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Carnifex's Story Hour (Updated January 20th, "The Union")


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Just when you think it can't get any weirder is right! I can't wait to see what the gang in the cave thinks of that talking skull thing.

And I can't wait to see if the priestess and the Shadow Man (that's what I'm calling Kale these days) can manage to rescue Burl... Things are getting very exciting!


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The Five in the Cave:

The party in the cave sets about drying themselves off a little, and Ebri heals herself a little with divine magic, refusing Melisande's offer of the rest of her healing potion - as the divine energy flows into the woman there's the gristly crunch of broken bones shifting back into position.

It seems that for the time being at least, they're safe, and Mel takes advantage of this to show her eye emblem amulet and vial of evocation shadowstuff to Meg'anna and Ebri, since they're both also spellcasters. No-one can puzzle out the shadow-in-a-bottle, but Ebri recognises the emblem as being the holy symbol of the Great Prophet, which she describes as a rare fringe cult. She's very interested in how Melisande came about it but before the aasimar can elaborate she suddenly realises she's being scryed. The apprentice bio-thaumaturges were trained to recognise the sensation of scrying spells back in the labs, and she is totally sure that's what she's experiencing now.

She panics, trying to pull the amulet off, but the clasp wont undo. Ebri acts more rationally, trying to calm Mel by grabbing the eye emblem and enclosing it in her fist. "Now it can see nothing, for the moment at least," she says, while questioning the upset sorceress as to how she came about the thing. Of course, she has no idea whether simply putting a hand over the eye will block the scrying but she hopes it will serve to allay the fears of the others and encourage calm thought. Mel describes how she came across it and the potions in the forest, a present from the shadow-figure - "It was a gift--a knife offered handle last, as they say in Carthagia." But as Ebri points out, it may be genuinely for her own good - they just don't know.

To make sure, they wrap in in a strip of cloth torn off Seb's trousers, and he offers to try and cut the chain of the unremovable amulet with his glaive. Even with a quick reduce spell to make the weapon a better suited size for the job, it proves impossible to break the chain and all they succeed in doing is damaging the glaives keen edge.

In the meantime, Sandslipper had wandered over to the rusty gate blocking the tunnel out, and the heavy earth genasi had knocked it open with one kick - it crashed against the tunnel wall loudly. They'd thought nothing of it for a while, but then air current of cool breeze had begun to stir in the previously still room, and from down the winding tunnel sounds could be heard. Mel recognised the high-pitched voices that they could hear as speaking draconic, and getting closer.

Amid the sound of approaching skittering and high-pitched chatter, the sorceress picks out one particular commanding voice:

"Whatever's down there, we'll kill it. Inform Asak to bring a war party and comb the tunnels if it evades us - nothing can defeat the Fire Snake! The silver head is with us, we are favoured, warriors! Good hunting!"

Of course the others can't understand the draconic but they can understand that the incoming creatures are now just around the corner, and they all flatten themselves as best they can amidst the stalagmites and against the cavern walls. Unfortunately it's too late to douse the light, and without it the humans wont be able to see anyway, so they know that whoever is approaching will know something is wrong. Mel tries to misdirect the creatures, calling back in draconic in a high-pitched voice about 'ogres and dreadspawn in the outer cave', but it doesn't seem to trick the figures, which can now be seen as shadowy shapes scuttling round the corner, all short and gremlin-like though they can't be made out clearly yet. Their weapons glint in the light though, and they hurl alchemists fire and slingstones as they close in, the authoritative voice yelling "Kill them!" Fortunately none of the barrage hits any of the party, who are mostly shielded by cover and shadows. Sandslipper prepares to manifest Skate on Sebastion, but avoids any more psionic manifestation than that because she needs reserves to keep her Inertial Armour up.

Then, as the short figures surge forwards to attack, the leader holds up a strange silvery skull in one hand, yelling more encouragement.

To the shock of the party, the skull then opens its jaws - and begins to speak in common!

"Ah, hello? Good to see some humans again, I must say. Watch out - the fellow holding me up here's a sorceror, I believe - just thought I should warn you!"

