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(Casual D&D V) The Tourne

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ic - Casual

Xiao is startled to hear the newcomer, Cray, elicit a response from their quiet companion. The man's flat statement reminds Xiao of a temple near his village, and a favourite pastime of the village children - trying to elicit a comment from the monks devoted to silence.

Xiao's gloom dispelled for a moment, he responds, "Hello Mr Kellam. Nice to meet you. My name is Mr Yu, but everyone call me Xiao."

Unable to help himself, the monk adds, "What do you think of weather? Is this normal for time of year?"

[sblock=gp]In the midst of all the many confusing names of people and places here, it still stands out that you haven't heard the name Sir Arrich before.

Sorry. Is that meant ooc or ic? I suspect its ic, but not really sure what to make of it. Or more accurately, what Xiao should make of it.[/sblock]


Guest 11456

Cylantro : Female Human

Cylantro merely waits with the others, Ginger sitting next to her feet eyeing Puck and licking her lips every so often. After the man sprints off in search of Sir Arrich... "Hmmm. If we are to deliver the letter to Sir Rienne Vaustus, then why is he letting Sir Arrich know that we have arrived? Shouldn't he be telling Sir Rienne Vaustus?"
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Guilt Puppy

First Post
Kellam makes only a brief sound - barely audible, something like "yob" - in response to Xiao's question.

[sblock=Xiao]It was an IC note. Just feedback on the miscellaneous checks & raised hackles[/sblock]

It is only a brief time - more than a minute, less than five - before your greeter returns. "You'll be seen right away. Follow me." He takes a step back to allow entrance; the gate opens into a large entry chamber, illuminated by fires in a massive iron hanging, a handsome nest of sharp protrusions. Rows of corridors open to either side of this room; at the far end, there is a split stairway, with a central row of stairs leading up, flanked by two rows going down.


ic - Casual

Yob repeats Xiao mentally. That's not a word! Xiao pretty sure it is not a real word. Before he can ask, the party is summoned into the keep itself.

Xiao falls in somewhere behind the letter bearers. As they move through the halls, his mind returns to its earlier preoccupation. Xiao worries at the name of Sir Arrich. What has he heard? Xiao rummages through his memories but finds nothing. Its more that he hasn't heard anything about this man that worries him. But Xiao can't figure this one out. It doesn't make sense. He hasn't heard anything about a great many people, and they don't worry him.

Xiao tries to put it aside and focus on his immediate surrounds.


Guest 11456

Cylantro : Female Human

As they are escorted further in, Cylantro grabs up Ginger and follows the others. Ginger merely purrs and smells all the interesting new scents.


First Post
Tailspinner said:
"Hmmm. If we are to deliver the letter to Sir Rienne Vaustus, then why is he letting Sir Arrich know that we have arrived? Shouldn't he be telling Sir Rienne Vaustus?"

"If there's unusual circumstances to be considered I'm sure Arrich will explain," Nurthk seems to enjoy seeing the fortress inside and out, "Or at least, I hope he will."


"Perpetual Radiant Light of Life, bless these my companions in the culmination of our long and arduous travail..."

At peace in near-silent prayer, Fendric let slide Cylantro's question, unanswered. It would be better, he thought, to leave the sorceress to her blissful unawareness of functionaries, factotums, and layers of bureaucracy. The letter would reach Sir Rienne soon enough, or it would lie unopened, and possibly allow him to protect himself without the benefit of Thedoric's 'counsel.'

Hiritus quietly dismissed Justice, the better to prepare his mount for the journey (not to mention, the probable battles) that lie ahead of them.

They could not remain in Tourne, was Hiritus' simplistic way of thinking. Without credential, save that which got them to Sir Rienne, they'd be unheralded targets of arrowhawks, wolves, bears, demonic squirrels, and other wondrous natural phenomena, living or not. Fatigue, even riding atop his wonderful mount, began to inform his outlook. A rest would probably improve that, but his faith and his adherence to Fendric and his other friends was unshakeable.

As they walked the gangway, the Pelorites stole a smile at each other and those who had traveled alongside them.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Your escort leads you quickly through the Tower's hallways, with the more silent guardsman trailing behind (somehow keeping pace with a more casual stride - long legs on this one). First down one of the hallways in the larger entryway (third on the left), then down a short staircase, down a narrower hallway, down more stairs... The stone walls are devoid of grandeur, save perhaps for their impressive age. Even with the heavy torchlight (which is a sharp yellow-white - just off enough in color to seem magical in nature) it feels like a dark place.

You hear the cold notes of a piano playing from down the hall, and as you travel, you find that they come from your destination. You arrive at a somewhat large room of indeterminate function - the main area of it, where the door leads, is a good twenty-five feet wide and fifteen feet deep. In one corner, the player - a servant in fine dress - sits at a double-tiered piano, looking expressionlessly at the keys. In your corner, beside the door, another servant stands at easy-eyed attention.

Across from all this is a smaller area, elevated on shallow steps, reaching another ten feet further. At the back of this sits a knight (his armor and regalia leave no other term for him) in what could be called either a grand chair or a simple throne.

Your escort points toward him in a sweeping gesture. "I introduce Sir Arrich," he says, unceremoniously.

"Come in, friends," this man Sir Arrich asks politely. "I hear you bring a message?"

[sblock=Xiao and Oliver]There's something amiss here. Sir Arrich is hiding something behind his calm, and doing a good job at it, but his eyes focus so deliberately - he is definitely anticipating something. And there's something unnerving in the servants, as well, but it's something quite opposite: They seem to lack attention entirely, in a way that goes beyond simple boredom. They seem just vacant.[/sblock]


ic - Casual

Xiao leans over to Oliver and says quietly, "People here are strange, like drunk people trying very hard to act not-drunk for town magistrate. No not like that exactly. Too quiet. Lamp is lit but house is empty. Uuuh. That is better description."

There is a moment's pause then, "Yob is not word, is it?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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