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D&D 5E CB's Stonefast IC -- COMPLETE


Colden glares at the hive as if daring it to do anything. "Normal bees my armoured arse! Lets get out here before they decide to attack us with lightning or something."

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OOC: @Forged Fury, let's refer to the bee room as Room 5 on the map you've been keeping.
[sblock=Roscoe]The room in the extreme northeastern corner--Room 3, the room in which Roscoe had been napping when the group encountered him-- had a door that was busted off its hinges. The room appeared to have been an office, but Roscoe found nothing other than dust and broken bits of wooden furniture.[/sblock]With everyone out in the ten-foot wide north-south corridor, Roscoe closed the door to Room 5. The drone of bees immediately ceased, leaving the group in the cool dank of the dungeon. Spec noted the current corridor in which he found himself appeared to be well-crafted and was made entirely of stone. The ceiling stood ten feet high, and most of the masonry affixing the stones together was intact. Mud caked the lower third of the corridor's walls, as well as the floor.

As to where to head next, Guran thought he saw a door down the short stump of a hallway to the south. He didn't thoroughly investigate, however, so it's hard to be sure. The area to the west of Room 5 has doors, as well. And, of course, there are both the west-east hallway (Hallway 1) by the antechamber where the group entered and the new west-east hallway (Hallway 2) to explore.


Forged Fury

First Post
OOC: It is mapped as such in the Excel File. I just haven't updated the map in the OOC thread yet.

Fulgrim barely gave the new arrival a second glance before he said, "Unless my guess is off, there should be another room of similar size to the west of the room we just exited. Perhaps we should clear the southern hallway on our way?"

The dwarf mage pointed in the suggested direction.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"...on our way out of this place," Father Spec completes the stranger's sentence, please that the first three words agree so closely, but surprised that he then stops talking.

Spec looks at the others. "Were you all brought here mysteriously too?"

Forged Fury

First Post
Fulgrim started briefly. "Oh right," the dwarf said, "sorry, forgot you were with us. To be honest, it's kind of hard to remember who all is part of this group. Didn't we have another halfling at one point?"

Shaking his head, the dwarf continued, "Well then... well met? I'm Fulgrim Ironfist and these are... well, they can introduce themselves. We've been retained by the Lords of Luskan to investigate the fallen dwarven hold of Stonefast, where you find yourself now. You're more than welcome to accompany us as long as you don't get in the way. Alternately, the exit is just north of us."


Colden Moor

Colden nods his agreement with Fulgrim suggestion. "Clearing the southern hallway is probably a very good idea." Looking at the new arrival and then his boots. "Nope, nothing mysterious about the trip here. I am Colden by the way." Looking at Father Spec more intently. "How exactly did you end up in that room full of killer bees?"


Keeping his self-introduction brief in order not to interrupt the new arrival's story, Guran merely says quietly to the man, "Guran Glimnode at your service."

Listening to the stranger's explanation of his arrival with one ear, Guran doffs his pack and withdraws his mason's tools. He takes out a trowel and scrapes mud off a portion of the west wall of the hallway where they stand, inspecting the wall beneath it for friezes or mosaics or markings of any kind. He starts at the highest point of the mud and goes down to the floor, clearing a swath about a foot and a half wide, at a location about five feet south of the door they just closed. He then stores his tools in his pack, and hoists the pack onto his back again.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Father Spec perks up when Fulgrim introduces himself.

"Investigate? Why, you're lucky I'm here. I am an expert investigator. Father Spec Thomsen, Consulting Investigator," he says, offering his hand. "I think I'd better join you, if only for your sakes." Before Fulgrim moves to take his hand, he shifts it towards Colden.

"And lovely to meet you too, sir. I wish I knew. Clearly the gods willed that I be here. Those followers of Pharlanghn such as myself often find that a journey's beginning is not with a single step, but with an unexpected twist in the world. Why, if you look at the symbol here on my shield..." He pauses. Some other time, he thinks.

"Er, as I said, nice to meet you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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