Wyshira, Kale and Burl:

Wyshira, Kale, Kaerval and Wolf discuss plans in the Mirrorscales over a meal. Eventually they settle on the following:

- Wyshira will wear a hooded cloak so that her odd skin colour is not obvious, and will wear plain clothes rather than priestly so that they can't trace back any link to the temple of Ishrak. She then will run towards the soldiers guarding the wizard as they head through the streets, screaming for help, as Wolf charges after her.

- Wolf pretends to be some brigand after Wyshira, with the hope he will draw the soldiers attention and perhaps even get some of them chasing off after him. By this point, Wyshira should be amongst the soldiers.

- Kaerval and Kale will wait nearby in a side alley. When the confusion happens, Kaerval will cast a sleep spell on the soldiers and Kale will sneak up to attack with his saps.

- As Kale closes on the wizard to try and grab him and run, Wyshira will unleash an Obscuring Mist spell to cover the getaway.

- Then, everyone runs hell for leather out of there!

One development during the discussion is that Kaerval doesn't intend to leave with them. Instead, he wishes to remain in Iril because there are so many opportunities for him as a bard that he just can't afford to pass up.

The next day, Kale pays a visit to an Irilson clerk in a shipping administration bureau, armed with his letter of introduction from Captain Marsans. His aim is to get the Irilsons to make sure the mercenary unit he deserted from, the Fuldarian Auxiliaries, don't come after him, in return for which the Irilsosn get the services of a competent freelanceer whenever they want them. It also serves as an 'in' with his patron house without having to involve the Amegrion family at all, since he doesn't get on well with his parents. The meeting is short, the bureaucrat making vague and disinterested promises but at least it means that his request has now been lodged, and will come to the attention of the relevant people eventually.

Both Wyshira and Kale then do a bit of information gathering, pulling up all sorts of interesting info about goings on in Iril. A bit later, the four meet up again at the north-western gate to prepare for their planned ambush.

Meanwhile Burl has been speaking to Tewlcroghen. His patron reveals to him that the strange black men are a mercenary company called the 'Black Hunters' that the Pendarmes have on retainer - they're all half-dragons, the children of some black dragon that was apparently killed, leaving its brood of halfbreed children with little other option than to strike out for their own. Tewlcroghen also tells Burl that if when he reaches Naseria he feels the need for aid, the Pendarmes have contacts within the noble House Fayen of that country, for Karai herself is of Fayen descent.

House Fayen are one of the five sorcerous noble Houses that rule Naseria. In particular, House Fayen is entirely elven and rules the elven settlements of the Fayen forests that cover much of the north-west of that nation.

The necromancer stes to work trying to make another healing salve, and this time is successful, then decides to visit Karai and say his goodbyes. He finds the elf up in her laboratory-observatory, all sorts of strange equipment like orreries and astrolabes and telescopes littering the place, a large one grinding round on gears and cogs as it realigns itsel in the centre of the room. The place is covered in a dome of blue stained glass, and the elf is gracefully wandering around the lab in a veridian green dress when Burl enters.

They converse for a bit, the wizard attempting to discover more of just how Karai and Tewlcroghen fit into the scheme of things, for instance why he never sees his patron outside of the man's chamber, but Karai remains cryptic, hinting also that Tewlcroghen can move around outside his room without Burl ever realising it is him. The wizard also touches on the matter of the death of Karai's sister, Morgrims mother, but it is evidently a sore spot for the elven woman and she becomes businesslike and brittle in demeanour - though from what she did say, she doesn't seem to have approved of her sisters husband. Realising he's put his foot in it, the necromancer quickly beats a retreat and retires to his room to await the guards who will be taking him to the temple.

It gets rapidly darker, and by the time Burl and the eight tough, chainmail clad warriors exit the Pendarme residence it is drizzling and the winds are getting up. There's the promise of a storm ahead, and the guards pull their heavy, hooded cloaks tight around them. Meanwhile, in the spot of ambush on the street, Wolf and Wyshira wait in position, while Kale and Kaerval lurk in a nearby alley. The mercenary slips on his onyx ring and immediately the dense shadows cling to him, making him harder to percieve as the two men wait silently.

