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Campaign Character Creation Guidelines


Greetings Players,

...you know who you are, and welcome to the Play-by-Post d20 Modern/Dark*Matter campaign character creation guidelines.

Ooooh and Aaaaah at will.

No, not that guy, just at your leisure, Sheesh, frickin' gamers.

Anyhow, what will follow is a brief outline, kept briefer so as to keep some things secret, of how to create your characters for this campaign.

I am expecting seven, maybe eight, players for this game, so it should make for an interesting mixing of style and character types.

Well, I had best get moving onto the crunchy bits. If you have any questions, obviously you know to direct them to my e-mail address or, if they are general enough, onto this posting.

Starting Character Level: 1st Level d20 Modern Characters

Available Races: Human.

Setting: We're going to be playing within the Dark*Matter world from Alternity, using a healthy mixing of the information for it as it also appears within d20 Modern and it's Menace Manual.

Books Used: d20 Modern, d20 Weapons Locker, Menace Manual, all source material from Alternity's Dark*Matter and other books as time progresses.

If you do not have access to any of those books, although only the d20 Modern main book, for now, should matter. As well as the Dark*Matter Campaign Setting, also only liberally.

Character Types: With the starting of this campaign I plan to focus upon regular people thrust into irregular circumstances, a prime example of this would be the beginning of John Roger's Dark*Matter story hour.

Be they a dockworker, a college student, a rookie cop, or whatever. My only caveat is that they fall, roughly, between the ages of 18-35, roughly are own, current, age range and experiences.

Some exceptions could be made, but since we are focusing on 1st level Heroes, as opposed to mundanes, it would not work, for me, to have a 40-something, 1st level hero.

Basically, as long as it fits within the scope of a 1st level character, as per the rules of d20 Modern, then I am gonna be cool with it.

If you are planning to do an FX type, i.e. Psionics or Mage, please let me know.

Point Buy: We are using a 28-Point Buy, since it gives a nice range of skills within the scope of heroic, for modern types, but it still requires a slight bottom to the curve as well.

Starting Wealth: As per pg. 91 of the d20 Modern book.

That is all, for now.

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Hey all,

...here is the dice server I would like to use for the game.


You can send the results, as needed, to [MY FIRST NAME] [AT] fathalfling [DOT] com.


Also, a question has been raised to what I mean by regular people thrust into irregular circumstances.

What I mean is that you're someone that we could find in most places - an FBI Profiler, a Homocide Detective, a Teacher, a Paramedic, or even a College Professor.

Although you might have heard of paranormal things, you've yet to see any true evidence of it, or so you think. Basically, your paranormal cherry is still intact.

Sound good?

ADDENDUM: I might switch this to my gmail account, but for now use fathalfling.
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Sure, I'm ok with you hardly using any spells, getting killed in the first few acts, and then idling by for a few dozen sessions until I bring ya back.


Seriously, Brandon, I'd be cool with the Vinnie Cam.

Remus Lupin

Well, I'm taking the "ordinary people" dimension seriously (I'm going to try to commit suicide, get found by my mom, sent to an insitution, come back, and thorugh a series of confrontations finally confess my feelings of guilt over the death of my brother in a boating accident). No! Not THAT ordinary people!

Rather, I'm thinking of a regular guy who works days as a carpenter, and runs a small and not particularly well-regarded martial arts academy. So he's basically a Strong Hero with martial arts skills and a few ranks in Craft (Carpentry).

What think ye?


First Post
Having just returned from a late diaper run to walmart, I'm thinking of a night shift mega-store worker with a predilection for liberating merchandise from his employer and a semi-sincere conviction some of his coworkers are zombies (a belief fueled by a low-level pot habit).

A dedicated hero with a non-violent criminal background.


First Post

Though this morning I thought of another character: a repoman!

"Bud: Hey! Hey look at that. Look at those a-----s over there. Ordinary f---ing people I hate 'em.

Otto: Me too.

Bud: What do you know? See an ordinary person spends his life avoiding tense situations. Repoman spends his life getting into tense situations. A------s! Lets go get a drink. "

[edited so as not to offend Grammy Noah]

Voidrunner's Codex

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