• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Campaign Thoughts & Feedback


Like you need to ask?

Why is it that the folks with the highest Cha in the last two games are just weird?

Falon dragonboy
Gwen - Yeah, she looks normal but does anyone really believe that?
Ceru and his 5 spirit dance troupe
Atomos - The monocrhome mage (OK, he was a Sorceror)
Tyrm - Should you toss him in a fire and see if he really melts?

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Not much in the way of feedback lately. It's the end of the year and we are in a lull. Give it a little thought and let me know, if you don't mind. There are always ways to improve the game.

This thread just got me thinking about it a bit more: Where do you shine


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Just a quick response, since I don't get much time online right now:

Strong Points:
Giving Each PC a chance to shine
Encouraging Heroics
Deep setting
Memorable NPCs
Dynamic World

Weaker Points:
Sometimes slow sessions

Wow, that's really the only slow points I can think of. I really enjoy this game, and I'm happy to give some feedback. Except for the occasional slow session, everything is great.

Sometimes it does go slow, because we don't always see eye to eye on things. But it is also probably a good thing. If we always agreed on everything, then we would always stick with our first decision and we would never fry our brains to try to come up with a better solution.


OK, I asked in another thread for everyone to list their top 5 favorite 'scenes' from the game so far. Nobody responded. :( So rather than think nobody has any favorites, I will assume the question got lost in between everything else.

Everyone's 5 favorite scenes? It can include anything from any game. Heck, if you had a really cool scene from another game entirely feel free to share. Just remember that if I wasn't a player in the game, you will need to provide me with more detail.

Oh yeah, wishlists for items?

And what do you think of that immovable rod so far? ;)


First Post
Am I allowed only 5? There are so many!

Let's see, there was that time in the Star Wars RPG where our smuggler characters tried to jettison some explosive cargo, and my cat/human character ended up with her fur all blown off. I don't know why, but a hairless cat is always funny :) I really liked the scene when Aaron took the evil book out of the cave and all the undead showed up. I liked taking out Explicticus and all the treasure she had. I even liked when you made us believe we were in a giant room and that guy from Orlane was the giant. Even though that was like an hour of game time that was useless to the game, it was pretty damn funny. I liked taking on the trolls with the two groups together. I liked anytime we got to talk or listen in on the gods. I especially liked the shrine of tranquility. Of course, Mhata Nahal having Ternell for breakfast is a high point and the whole last battle. And, the best part of that for me was when Crill became Colossal :lol: So many more things, but I think one of the scenes that has influenced my writing the most is where they take out the ghoul in the forest that has been completely poisoned and Elanahih appears. And any time Gwen got to journey into the Fey realm was lovely.


First Post
No this isn't Kultar, Its Russ again just too lazy to switch accounts.some funny/memorable moments????
1) When our brave and noble fighters lost their awesome weapons to a lowly rust monster.
2) When Ternell, the cocky fighter for Pter got his butt whooped on by Evilynn.
3) When Oceas was hanging from Tormal and Tormal was clinging to a stick in midair.
4) Fighting the yuantee underground.
5) Trying to escape past the golem thru the narrow tunnel only to have him give chase. I thought he would stay at his post.
6) When Brandons char in the first campaign got impaled by the demon with the pitchfork and Melinda (Gwen) just dismissed it ever so casually.
7) When we all got our butts handed to us by the killer chihuahua guard dog.
8) On the bad side. We released the spirit that turned the whole town into undead (oops)
9) Having Brians char pull out his sword to do battle and getting eaten by the famine spirit before he struck a blow.
Killing the ghouls in the forest and restoring the area (meeting Lune in the process)
10) Seeing Crill turn into a bear and shred the tree that grabbed us all
11) The big fight down south in the mountain and then coming back north to fight at Greerson (even though the ending sucked for my guy.)
12) Having Crill turn into a huge bear and annihilate the bad guys big bully.
13) setting the field on fire to escape the gnolls. Good idea on my part I must say.
14) just about any action scene where we screw up royally and just laugh at the idiocy of what we've just done

Here are a few memorable moments that come to mind...

5) The goblin king ordering that Tormal sit in the corner, because he wasn't cool.

4) Michael's character being knocked unconscious by that pig.

3) When Felix stole a bottle of wine from the Conroe estate, spurring the following conversation between he and Tormal:

Tormal: What did you find there?

Felix: What this? (pulls out bottle of expensive wine from his pack)

Tormal: Put that back!

Felix: ok. (Puts wine back in pack.)

2) In our first campaign when we escaped the dreadful, Fred-filled island and then realized that we forgot Brandon's character.

1) Met Smeg, the poor pots and pans dealer, and decided to buy from him his largest pot...
in order for us to store all of our gold.

This one happened in my current campaign with my roommates. My character is a rogue named Edgar and he travels with Loss, a psion.

We were both 6th level when we went to vist a halfling encampment and a halfling pulled out a deck of many things.

After a few draws from each of us, only minor things had happened not much to affect the game.

We both decided to take one more draw from the deck of many things, which for those who aren't aware could be very profitable or could just impison you on the spot.

Edgars draw: King of diamonds, the best card in the deck, I gained 50,000 experience and a minor wondrous item (elephant figurine)

Loss' draw: Also a king of diamonds, also gained 50,000 exp and got an iouen stone.

This made our dm angry, the whole campaign had to be changed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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