The drizzle turns into a downpour of rain amd the winds get up; Wyshira changes from being nervous over the ambush to being excited over the storm, her eyes beginning to shine with a slight inner light. The guards escorting Burl meanwhile are rather less observant than they might usually be, more caught up in their own misery at the awful weather.

Wolf spots the procession approaching the ambush site, and they make final preparations. As the guards pass by the alley where the two K's are hiding, a stray glance from Burl stares in at the strangely moving shadows there and he locks eyes for a moment with Kale.

Lightning crashes amidst the thick storm-clouds overhead, and the guards stop in confusion as through the poor visibility afforded by the rain, they see a cloaked woman come running towards them, screaming in terror about her pursuer. A shadowy figure lopes after her, blade glinting in the light.

Another flash of lightning silhouettes Wolf's form behind her, and with a hiss of steel the soldiers all draw blades. Yet they are still uncertain and confused.

Burl is confused too. He knows there will be an ambush, but surely the mercenaries wouldn't use a woman as bait? Yet he can't be sure, and worriedly tightens his grip on his scroll of sleep that the Black Hunter had given him.

In the wind-blown street, torrential rain pouring down and hampering visibility, everything hangs on a knife-edge...


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In the next update:

- Kobolds, kobolds, everywhere!

Yes, kobolds, alchemists fire, one silver talking skull... and the Amazing Ninjitsu Ebri! And you thought things couldn't get any wierder...

- The ambush in the back streets gets very, very complicated all of a sudden, because the mercenaries aren't the only ones after Burl...


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Well, thankfully I finally have my laptop back from Toshiba! This means my files with lots of new spells, items, prestige classes and the proper rules for my monsters are back again, and I don't have to try and remember them and end up making mistakes! I may post the stats for the scything slayers up here soon, as a celebratory measure :)


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Well, as promised, here're the proper stats for a scything slayer, as opposed to the ones I was guessing at earlier in the campaign :) I trust my players enough that they wont metagame this knowledge, but even so I'll hold back the stats and stuff of most creatures unti, I feel that nothing much will be lost by revealing them here. And trust me, there are lots of new creatures in this campaign! So far alone we've had dreadspawn, brine beasts, scything slayers, lhazakk lizarffolk, drazhikar...

Scything Slayer
Small Beast
Hit Dice:
2d10+2 (13 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30ft
AC: 18 (+1 size, +2 Dex, +5 natural)
Attacks: 2 claws +3 melee
Damage: Claw 1d6+1
Face/Reach: 5 ft by 5 ft/ 5ft
Special Attacks: Rend 1d6+1, Sneak Attack
Special Qualities: Chameleonic, Corpse Concealment
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Abilities: Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 5, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +5*, Move Silently +6, Jump +5
Climate/Terrain: Any temperate
Organisation: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 2
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 3-4 HD (Small)

Scything slayers, also called corpse trappers, are small, insectoid creatures that use corpses as bait for new prey. Standing nearly four feet tall, these six-limbed creatures bear a number of similarities to large praying mantises, including two scythe-like front claws with serrated edges that tear into prey. While they cannot fly, they do possess a tough and chameleonic carapace that lets them blend into the background, from which they can launch an ambush on unsuspecting creatures.


A scything slayer usually sets up an ambush, using a previously slain corpse as bait. They then either use their chameleonic hide to wait nearby unseen, or use their Corpse Concealment ability to hide inside the corpse, waiting for an inquisitive or hungry creature to approach. They have a rudimentary understanding that gold and similar treasures seem to attract more prey, and so often place some on or around a corpse to make it more attractive to potential food. Once the target is in position, they try and sneak attack, and once battle is joined in full fight ferociously with their claws, although they are intelligent enough to understand when they are outmatched and should flee.

