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(Casual D&D V) The Tourne


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Oliver lets out a long whistle when the group get a clear view of the fortress. "Pelor's Pantaloons!" He gawps at the sprawling fortification, trying to get his mind adjusted to the scale of it. He shakes his head to clear the thought of it from his head. Winkle sits on the saddlehorn in front of Oliver, gold eyes hooded in the brightening light of morning. The old man scratches at the base of the owl's neck and looks at Brich, "I read about Tower Riege, but... it boggles the mind."

An ominous place to deliver our last missive. Or fitting.

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ic - Casual

Xiao drifts back to the rest of his travelling companions.

"Its big castle. Who lives there? Are we deliver the letter to him?"

Then there is a moments pause.

"What are people going to do next?"


ic - Casual

Xiao wonders alongside the rest of his companions listening to the silence.

"Lucky Xiao is collector of quality silence," he says cheerfully.

Then he stops dead in his tracks. Dropping his staff he reaches behind his head and unties the amulet from around his neck. He hands it to Oliver.

"Here. This is for you. Its just little thing, but good spirit mojo. I get it from elvis."

Xiao grins broadly, looking for all the world like one immensely pleased with what he has just done. Hooking his toe under his staff he flicks it back up into his hand and resumes walking.

[sblock=ooc]Its a Periapt of Wisdom +2. Oliver has some cleric in him I think, so should come in useful.[/sblock]


First Post
"Hmm?" Nurthk is disturbed from his reverie by Xiao's talking, "Sorry Xiao, hadn't realised you asked... I was stuck in my own thoughts.

"A lot of backtracking I imagine will be the next step. I can think of a few old friends who could use our expertise in their struggles."


ic - Casual

Xiao trots along in silence for a while.

"Yes this Xiao thinks," he says eventually. Xiao was joined his companions well after they set out on their quest. But he has sat around enough camp fires with them to have gleaned a basic outline of events.

Xiao glances around at the other new arrivals. He wonders what they will do after the last letter is delivered. Indeed he wonders what some of them are doing now.

Xiao shakes away the thought and returns his attention to their destination. It doesn't seem to have got any closer.


Sparky said:
Oliver lets out a long whistle when the group get a clear view of the fortress. "Pelor's Pantaloons!" He gawps at the sprawling fortification, trying to get his mind adjusted to the scale of it. He shakes his head to clear the thought of it from his head. Winkle sits on the saddlehorn in front of Oliver, gold eyes hooded in the brightening light of morning. The old man scratches at the base of the owl's neck and looks at Brich, "I read about Tower Riege, but... it boggles the mind."

An ominous place to deliver our last missive. Or fitting.
Hiritus turned abruptly toward Oliver, yet in mid-castigation, he caught a glimpse of the large tower. A soft breath escaped him as it dawned on him at once; not only the size of the Tower Riege, which, even having lived within Bethel, was the largest he'd ever seen, but also the finality of their quest.

The paladin half expected the sky to open and the Nine Hells to release outward upon the Oerth, either shortly before, during, or slightly after the delivery of the final letter.


Fendric, for his part, kept a watchful eye on the streets around him. Listening to part of Nurthk and Xiao's conversation made him think for a while on his next course of action.

The consensus seemed to be among the Fellowship of the White Dove that Shavah's quest to rescue Father Premule was most urgent, yet Fendric seemed ill at ease with, even unwanted for such a quest. It seemed a lifetime ago that he had possibly consigned Premule's fate by boldly knocking on a door and foolishly asking the occupants within for Premule's whereabouts. He was not that nervous cleric anymore, yet he didn't feel worthy of a second chance.

Perhaps, then, the Pirates between his land and the Kingdom of Tourne. What had the zombie told him? He would meet his end on the water. Could he not meet that fate, head on?

Fendric continued replaying these choices on his way to the Tower, until Hiritus let out his gasp. Looking up, his eyes went wide, ever so briefly, at the size of it. Reaching down to his saddlebag, he felt the last letter. Reassured, he went on his way.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
The road leads onward, eventually curving and pointing toward the gates of the Riege. The path there is wide but exceedingly long, almost invitingly direct, cradled by dense stone fortifications to either side. Rows of ballistae peer out from the toothy crenelations atop them; they along with the numerous arrow slits which line the walls are enough to illustrate just what a long last run it would be for any advancing armies who might be lured in by the promise of those gates...

Koehl leaves you at the beginning of this walkway, passing you to the escort of one lone guard. He makes no introductions, although his easy nod to Koehl's instruction seems to indicate he'd been expecting you. Not much can be seen of his face below his helmet save for a set of wide, thick lips, locked into a long frown by their own weight. A hefty stubble mottles the flesh around them, clustering in the lines on his skin. Despite this, there is a certain undeniable dignity about him, perhaps in his posture - rigid, balanced and strong.

The gateway itself is raised substantially from level with the rest of the walkway; the stairs leading to it are steep and narrow, and it takes careful footing to manage. At the top you are greeted by another guardsman in a short, albeit friendlier fashion. He wears no helmet, smiles lightly; his frame is smaller and shows little wear.

"You come with a document to deliver upon Sir Rienne Vaustus, correct? I will let Sir Arrich know you have arrived. Please wait here," he offers, stepping away.

Your escort, meanwhile, stares blankly forward at attention - though attention to who or what still seems a mystery.


ic - Casual

As Xiao walks into the shadows cast by the great walls, he feels his mood subtly change. Each step down the long killing-way stirs up his unease. The wordless by their blank faced guard doesn't do anything to settle Xiao's concerns. Xiao is starting to get a bad feeling about this place. Xiao wonders whether to say anything to the others. But there is nothing, he reminds himself, to justify such a thought. They are expected. They are just here to deliver a letter. Perhaps mooch some free food as well.

"They are great castles like this in my land too. Maybe not so big. But same idea, same stoney feeling," he says to Oliver, with whom the monk has found himself keeping pace. "With same little squinty eyes for shooting arrows and other means of dissuasion."

Xiao hunches his shoulders and shivers.

"Not so warm in shadows of walls."

[sblock=ooc]Got a feeling there is a bad moon rising. Spot +7, Listen +9, Sense Motive +9. Will Save +7, Refl Save +7.[/sblock]

Guilt Puppy

First Post
In the midst of all the many confusing names of people and places here, it still stands out that you haven't heard the name Sir Arrich before.[/sblock]


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Cray follows, totally oblivious to the "gloomy" man with them, curled around his neck is his companion, Puck. After stopping, Puck lets out a small squeek, and Cray pulls out a cracker and feeds it to Puck. He then leans toward the guard and asks "My friend wonders why you are so quiet mr...." waiting for a name.

Voidrunner's Codex

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