(Casual D&D II) The Fellowship of the White Dove

Guilt Puppy

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(Continued from A Game of Trust)

Once everyone has calmed down a little, the hour passes quickly. With Nurthk and Orbril translating, you're able to get in some light conversation with the others... You realize quickly that, for the most part, they are as eager to get this meeting done with as you are.

Gehrlot returns with a man you must assume to be Kentaro: A large man in his early thirties, with a full head of hair and a full beard. His frame is large, a mass of the sort of unrefined muscle most commonly seen on street thugs... The look in his eyes, though, is wholly without that sort of cruelty: This massive badger appears, if anything, to be glad to see you.

Removing his hide cloak, he squeezes behind the row of you at the North end, and takes a seat, at Kyrr's invitation, between Nurthk and Randlin.

He begins speaking almost immediately; Kyrr interrupts him, they exchange a few short words, and then Kyrr speaks.

"Our ravast does not speak the city tongue. I will translate."

And so Kentaro speaks, and so Kyrr translates.

"My ravast would first like to know why you have come to this place so far from the cities?"

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Xiao follows the two arrivals back inside. But this time he takes a place standing by the door. He give Dre a friendly nod.


Fendric, having had time to calm down, decides to answer the questions.

"A, shaman, of our own was taken prisoner by death cultists. We presumed he had been taken this way, so we followed a group of his rescuers out here. We now return to carry on our mission."


Living EN World Judge
Niccolo smiles, addressing the badger <speak with burrowing mammals,using Gnomish or 'animal' as appropriate> 'Well hello there, my good fellow. What is all of this about, do you think. I was asleep when I was disturbed to come here, and I should like to get back to counting sheep, truth-be-known.'

Guilt Puppy

First Post
As Xiao enters and takes his place, Dre remains as unresponsive as ever; he casts a sideward glance at the nod, but does not move his head.

Kentaro seems confused by Niccolo's burrowspeak, but is quickly distracted by Kyrr's translation. He responds (again, via Kyrr):

"Did you know these death cultists before your man was taken? Did they give you anything?"


Fendric arched an eyebrow and chuckled in recognition of the idea of being 'given' something, as if Nurthk's affliction was a 'gift'.

"We had heard of them, but no, we had not met them for them to give us anything.

Now I wish to ask you a question, Kentaro: Your man mentioned that you smelled the scent of death on us as we passed through. Do you still smell it now?
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
A brief spout of translation.

"Yes," Kyrr answers flatly. "But he is not sure that it is your own scent. He says it is in the air around you, like smoke."

Kentaro echos this word, one fast syllable: "Smoke." He moves his hands in slow circles through the air to demonstrate, nodding to your understanding.


A suffusion of yellow
Guilt Puppy said:
Kentaro seems confused by Niccolo's burrowspeak, but is quickly distracted by Kyrr's translation.

"I do not think this is a true badger cousin" Orbril says in burrowspeak grinning at the other gnome.
He has calmed down from his former indignation of being passed over when the pipeweed was being passed about, and quite enjoys being able to translate the Orcish being spoken - a great language for any wanderer in the wilderness to know.

He turns his attention back to Kentaro and the exchange taking place. Of course he is still confused about it all as both backgrounds ocured without his presence - at least until the current encounter...


First Post
Tonguez said:
He has calmed down from his former indignation of being passed over when the pipeweed was being passed about, and quite enjoys being able to translate the Orcish being spoken - a great language for any wanderer in the wilderness to know.
Seeing the gnome watch the pipe hungrily, Raven waits 'till his pipe is returned to him, refills it and passes it to the gnomes, listening in on the conversations around him, relaxing now the tension has lifted a bit.

:: the smell of undeath as smoke around them? Hmmm, stranger and stranger.::
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Living EN World Judge
Niccolo leans back, scratching his cheek and whistling nonchalantly.
Looking about, he then tries not to pay too much attention to the giant magenta dire chipmunk staring at him from the corner. maybe if he closed his eyes, it would just go away...
Maybe he shouldn't have eaten that funny purple fungus that he found growing in that cow-patty.

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