Rend (Ex): If a scything slayer hits with both claws in a round, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh. This attack automatically deals an additional 1d6+1 damage.
Sneak Attack (Ex): Scything slayers are instinctively skilled at ambushing unsuspecting victims, and can sneak attack for +1d6 damage in the same manner as a rogue.
Chameleonic (Ex): The carapace of a Scything Slayer is naturally chameleonic, blending with the surroundings to give a +10 racial bonus to Hide checks if the slayer remains still for one minute.
Corpse Concealment(Ex): Sometimes scything slayers actually hide themselves inside bait corpses, especially those that they have already partially eaten. They can only use this ability on corpses of at least medium size. Doing so gives an additional +5 circumstance bonus to hide checks, on top of their chameleonic bonus, and almost always results in a surprise round for the slayer as it bursts out of the corpse to attack the unexpecting target. Once a corpse has been used for this purpose once, then unless it is Large size or larger the damage done to it is too much and a new corpse must be found.
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The Five in the Cave: A Veritable Myriad of Kobolds

There are a few moments of confusion amidst the party at the talking skull, then they leap into action. It's clear now that the creatures they are fighting are kobolds - small, reptilian yipping creatures, the one that the skull identified as a sorceror wearing a rich cloth that contrasts with the drab clothes of the rest. Ebri dives forwards into the oncoming horde, agilely dodging the spear thrusts and sword stabs of the kobold warriors to get right up to the sorceror; then with a quick chop of one hand she strikes him on the neck, stunning the spellcaster and sending it staggering. Meg'anna and Sebastion wade in after the dextrous woman, both taking hits from their diminuitive foes as Sebastion cleaves around with his glaive and the druidess stabs with her spear, the male warriors weapon striking true and hacking one kobold down. The kobolds lob more alchemists fire, this time hitting Sandslipper and burning her badly, while the return missile fire of Sandslippers sling and Melisandes bolt are both ineffectual.

The smell of cooking flesh and spilt blood begins to fill the cave. Melisande yells frantic commands as she wildly fires her crossbow again, urging Sandslipper into the water to douse the fire and screaming for someone to grab the skull - she thinks that the kobolds will be frightened without it. Sandslipper does as she is ordered without hesitation, feeling the cool water sooth her burn, while Ebri hits the sorceror in the throat, killing it, and grabs the skull out of its hands before the object can hit the floor. The kobolds around her angrily attack but she simply dodges their attacks; Sebastions armour holds against a spear-thrust, while the evidently demoralised kobolds are unable to injure Meg either.

Meg'anna wearily stabs away, killing one of the agile kobolds. Seb is longing for his two-bladed sword, thinking of the carnage he could cause then, but his attack strikes true anyway and decapitates a foe in a spray of blood. Thisis too much for the kobolds; with their leader dead and their numbers whittled down, they turn tail and flee, yipping and wailing as they disappear down the tunnel from whence they came.

The party settles down to lick its wounds, and fatigue begins to set in. Meg'anna casts cure minor wounds on herself, and is now out of spells - she's physically drained, tired and dirty. Melisande's first thoughts are for the other injured members of the party, in particular the burned Sandslipper - much to the womans delight - but soon the fatigue sets in on her as well.

It's interesting to note the reactions of various party members to the carnage they've just partaken in. Ebri just feels detached, observing what had just happened as a necessity. Meg'anna on the other hand takes a moment to mutter a prayer to nature over the dead kobolds (admittedly as she searches the corpses for loot) - they too had a place in natures plan.

Ebri casts cure minor wounds on Sandslipper, haeling her injuries a little. Meg'anna requests that they stop and sleep - she's really tired, but both Sebastion and Ebri agree it's an unwise move here, though a good plan once they can find somewhere safer - like out of these caves.

They take a moment to look at the silver skull that had so recently been talking. Ebri asks it whether it knows how to get out of the tunnels, setting it down on the ground, and as soon as it does so it hovers up into the air, eyes glowing blue.

It speaks again, in its strange, metallic voice.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't help too much, since I don't have the full knowledge of the lay-out of this place. From what I have been exposed to of it, I can tell you that if you head down that tunnel you'll enter a network of caves and some old tombs that were probably here long before those creatures. It shouldn't be too far from here to a way out. I've spent most of my time here after my previous owner was killed in one of the tombs, where the creatures worshipped me - they must have thought I was some sort of sacred relic or something, as opposed to what I am, which is a mimir."

Ebri asks it just what a mimir is, attempting to use Sense Motive on it on the basis that as a skull it was once human - but its voice lacks all the intonations that might aid her, and it has none of the body language of a humanoid. When it replies though, the voice has changed - now it's more distinct - a voice that sounds cheerful, amused, full of energy. A male voice, certainly, but not particularly deep - instead melodic and smooth.

