• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Carnifex's Story Hour (Updated January 20th, "The Union")


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Do you other ladies know that this is the first game I have been in (real life and online) where I am not the only female gamer?

And I always read the other threads. Sure, I have to be careful to not let MY knowledge pop into Sandslipper's head, but they are just so much fun to read. I was getting scared when Burl was left alone at the Sicky Temple. Psionics may be my new favorite class, but before that it was Wizards, so I was really rooting for him.

Like I said before, I am having loads of fun. I can't wait to see what this is all about.


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Wyshira and Kale:

Still in the shop of Garadas the alchemist avian, Kale purchases a couple of smokesticks and some tindertwigs for cheap prices, intending to try and make some sort of smoke bombs with them; as well as a vial of some sort of fluoric acid in a very secure container. He also shows the brid-man his brine blade and shadow ring, hoping the creature might be able to enlightnen him a little on the nature of both.

After some experimentation, Garadas is able to certify that the inert oily substance on the sword only becomes corrosive when used with the intent to attack someone, rapidly reverted to a harmless substance otherwise - "Saves you having to buy new scabbards every five minutes," he cackles.

When the ancient avian takes a look at the onyx ring, he has a little more to say.

"I'm no wizard, but I recognise shadow magic when I see it. Umbramancy. On other worlds, in other planes of existence, shadow magic is just like another aspect of wizardcraft, drawing the semi-materium from the darkness to shape it to the casters wishes."

"Not so here. Ever since I came here, I have sensed it on the edge of periphery of my conciousness - shadows have pervaded this world for so long they are an integral part of it, working in ways I do not understand."

"Be careful, young human - this ring reeks of umbramancy. That's not in itself a danger, but be aware of the true nature of shadows - they have a connection with something ancient, something I have never encountered before, even in all my millenia."

Kale is disturbed more than a little by this ( the player described it as 'the kind of feeling Kale gets when he thinks of ancient, ancient unknown powers? Think HP Lovecraft, Call of Cthulu. Lovely. =)' - which is exactly how I wanted it to be ;)). There were always old horror tales about ancient, unknown forces, beyond the scope of the politics and power of humankind - but they were just tales, weren't they? The thought there might be more to them than just flights of fancy was chilling...

Leaving the 'Alchymist' they ehaded back to the Mirrorscales via the marketplace, Kale picking up some weapons and equipment as they went.

Meanwhile Wyshira had visited the Iril temple of Ishrak, making a small donation of money to thank the Storm Lady for the successful voyage, and speaking to one of the Deacons to see if there was any need for her services. She asked the man about the Pendarme family, and he supllied her with a few details:

- Pendarme are one of the really powerful merchant families at the top of the Corinthian power structure.

- The current head of the family, Lord Morgrin Pendarme, is half-elven. Both parents died from disease a few years ago.

- Morgrim is young, inexperienced, but also very ruthless.

- His elven aunt, the sister of his mother, is still around and helping him> She's a very strange fey with gray skin and hair. She claims to be from House Fayen, one of the noble sorcerous houses of Naseria in the west, and is reputed to indeed be a powerful sorceress.

- Her mysterious consort, Tewlcroghen, is rumoured to be a powerful wizard.

- Pendarme have many mercantile interests but concentrate on weapons, armour, and similar goods.

The deacon also indicates that in general, he feels it wise to stay out of the politics of Iril, though apparently the high priest differs with him on this.

Having finished in the temple, she heads over, early, to the Mirrorscales. Sitting there and waiting she thinks on the nature of the crystalline globes - they're hollow, so maybe you don't crush them, they float?

Ordering a glass of water, she gently drops one in, and watches it 'clink' on the side of the glass as it bobs around. There doesn't seem to be any other effects though.


After checking the regressing infection in his leg, Burl heads down to the kitchen to grab something to eat. He also tries to see what information he can extract from the staff there. but they aren't very talkative to him and he learns little.

Then, when he exits the kitchen and heads off towards Tewlcroghen's chamber, one of the strange black men he had seen before stops him to speak with him. Looking at the being now, he can see that it has slitted, reptilian eyes along with all the other strange features - the claws, the teeth, the gray-black skin...

