drum, violin and harp.

Crafts: The crystal mine beneath has also resulted in a complex craft amongst the faction. Crystal-carving makes use of strong steel spikes to chip away at the strong gem and creating elaborate artwork that is not, surprisingly, always full of infernal images.

Dress: Blood Drinkers favor yellow, red, black and orange colors made from whatever fabrics they can get their hands on since they have to trade with the Savuy for fabric. Common fabrics are silk and leather. Male members of the tribe wear brightly colored shirts with wide sleeves, vests and dark colored pants. Women are generally expected to wear dresses unless they are warriors in which case they dress like the men in the same bright colored shirts and pants although generally without vests. The more fashionable and elaborate dresses have flame and demon-like figures embroidered into them. More common dresses feature simple colors with tight, corset-like tops and wide bottoms. Leather boots with metal tips and heels are fashionable for both genders although the non-warrior women prefer a dainty, sleek look.

First Names: Blood Drinker first names often come from the names of various demons or alterations to those names. Below is a common list.
First Name	                                                  Meaning behind the name
Male: Azazel, Azrael, Azrial, Female: Azrial, Aziuen	Meaning Wasteland
Male: Belial, Belioch Female: Belian	                   determination
Male: Erlik Female: Erieal	                                 first-born 
Female: Ghedi	                                                   Fire Flower  
Male: Niffen Female: Nif, Nef, Newf	                  Of the Flame
Male: Ictinik	                                                  Prankster or mischievous
Female: Kali	                                                      Desolation
Male: Kronik, Cronic, Kronial Female: Kroni, Ronek	black, often given to darker colored 
Male: Marak, Makir Female: Mara, Maka	          Based on Arcenian ‘Makiewr’ meaning Quick 
                                                                                     or debonair
Male: Moloch	                                                        carnage
Male: Rashak, Rashuk Female: Raha, Rashnu	Based on Arcenian ‘Rashekiuc’ meaning Wish
Male: Bathin	                                                       Star-eyed
Language: Blood Drinkers speak Arcenian, a language using the infernal script. The clergy also make use of infernal to give sermons.

Warlock Pacts[sblock]
These pacts are traditionally made at the age of sixteen and a vast majority of teiflings make the pacts even if they never gain much power from them. A lesser infernal being is contacted from a vast list of demons and devils held by the Threefold Pact, a book held by the temple of Grazzt. Many of these demon names are adopted for children also.

The name of the book stems from the agreements made about these infernal pacts. This agreement always holds three important aspects: Nathwar, Bareen, and Kanaweeth. Nathwar means literally ‘To Give’ and details the aspects of what a young teifling will do for infernal power. The standard agreement is one favor per year of a lesser respect. A lesser respect means a deed such as the burning of particular incense, ingestion of a particular food, burning gold or some other minor ritual.

These rituals do not give the infernal anything other than an aspect of the material plane. Some crave gold, thus a teifling will burn gold. Others crave desire, so the teifling must whisper the demon’s name during an intimate act whether it is kissing or simply touching or something sexual, others may want to experience a particular scent or taste thus the need for burning incense, eating a particular food or other some such. In general during this ritual the infernal being passes some of its essence into the teifling in return for temporarily experiencing one of the teifling’s senses.

Bareen is the taking, it refers to the taking of the infernal’s essence during the above ritual. Kanaweeth is the third aspect and refers to the seal or the agreement to the details of the bargain for a period of time. The typical period of time is that of life, since a teifling does not want to have to renegotiate the agreement every year. [/sblock][/sblock]

The Savuy; The Neutral Traders (incomplete)[sblock]
Halfling traders who wander the rivers on rafts trading amongst the various factions. They are neutral with all and seen as a necessary part of keeping Cabal alive and viable for trade.

The Savuy are one of the few factions to know their true historical roots. Their ancestors came to the city after being driven out of their swampy homelands far to the north. They came by boat and raft along the rivers until coming to this city. After seeing the state of affairs they realized that a perfect opportunity had presented itself. The various factions of the city each held precious resources in addition to their Gearhouses. Rather than fight or join another group, the Savuy chose a third option: Trade. They made pacts with the leaders of the various factions and began to ferry goods between factions. The Savuy are a faction and not a faction. They hold a stance as close to neutrality as one can get within the city. [/sblock]