"Hello Morelli - or whoever it might be that has just acquired my old mimir. I have little doubt it'll be passed on from you, Morelli, to many others in turn - these things prove remarkable durable, and indeed as they get older, they are after all more valuable."

"Anyway, what you have here - be you Morelli or someone else - is a mimir. Consider a mimir as thus - a method of recording thoughts, memories, knowledge, or whatever else you might want, which you can then access again simply by asking the mimir about a particular subject."

"Now remember, the mimir can only tell you about what its heard before. So if you ask a certain Mimir about, say, the secret contents of Tarsheva Longreach's underwear drawer," the voice laughs mischievously, "it could only tell you what other people have said about it. Likewise, a Mimir who has been lurking in the background of Baatorian politics may know a lot about it. Of course, this mimir you are holding has only the information that myself and the other members of my adventuring party have recorded in it since I created it - but that's still a lot of useful things. And doubtless in the future it will have far more information recorded on it as well. Basically, the only way to find out exactly what the mimir knows on any one subject is to ask it about that matter."

"So basically, this Mimir can replay anything it's ever head over the course of it's long life, when asked about it."

"Note that I've also managed to work some simple divination magics into this one - once per twenty four hours, the mimir can, if asked, cast an augury in the manner that many priests are able to do. Useful, eh?"

The skull pauses for a moment, then speaks again, declaring that it has been owned by three hundred and twenty seven individuals since its creation.

Thanks to Piratecat and Kamikaze Midget for help with the mimir :)
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Ah cool, a Mimir. It's been so long, I had sort of forgotten about the fun little buggers. Hmm, I've started a new campaign with players new to PS, so maybe this will be a good inclusion.

[ theRuinedOne attempts to pick pocket idea from Carnifex... ]

Keep up the good work!


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Thanks, theRuinedOne! BTW, I love your Planescape story hour - anyone else reading this, check the link in his sig. and read it!

Anyway, with any luck another update soon, with the Five in the Cave's thoughts on their newly acquired object, and more from the mimir itself. Also, the results of the street ambush in dark Iril! - it only partially went to plan :D


Like the back and forth stories and am glad that you got Burl connected. Still trying to figure out how you are going to get the five in the cave together with Wolf's mercenaries.

(good thing I subscribe to the PBEM!)


First Post
Broccli_Head: It'll all come together in a little while - barring anything really bizarre happening :) always a possibility with these players :D

Now, back to the Five in the Cave...

There're some very mixed reactions over the party's newly acquired mimir. Melisande is intrigued and excited, wanting to start asking it questions immediately but held back by the fear of kobold reinforcements returning soon. Sebastion on the other hand is highly suspicious...

"One of you's a witch, right?" he says, rather abruptly, "Aren't you supposed to exorcise demons and... and... and twist undead, or whatever it is? You can't really believe that thing, you know, it belonged to the kobolds... anything that is smart enough to talk is smart enough to lie."

This gets a poor reaction from the female spellcasters in the group :)

"I didn't mean anything by 'witch'... just, you know... women spell...worker... people..." He trails off in an attempt to stop digging the pit any deeper.

Ebri agrees that it can't necessarily be trusted - although it assures them it is a constructed thing and not some form of undead - but also points out that she doesn't trust anything else she percieves with her senses very much. Sandslipper is pretty ambivalent about the silver skull - she's just generally slightly confused about the array of events that have befallen her in the recent past, and especially the last few hours.

Meg'anna on the other hand is pretty clearly horrified by it, taking pains to ignore its very presence and not talk to it. Apparently convinced that it is some foul undead thing, she makes sure to be at the opposite end of the marching order to whoever carries the mimir.

The party decides to set off again, needing to move before the kobolds return with reinforcements. Ebri makes an attempt to muddle and cover their tracks around the pool, but any competent tracker will be able to follow them easily and it's hardly seen as a priority by most of the group. As they travel down the tunnel, they eventually come to a series of carved, square rooms, tombs in fact, the walls and sarcophagi inscribed with writing.