It has a deep and powerful but almost sibilant voice when it speaks.

"You're Burl, aren't you? Master Tewlcroghen bade me speak with you, since he has business at the moment and requires privacy."

The reptile-man fills him in on what is going to happen that evening when Burl is taken to the temple of Solanthar. The mercenaries Tewcroghen has hired will strike the armed guard around Burl, and he is given a scroll of sleep to help take out as many as possible without danger of bloodshed. He also says that the mercenaries are not aware that it is Pendarme they are working for, to make the entire facade as believable as possible.

Once they are done in conversation, Burl heads down to Tewlcroghen's chamber, determinde to find out just who the strange reptile-men really are, along with a load of other questions for his patron.

The Five in the Cave:

The battle with the ogres is short and brutal. Ebri and Seb move to head the beasts off to give the others time to escape, but everyone pitches into the fight. Each swipe of an ogres greatclub could spell death for any of the party members, it is clear, but by luck the only person to be hit is Ebri who takes a glancing blow from a club - and to everyone's amazement, stays standing. In retaliation, she explodes into a flurry of unarmed attacks, kicks and punches sending her foe reeling as throwing axes, crossbow bolts and slingstones zip towards the monsters. A dire rat conjured by Meg'anna manages to tear a chunk out of one ogres leg before being crushed to pulp, then one ogre collapses dead.

The other quickly backs off to the mouth of the cave, bellowing for reinforcements. It's clear the party can't escape through the main entrance, so when Mel reveals to the rest the possibility of escape through the underwater tunnel they jump at the opportunity.

Sandslipper finds the experience of being immersed in water particularly unpleasant, but fortunately as they press against the faint current, the tunnel in the pool is extremely short before it rises up into another cavern beyond the cave wall. This one is almost pitch black, only a little light refracting through via the underwater tunnel, but those with darkvision can see that this chamber is stalagmite and stalagtite ridden and dripping with moisture. The pool of water which they rose out of once out of the underwater tunnel takes up most of the floor, and there's a tunnel leading off that's clearly artificial and carved out of the rock. A rusty, decrepit iron gate blocks it a few metres down.

A light spell from Meg'anna quickly illuminates the place for everyone, and the soaked party plan their next move...


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Next Update Coming Soon:

- Melisande gets one hell of a shock - they're watching you...

- The mercenaries make their plan to break Burl free, drawing upon old tales and stories for inspiration...

- Burl finds out who the hell the Black Hunters are...


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Some Spells

Well, I thought I'd post some of the special spells I've created for the campaign onto the Story Hour thread; some of the low level Cryomancer and Manipulator spells. Sadly the file with most of the spells on it is currently somewhat incapacitated - I wrote it on a word processor, and for some reason the computer I'm on at the moment doesn't like it one bit. I'll have to wait for my laptop to get back from being mended before I can detail the rest of the cryomancer spells, like Ice Spray (a level 1 cryomancy staple). I wont post the higher level spells here - I want to keep them a surprise!

Please, I'd love to hear comments and suggestions!

Two Low-Level Cryomancy Spells:

Conjuration [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft + 10 ft / level)
Duration: 1 minute / level, or until all globes are expended
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Frostglobes spell conjures up one globe of icy white cold per caster level, which can then be hurled at targets within range. The caster can attack with Frostglobes instead of a normal weapon each round until she runs out or the spell duration expires, requiring a ranged touch attack to hit with each globe. On a successful hit, a globe deals d6+1 cold damage to the target.

Now that I look at this one again, one globe per level seems a bit powerful, especially since I put no upper limit on the number of globes. Maybe one globe every two levels might be more balanced.

Ice Armour
Abjuration [Cold]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (Harmless)
This spell creates an armour made of sparkling, translucent ice around the wearer, that can absorb damage and fend off fire. The Ice Armour weighs nothing, and does not encumber or restrict the wearer in any way. It provides damage resistance 5/ +1 and absorbs the first 5 points fo fire damage each round. However, after it has absorbed a total of 25 damage from fire or attacks the ice armour shatters and melts away.

