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CB's Grim Frequencies IC -- COMPLETE


OOC: Here are the grapple rolls:
Unarmed Touch Attack: [roll0]
Grapple check: [roll1]
I've assumed that the Brawl feat bonus applies to both rolls.

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Seeing the gun levelled at his chest, T-dawg steps aside (conveniently closing the distance between himself and Buzz Cut) and says in a menacingly low voice: "You really don't wanna do that man. Put the gun down and walk away, and I won't break every bone in your body".
OOC: I'm assuming it is an action to attempt the intimidate - if not, T-dawg will also ready a swing at Buzz Cut's head if he attempts to shoot anyone.
Intimidate: [roll0]


Otter --
Feral 23
J.R. 15
T-dawg 10
Buzz Cut 9
Cyril 8

"Nice try," Marks said, with a smile and a raised eyebrow. "Hand it over." When Otter returned his cell phone and didn't so much as miss a beat before launching into her explication of network coverage, Marks listened attentively, nodding at the parts that matched his knowledge. He fired up the van and smoothly backed out of the parking spot. After looping up the northern edge of the lot, Marks pulled the van in front of the store to within thirty feet of the front doors. A stream of people running from the store prevented him from pulling up closer to the doors, however. "What the hell?!" Marks frowned. Then cringed. "Get in there. Get them out. I'll wait five minutes before I leave. If the cops show up before five minutes is up, get out of the store and find your way home."[sblock=Otter]Roll initiative. I'll add you into the mix.[/sblock]

Inside the store, Feral smiled at the kid and said, "I just cut myself on some broken glass. No big deal." Making sure the toy is secure, Feral headed back the way he came in, through the back loading entrance. He realized he was effectively stealing the stupid toy, but things were getting out of control quickly and he'd rather bystanders didn't get hurt. He barreled into two stock clerks who came running out of the back, however. One clerk--the woman from before--fell backward, landing on her rear end with a hard thump. The other clerk stood stock still in the doorway after bouncing off Feral. The second clerk's eyes flicked to the blood dripping off Feral's fingertips, then back up to Feral's face.[sblock=Feral]Make a Balance DC 10 check to see whether Feral gets knocked down.[/sblock]

J.R. heard the guns safety disengage and immediately yelled "GUN!" as loud as he possibly could, then retreated 15' away from Buzz Cut. J.R.'s vision started to clear as soon as he backed away down Aisle 5. His eyes watered and a stream of snot hung out his nose, but he began to make out a blurry outline of Buzz Cut pointing a sidearm at T-dawg at the end of the aisle.[sblock=J.R.]J.R.'s blinded condition ends once his turn is complete this round. He can resume normal activity next round.[/sblock]

Seeing the gun levelled at his chest, T-dawg stepped aside to close the distance between himself and Buzz Cut, and said in a menacingly low voice: "You really don't wanna do that man. Put the gun down and walk away, and I won't break every bone in your body."[sblock=T-dawg]In d20M, an Intimidate check is a full-round action, so T-dawg can attempt to Intimidate Buzz Cut, but won't be able to do anything else this round.[/sblock]

Buzz Cut smirked at T-dawg, but his trigger finger moved to the side of the trigger just a hair. Just enough to broadcast lowered intention to shoot. Buzz Cut kept the gun leveled at T-dawg and moved backward five feet, then rounded the corner and withdrew up Aisle 4.[sblock=Intimidation Result]I was seriously hoping the Intimidate check would work (because that would be a mega-interesting twist when a firearm is in play, but Buzz Cut rolled a 15 on his opposed level check, so he wasn't Intimidated by T-dawg. Since it was close, however, the threat was good enough to make Buzz Cut want to withdraw--but with the gun still trained on T-dawg.[/sblock]

Back at the front of the store near the customer service desk, Cyril huffed and puffed, and slapped on his best expression of terror. "I was just trying to buy my kid a toy for making the Honor Roll when this big guy with a buzz cut offered me forty bucks for..." The former lawyer paused and leaned in Red Shirt before finishing the sentence in a stage whisper clearly audible to everyone around him. "...a blow job!" Cyril was pretty sure he heard someone faint behind him and definitely saw a young mother's eyes go wide as she simultaneously dropped her hands over her now-giggling pre-teen's ears in the ever classic earmuff move. "What kind of deviants do you let in this store? I'm getting out of here. It's crazy I tell you!" When he turned to look, Cyril noticed two things. One, the six customers within his immediate 15' area appeared transfixed by Cyril's accusation of a BJ solicitation in a toy store. And, two, Cyril noticed Buzz Cut stalking down Aisle 4. Toward the front of the store. With a black gun in his meaty hand.

Right about then, the customers who hadn't yet made it out of the store picked up on J.R.'s shout of "GUN!" Red Shirt looked up and must have spotted Buzz Cut because his eyes went wide like saucers. Red Shirt quickly darted back inside the security room, slamming the door shut. Inside the store, the remaining forty or so customers fall into panic and surge toward the store's front doors.

OOC: The panicking customers create a swarm-like effect. Anyone caught in the swarm is at risk to get Trampled. A Trampled character is knocked prone and loses his or her Dexterity bonus, drops what he or she is holding, and can take no attack actions. In addition, the character takes a –2 penalty to Defense and Dexterity- Strength-, and Wisdom-based skill checks. A Trampled character is unable to move more than five feet per round, and takes an automatic 2d6 damage. The condition lasts as long as the character is caught in the swarm.

[sblock=Cyril]OK, so, Cyril is at risk to get caught in the swarm. Looking at the map, his options to avoid the swarm are to 1) move down Aisle 4 (toward Buzz Cut); 2) try to round the corner of Aisle 3 or Aisle 5 to get away from the swarm; or 3) something else you come up with! The swarm acts on Initiative 0, so Cyril has one round where to go before he's set upon by panicked shoppers.[/sblock]

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First Post
Death Otter gazed skeptically at the human buffalo herd that was rapidly starting to pile out the front doors and shook her head.

"Uh uh. Too late." She made a loopy gesture. "Back. Go around back. Regular customers won't be going out that way. I'll be able to get in, and more importantly, back out again."

She undid her seat belt and paused with her hand on the door latch, ready to pop out the moment the car was in position for her to go in the back.

Init: [roll0]

Marks swore softly but put the van in reverse and backed away from the curb. He narrowly missed a woman pushing a jogging stroller, but managed to maneuver the van around the parking lot, and headed toward the side dumpsters and the back of the store.
[sblock=Movement]Moving the van to the back of the store is going to take three rounds. Still want to do it?[/sblock]


First Post
J.R. blinks and is relieved to be able to see again. He decides to back up T-Dawg and return to the mix. His focus is getting the crew out unharmed through the back.


T-dawg slowly and methodically stalks down aisle 4 after Buzz Cut, towards the front of the store, not obviously chasing him, but at the same time clearly not cowed by the gun pointed at him. He keeps his eyes locked on Buzz Cut the whole time, glaring right through his eyes and into his brain, not speaking, but still clearly saying "just try it - you'll get one shot, then it'll be my turn to inflict some pain".

OOC: T-dawg will follow up with a second intimidate check, trying to break the already shaken Buzz Cut. At the very least he wants to keep Buzz Cut's attention focussed on him, giving someone else an opportunity to catch Buzz Cut unaware.

Voidrunner's Codex

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