A closer look reveals the writing to be in a very archaic form of the drakkath language (the language used mainly by wizards for arcane writings, replacing draconic for that function IMC). Both Ebri and Melisande can read it - it says:

"Here we commemorate," and then strange symbols which neither woman has seen before, "who perished in duty, giving his life in battle against the Reaver that the Abomination might be stopped. He is embraced back into the shadows, to serve as," again, more symbols that make no sense, "on the ramparts of Law, in defence of the most sacred, as is his due reward."

Ebri considers the memorial as a rather useless thing - serving no good to the one who it is supposed to commemorate. On the other hand, she resolves to think over the mention of shadows in the inscription later on, for it interests her. Melisande gets the mimir to record the inscription, reading it out to the silver skull when she discovers that it is unable to read any language at all.

Meg'anna moves over to one of the tombs, trying to see if she can lift the sarcophagus lid off, but it seems to be firmly sealed and her attempt is to no avail.

There are faint noises coming from far off, through the other exit to the tombs, and Sebastion has Ebri ask the mimir whether the kobolds ever bring supplies through there. In response to the question the mimir speaks again, once again accessing a audial piece stored on it - this time speaking in a wheezy, nasal tone.

"I've discovered an interesting alternate route into the kobold lair. It seems that a spring in a nearby cave allows access through an underground water passage into the rear of the clan-held territory! This could prove extremely useful, if a little damp, as a method of entry and escape. My continued observations of the kobolds lead me to believe that the Fire Serpent tribe are merely the guardian clan of the surface entrance. The honeycomb of caves seems to lead down into what may be a much larger, multiple-clan settlement, with possibly hundreds of kobolds down there. I've seen several pieces of old drilling equipment, possibly dwarven-made, both in rusting heaps and still in use, though now by the kobolds - it implies they must have at least some engineers present."

"I've located the Fire Serpent rod now. A kobold priest of Gilamesh wields it; from listening in on conversations it seems his name is Asak, and he is the leader of the Fire Serpents. He spends much time in the strange tomb-complex that forms part of the cave network."

"Observing these tombs has brought up several points of interest. I am unable to discern their exact origin, and the drakkath used is rather archaic. There are several inscriptions I am unable to translate, although one in particular mentions a rather ancient symbol that I seem to remember seeing in a lorebook a while ago. Since here in the field I lack my library, I cannot yet investigate this further, but I will be sure to check when I return home - I believe the text in question is Hathelberts Occult Manual Of The Celestial and Demonic. Hopefully recording this on the mimir means I wont forget that. In addition, I noticed on all the tombs a very small inscription of some emblem, an eye within a triangle within a circle."

"The tombs seem to be sealed by magic, which would explain why they haven't already been looted by the kobolds. Rather, they often come here to pray, led by Asak, but it is not reverent prayer s of the type they devote to Gilamesh. Rather, it seems more placatory, as if they are trying to appease the spirit of the place. The superstitious creatures seem to sense something unnatural about the place. It emans that there is rarely ever any traffic through the tombs, unless it is a party coming to pray - they do not make use of the water in the cave beyond the tombs. This is useful; with any luck, I'll be able to steal the Fire Serpent rod of Asak when he comes next comes to the tomb. I estimate it would take several hours for a war party to be collected from the lower clans deeper down into the caves."

With the mimir having spoken its piece, Sebastion stops trying to warn Meg'anna off from opening the tombs - fearful of rousing undead - and points out that the kobolds will probably be along soon if they've lost a sorceror in the tunnels - at the very least, to appease the 'dark spirits' of the tomb. Melisande on the other hand feels a chill run down her spine at the mention of the emblem - the eye within the triangle within the circle. Suddenly she wants, more than anything else, to be free of shadow-demons and prophet cults and all that. Realising that Ebri seems to be the only one who knows anything about this 'Great Prophet' who's sacred symbol it is, she promises to tell the woman everything about how she got her necklace in the first place, in return for the strang, quietly confident woman helping to disentangle her from whatever it - and these tombs - were. She also resolves to find the occult manual the mimir mentioned, to find out just what the symbol means.

Then she thinks over what else the mimir said - and realises that this 'Asak' must be the one the sorceror commanded someone to fetch - he and his Fire Serpent rod sound like they could be trouble...
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