I've already significantly modified this one in the campaign so far - the corsair mage cast it on the sahuagin captain, whereas this original version of the spell has only 'self' range> I also screwed up with how much damage it could absorb - I seemed to remember it being only 5 points of physical damage, whereas this says 25. On reflection, 25 points of damage seems a bit much for a level 1 spell, so perhaps ten or fifteen?

Some Manipulator Spells:

These spells are mostly still just vague, unlike the cryomancy spells which I wrote a while back. The inclusion of Manipulation into the campaign was a much more recent decision. In game, the bio-thaumaturgical alteration of living things is done via a combination of the Knowledge (Manipulation) skill and the appropriate spells - but these spells also have battle-field applications...

Sor/Wiz 1
Inflicts d6+1 subdual damage on a target within Medium range. Like Magic Missile, it increases at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level, each time by another d6+1. Agonise works by simply jacking straight into the nervous system and flodding it with pain signals. It has laboratory applications in testing the pain threshold of subjects.

Sor/Wiz 1
This spell requires a ranged touch attack to hit - it emits a pulsing white ray. If it hits the target, they're afflicted with agony as their bones wrench and attempt to deform. This inflicts a –1d6 enhancement penalty to Dexterity, with an additional –1 per two caster levels (maximum additional penalty of –5). The subject’s Dexterity score cannot drop below 1. It has laboratory applications in the long-term alteration and manipulation of a subjects bone structure (albeit a very painful method, but then Manipulators rarely care about the comfort of their subjects).

A sort of Ray of Enfeeblement for Dex instead of Strength :)

Sor/Wiz 2
A more brutal form of the Bonewrench spell, this one pulses so much power through the subjects bones that they begin to shatter and deform, badly injuring the subject. As well as the enhancement penalty to Dex that Bonewrench inflicts, Boneshatter also inflicts d6 damage per two levels of the caster (max 5d6).

Flesh No Barrier
Sor/Wiz 3
When this spell has been cast, the Manipulator can push his hand through flesh as though it were dough to be kneaded between his fingers. With obvious laboratory applications, it also makes for an effective - and gruesome - attack spell.

Once cast, the wizard need merely make a touch attack to sink his hand into the subject. On a success he can thrust his hand into the body of the target, rending and disrupting muscles and grabbing hold of bones. This touch attack deals d6 damage/2 levels to a max of 5d6, and in addition may choose to deal either d6+1 Dexterity damage or d6+1 Strength damage to the target, Should the wizard have this spell active and attempt to make a grapple attack, they can simply grab hold of a bone and anchor themselves with it until they want to let go, giving them a +4 circumstance bonus to the grapple check!

Inspired by 'Perdido Street Station' where the bio-thaumaturge attacks the main character like this... :)

There are plenty more bio-thaumaturgy spells in the works (such as Bio-Shutdown, Nerve Surge, Adrenal Imbalance and Bio-Acclimatisation), along with some other cryomancer spells (such as Freezing Fog and Frost Field), plus lots of other spells I've just created myself anyway :) (such as Baatorian Barb Blast or Deflect). They'll turn up at various points during the campaign, and as they do so I'll probably provide stats for them. At some point I may also post some of the special PrC's onto the board, such as the Cryomancer and Flame Guildsman.


Re: Some Spells

Carnifex said:

I'd max this at 5 globes, 1/2 levels. Perhaps 1/level.

Ice Armour

Way too good for me. Level 1, DR AND Resistance.
At least cap it to 5 points absorbed per (2) levels, maximum 25.

I like that, though I hope it's got a save or to hit roll. Otherwise, it's even better than magic missile.


That one, I like. Though the "minus" is useless because you state it is a penalty.


Also very nice... and evil :) Still, I'd make this damage either dependen on a save (Fort half) or give it an energy type, because otherwise it's way better than other 2nd level spells, stacking damage and circumventing damage reduction.

Flesh No Barrier

This seems weaker than Boneshatter. Howabout requiring a Fort save (partial) or be wracked in pain for 1d4+1 rounds? Pain could be stunned, or...