The head of the Savuy is called the Broker . The Broker is chosen by a mass gathering of all the heads of the Savuy families. These families then each have one vote to choose a new leader from amongst them. This leader then leads the Savuy until he is either deposed by a similar gathering voting on a new leader or his death.
Role of the Broker: The duties of the Broker are to protect the Savuy, deal with those who have broken the important laws of the faction and to deal with any changes to the original pacts made between the Savuy and the factions of Cabal.
Code of Laws:
The Savuy have no written set of laws, rather merly several taboos and etiquette that should be obeyed at all times within the rafts. Specific taboos include simple morality such as no murder, theft, or cheating. Cheating amongst the Savuy is considered a serious crime and those who do often end up at the bottom of the river—alive. Non-violent crimes are expected to be handled by the family head. Violent repeat offenders are brought before the Broker for punishment.

DM Notes: I named the leader the Broker because I was looking for something associated with the word 'merchant' to symbolize their focus on trade. Other ideas are welcome.[/sblock]


{Unnamed} This holiday is held for a week on the day when the Savuy first entered the city to when the ‘Third Option’ decision was made to obtain a strong trade network. On this day the Savuy play many songs, have a feast, hold the Swamp Dance where they dance several traditional dances from their homeland and also play several old songs that are only played on this day.

Holy Days:
{Day to patron god}The Day of Fast
On this day the Savuy fast for the entire day breaking their fast on the next day at exactly mid-day with a feast. This fast symbolizes the hardships encountered by *insert patron god here* when it was cast down to earth for a single day. During this day there was no food that would rest within its belly being as he/she was of the gods and would not be sated by simple mortal food. However, when she stumbled upon the swamp of the Savuy she was given a meal made from crab, honey and bread that is said to be worthy of the gods. And indeed it was. [/sblock]

The Savuy are one of the moving factions that do not rely on a Gearhouse. They travel along the twin riverways and trade with all the other factions. They dwell on raft-houses. The raft houses are built from logs in the surrounding woods typically obtained from either the Silver Wolves or the Junkers. The houses on these rafts are actually quite spacious. Each raft-house houses one family consisting of the three generations: The grand-parents, the parents, children and uncles and aunts. Each family is usually around eight or nine people large. The raft-house itself has five rooms, a kitchen and four bedrooms. A small closet room is also maintained to keep sails, oars and other equipment. [/sblock]

Misc. Culture[sblock]
Art: The Savuy have a strong oral tradition. This extends from history to entertainment. There are many stories that go around the rafts, but those who hold the title of Talespinner are slated as the best and brightest. They hold the oral history of the faction and the city in addition to keeping old stories alive. They tell stories of great heroes, ancient gods and funny tales.

Music: Instruments: Flutes and singing are the most popular forms of music. They play a heady, folk sounding music with lots of deep baritones and uplifting flute melodies. Common songs include The Wind over the Mill, The Sisters of the Sea, and The Moon’s Love.
Education: In addition to being occasional priests, holders of lore and history, the Talespinners are also the teachers. They teach the new generations the history and lore of the Savuy.

Religion: Typical of Halflings. Talespinners sometimes double as priests for a specific religion. No organized clergy.

Crafts: The Savuy are known for trade but also for their elaborate carvings. Carving is a respected art amongst the Halfling faction. Typical carvings depict various faction leaders, buildings or animals. [/sblock][/sblock]

Dwellings: The extravagant architecture in this quarter is the best preserved of any area. Buildings have large, arching ceilings and several half-standing ruins were obviously once great cathedrals. This area is claimed by the Nobleborn faction.

History: Originally a small band of human nobles from Laris seeking their own fortune, this group has grown from that. While not all of them can claim noble blood it is the image that matters. Rich merchants, elaborate swashbucklers and young nobles joined together in this area partly because of the architecture and partly because of the nearby gold mine beneath. Calling themselves the Nobleborn they hope to use large amounts of money and armed might to gain the city and create a capital upon which to start an empire.[/sblock]


I'd be inclined to head toward my natural preferences. Maybe some sort of magical scavenger (the Junkers would be a natural fit).
Like a rough and tumble urban scholar.

My personal tendency is toward wizards, 4e looks like it'd be less fiddly and more fun in that regard.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Okay so I made a wetpaint wiki for the setting since its easier to update and format then here ^^ http://cabalcity.wetpaint.com/
My goal is to add or at least update one faction a day. Today was the Underforge, yesterday was Blood drinkers, day before was Nobleborn, etc.

It looks like we have a fair amount of interest here (7 replies woot!) and 3 interested on the New World campaign site ( where I'll be placing Cabal). That gives us an easy 5 for two games. The most I was thinking of allowing was 6 so...this is good!