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Thanks for the comments Berandor! I'll do a reply post to them sometime soon, but right now I need to write some message board posts in the game itself :) However, I'll just put here the list of ideas for Manipulator spells that the player of Melisande just sent me. Note that these are exactly how she's written them, with no alterations as yet by me - italic text is by me though!

Sense Physiology (Sor/Wiz 0)
While the caster concentrates on the subject, she is able to sense basic physiological states such as:
- heart rate / hypertension (useful but not 100% reliable for detecting lies for example)
- disease
- fatigue
- pain
- arousal
- unnatural effects such as drugs, poisons, body-affecting spells, manipulation, etc.

Need to be careful with this one - I don't want it to be too powerful as a kind of combined detect lies/detect poison/whatever spell.

Diagnose (Sor/Wiz 1)
This is like Sense Physiology but much more precise in the information gleaned. The caster would be able to sense, for example, a tumor that the subject is not aware of; subtle changes of humor; exactly what kind of drug/poison/spell may be at work in the subject; what is the source of pain/disease.

Sedate (Sor/Wiz 1)
The opposite of Agonise. Causes subject to ignore pain. Can be soothing but can also lead subject to aggravate serious wounds he/she is unaware of. Heals 1d6 subdual damage?

I have a spell similar already in the works, amongst the ones I haven't yet posted on here, except that it grants temporary hit points.

Reduce Immunity (Sor/Wiz 1)
This spell is used in Manipulation labs to stop immune rejection of a graft, but it can also be cast in battle to lower an opponent's resistance to disease-causing agents, and/or to slow down regeneration and healing.

I like the idea of this one perhaps being useful against regenerator/fast healing opponents, and it fits well with the background - by lowering a subjects immunity, Manipulators can test out disease effects more efficiently on test subjects.

Metabolise (Sor/Wiz 1)
This spell does not have the same effect as Haste, but is more like a dose of arcane amphetamines. Body functions involved in "fight or flight" are increased for X rounds, granting the subject +1 to strength, dexterity and wisdom (for increased alertness) for the duration of the spell. Alternately, the spell can be used to speed natural healing (gain of one hp without resting / extra hp while resting). May also be used to "slow poison" something like the clerical spell, or to sober up an intoxicated subject. No matter how the spell is used, the subject will have to deal with the "low" after the spell's effect wears off (-1 to str for x rounds?).

Interesting, though as it stands, with the slow poison effects and everything, perhaps a little powerful?

Graft (Sor/Wiz 2)
A higher-level spell that, with a body part provided, allows the caster to temporarily graft the body part to a subject. After a certain time the graft withers and dies and the subject is weakened for a short period. Can be used to add a third eye somewhere, add claws, wings, fangs, fur or extra limbs...

I like the diea of this in a way, but it doesn't quite work with Manipulators, I'd think, who'd just surgically attach a graft. Potential abuse with slapping on extra limbs? Not sure...

Affect Physiology (Sor/Wiz 1)
Allows the caster to affect certain minor physiological states, such as:
- heart rate (to make the subject more or less nervous than usual, for example)
- provoke hunger/thirst
- provoke arousal
- cause fever
- lower blood pressure (dizziness, weakness)
This could be used to break another spellcaster's concentration using DC vs concentration check, for example. Also, a very high level version of this spell could be deadly.

Interesting, and fits well with Manipulators. In terms of high level spells, well, there are several in the works which kill through overloading physiological aspects.


Should I transfer my posts to general??

Carnifex said:

Sense Physiology (Sor/Wiz 0)

well, make it like normal detect spells.
Round 1: heart rate, fatigue, arousal
Round 2: pain, disease
Round 3: any unnatural effects.

Note that round three doesn't discern the exact nature of effect (Poison or drug or spell).
Also, spell works only on creatures, not objects (like a bottle of wine).

Diagnose (Sor/Wiz 1)

That seems all right to me.

Sedate (Sor/Wiz 1)

Ignore wounds - stays functionable for up to 2 points per caster level, max 10. (So at level three, the subject would be able to act while at -5 hp. 0 hit points would be the first hit point affected, so maximum would be -9 hp, -10 dead.)

Reduce Immunity (Sor/Wiz 1)

Touch attack. Reduces either
1 point of energy resistance / caster level (max 10)
1 point of damage reduction / caster level (max 10)
1 point of regeration / 2 caster levels (max 5)

Needs a short duration, like 1 round/level or better 1 round / 2 levels.

Metabolise (Sor/Wiz 1)

Slow poison efect definitely too powerful. Second level spell.

The subject gains a +1 bonus per caster level, divided among Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom, in this order. Level 20 would give +7 to Strength, +7 to Dex, and +6 to Wis. (duration 10 minutes/level)
Or, can give normal healing without rest, or double healing with rest. (duration: special - 1 sleep)
Or, can induce comatose effect that stops body functions. Poison is stopped, no more bleeding, no breathing needed. (duration: 1 minute/level)

Graft (Sor/Wiz 2)

Very difficult. Can be used for weapons, to hide items, etc. There is a psionic power called "Graft Weapon":
Level - 5
You permanently attach any weapon onto the end of one of your arms. The weapon becomes a natural extension of your arm, and that hand is nowhere to be seen. You add a +1 to attack and damage with the weapon (if you are proficient with it). Weapon becomes subject to effects that don't affect equipment. Effects that enhance unarmed attacks work on this weapon.
You receive a -2 on skill checks requiring hands. Effects that polymorph or transform can ignore the weapon or not, at your discretion. If your weapon takes damage, you take damage as well. If you are healed, the weapon is, too. If your weapon is destroyed, you lose 2 points of Constitution until the weapon or the natural anatomy is restored.
If you use this power again, you can change weapons of regain your hand.

I think the suggested spell is not permanent, but enables much more things...

Affect Physiology (Sor/Wiz 1)

I somehow like this spell.



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A reply to Berandor:

Frostglobes and Ice Armour: Both good suggestions, I think I'll implement them.

Agonise: I may reduce it to just d6 subdual damage. No save or roll to hit - after all, it's only subdual damage...

Bonewrench and Boneshatter: The bit with the minus is basically just taking the wording directly from the SRD for the Ray of Enfeeblement spell. On the matter of Boneshatter, I may ramp down the damage to d4's or something.

Flesh No Barrier: One of the advantages of this spell is that, unlike the others so far, it can knock down Str or Dex to 0. That alone makes it pretty nasty, IMO... with Boneshatter ramped down a bit it makes it comparatively a better spell.

Thanks, your comments have been really useful. I'll go back and work on these some more now.


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Wow--thanks for the comments, Carnifex and Berandor. You can tell I haven't got the game mechanics down quite, and I really appreciate the input. Great ideas on making these spells playable.

As for "Affect Physiology", as Carnifex says, it might be better to keep that one just a low-level spell and have the higher-level spells be specific to a certain system, like Carnifex's Nerve Surge (can't wait to see that one!). Another idea might be a high-level spell that blasts your blood pressure through the roof--instant stroke, or even meaty stuff like heads exploding (I'm in the middle of Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana and enjoyed an intense head-explosion scene).

"Sense Physiology" is not meant to be a powerful spell by any means. If the subject is poisoned, diseased, or magically weakened, the caster should not be able to sense more than that something is vaguely wrong. The lie-detection ability is intended to be quite limited as well--might give a small bonus to Sense Motive checks, for example, but otherwise isn't reliable enough to be trusted. (There are lots of reasons why someone's heart may be beating fast when they're talking, particularly in Acrozatarim!)

Given more thought, "Graft" seems like it's too easy in light of what Manipulators do in their labs all day. Maybe it should be higher level and very short duration (a few rounds max before the graft just falls off). One limitation is that the extra body parts must be available for grafting. If this spell can be worked out so it's playable, I'd like to keep it for my wish list. I guess you could say it's growing on me. Freaky range of possibilities.

There are a few more ideas brewing but I'm realizing that some of these could easily be used against me or my beloved at some point... :D

Thanks again, you guys! This is so cool.


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Oh, Tigana! I really enjoyed that book. There is this one scene that had me just bawling my head off on my lunch hour one day at work - it was embarassing! I've read a few other books by Kay, and they were good too, but not as good as Tigana. You'll have to let me know what you think of it.

Oops. Sorry. Off topic.


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