On another note, I'm going to be giving both groups the same option: vote for which faction you want to be in, majority vote wins. As a result it may be likely both teams will end up in the same faction, that will be interesting. It may also end up with both teams being opposing factions, even more interesting. Lucky enough, I'm hoping that the vast amount of things to do in the city will distract one or both from city domination. Or maybe not, I'd be interesting to see some PvP war hehee.

But yeah anyway...so far from what I figure options will include: Conquering the city/own faction, exploring ruins of Undercity/unexplored areas of Cabal/nearby ruins in forest and performing actions for own faction in and around own region. Seems limited to me but I can't think of what else to give you to play with. Any ideas are welcome.


It may just be that this will probably be the first 4e game I play but
exploring ruins of Undercity/unexplored areas of Cabal/nearby ruins in forest
this has the most appeal for me.

I confess that while I find the factions interesting I'm wondering what your broader vision is for the city.
Is it a burned out metropolis, with ruined buildings and decaying streets, the remnants of which have been colonized by gangs and groups?

So far it's reminding me a bit of Sigil and a bit of the Alpha Centauri game (except the world is compressed into a city).

But there is really almost nothing written about the city, (unless I've missed something, which is very possible).

I'm also wondering about how some of the factions fit together: the Nobleborn includes rich merchants, but it seems like trade is dominated by the Savuy. Did they leave the Savuy? Do they dominate trade outside while the Savuy dominate inside?

The gearhouses sound interesting, but if it makes little animals why is it called a gearhouse?

Also, some of the changes, like giving Elves a different appearance, strike me as only moderately meaningful. Why change their hair color? It seems like they're supposed to be sea people. What sort of story does that help us tell that we couldn't before? Why are they "masters of two handed swords".
It's not that it isn't a cool image, but I confess to leaning against what I perceive as "cosmetic" changes.

If you just want to run a campaign in a setting you're more than free to just say "this is the world, lets play" but if you want people to contribute then you need "buy in". In my experience, to get "buy in" you need to have some sort of articulated theme or vision.

Without "buy in" I think that ideas like "conquering the city" or "performing actions for your own faction" are hard to try to achieve.

Jack of Tales

First Post
What do you mean by buy in?

I have yet to work on the city itself I'm finding it difficult without a solid map yet and keep scrapping all the ones I make.

Nobleborn are situated on top of a gold mine. Literally, still got to work that in there..I included rich merchants because they like the idea of becoming a new nobility primarily. Major trade is done by the Savuy. Nobleborn are just damned rich.

Gearhouse came out of greenhouse. its still just kind of a replacement word until I can think of something better.

Not all elves look different, etc. That's specific to that group of elves only. It was originally intended to be an elven tribe for another game but I liked them too much to leave out when I switched ideas. The 2handed sword aspect comes from it simply just being the goddess's favored weapon. Kind of a, Oh our goddess does that so we will too, sort of thing. Mechanically I'm intending to make it so children get proficiency 2handed sword or whatever its called in 4E over the longsword. Or maybe I'll just change her favored weapon... I was just looking at making viking elves >.>

Cohesive vision? Hmm there wasn't one for the city. its an old ruin so many buildings are collapsed or falling apart. Streets are covered in dirt, trees are growing out of buildings. Most factions have cleared their areas somewhat, built new houses out of the same stone (much like many civilizations did with roman buildings) and built small, wooden and stone walls around what they consider their territory. There are areas of street where no one travels and monsters roam still although all the factions want to get rid of that problem. No one wants a nest of giant snakes in the backyard or a troll next door.

I suppose the 'vision' was a type of urban warfare setting where players can investigate the dungeons within the under-city, search through old ruined citadels, etc.

Still have no idea what buy in is though ^^

Jack of Tales

First Post
Updated site with: Information on gold mines/trading of Nobleborn & information on Cabal in an unorganized format. Simply just copy+paste what I typed in other forums.

Jack of Tales

First Post
Added the Union faction (Largest faction, central location, foreign interests, organized). Also added Music & games for the Children of the Storm. Started detailing out specific areas of Cabal (types of buildings)

Important Question: What type of race/class combination do you see yourself playing come 4E? I would like to know which MM races I should include parts for in Cabal. I tend to err on the side of crafting the world to allow for anything the players want...as such I'd need to know, say if shifters, warforged, etc were needed in the city in some form or another.
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