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CB's The Sunless Citadel v3.5

Mistress Hucrele appears thunderstruck by Elyan's question. "I don't rightfully know whom the girl might have hoped to evoke with her interest in lore. She was already interested in such paltry things ere she came to the Hucrele Manor to live...she was eight when she and Talgen arrived. I'd always assumed that it was simply just a quirk of her personality. I myself am a fond collector of teapots." Pausing, Mistress Hucrele frowns. "Surely you don't mean to suggest that the child learned her...craft...from a family member?"

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Finley DaDum

First Post

I think the bard has hit the nail on the head these 2 sound like adventurers. Which seems most likely then that they would have run afoul of the goblins or perhaps worse that may lair with them. The Ashen Plain would seem to be our most likely starting place then.

"Mistress might we see the siblings' rooms perhaps we might find something that would give us a clue to where they have gone?"


Grotzkoshter stands up, take some of the rolls and puts them in his pocket and bows to the mistress.
Thank you very much kind lady, be sure we'll find them … dead or alive.
He freezes for a moment, sweat cover his forehead, realizing what he just say he walks quickly to the backdoor and outside


First Post
It doesn't take much for Korgrave to figure out M. Hucrele is quite appalled by the prospect of three half-men "hunting" for her children. He's seen this kind of reaction before. A false front of bravery to hide a quivering, quaking fear. Don't let the monster see your fear and he'll leave you be, the school of thought seems to be.

Monsters are not born, they're made by those who fear them. That was a bit of wisdom he picked up from the carny master whose job it was to get people to pay him to scare them. An odd line of work, but Korgrave learned quite a bit about how to play to people's fear from him. He ponders briefly throwing his chair backwards and turning the table on it's side while giving his fiercest howl, simply to see the lady faint. But, he realizes this may be his only chance to get in on the good graces of the folks of Oakhurst, to prove to them that he's not the monster they think he is. Not to mention how his new-found friends would not only treat him but be treated in return when word gets around that keep company with such a feirsome beast. And he has no doubt word would get around quickly should M. Hucrele wish it.

With a sigh, he stands (sloooowly so as not to startle anyone) and follows Grotz outside after saying, "I think a sssssssearch of the room would be good. Though, if you'll exsssssssscusssssssse me, I mussssssssst attend to, ahem, bussssssinessss outsssssside."

Mistress Hucrele blinks for a moment at Kiaphas's request then recovers herself and replies. "Of course you may examine both rooms. Very...thorough...of you." With a loud screeching, "GretCHEN!" Mistress Hucrele summons the help. "Tidy Sharwyn's and Talgen's rooms, then kindly show our brave adventurers to the childrens' quarters so that they may have a look around."

Gretchen puts down the armload of washing she had in both hands in a basket woven of marsh reeds on the floor near a sink, bobs, then quickly removes herself from the room. Mistress Hucrele rises from the table. "If you'll excuse me, gentlemen, I shall return to my books in the study. If there's anything further you wish to ask after your examination of the rooms, please do not hesitate to have Gretchen show you the way to my desk." Mistress Hucrele leaves the kitchen through the same door that Gretchen used--the kitchen appears to have but one interior door leading to the rest of the home.

Returning with a harried look on her face, a few strands of hair now come undone from her neat braid, and a dust feather in one hand, Gretchen appears in the kitchen doorway and with an apologetic smile bids the quintet to follow her. "'Tis upstairs, good sirs." The goodwife leads the companions up the stairs to the manor's second floor, then down the hall to a pair of rooms on the northern end of the upper hall. Gesturing first left, then right, Gretchen quietly says, "Miss Sharwyn's room and the room across the hall is Master Talgen's. Please, go in."

The doors to both rooms are open, revealing two medium-sized bed chambers nearly a mirror image of one another. Complete with narrow beds crafted of a wooden frame, a dark wooden trunk at the foot of each bed, a chest of drawers of red oak, and a small rickety looking wardrobe, the rooms are clean and the beds made. Sharwyn's room additionally contains one low wooden bookshelf, apparently half full of books, underneath the window sill. Talgen's room has a series of wooden pegs just inside the doorway up on a wall, from which hang various belts and a simple piece of whittled pole, perhaps for fishing.


Grotzkoshter waits outside for the others to return from the search in the upper floor
trying to be hidden as much as he can, not wanting anyone to see him or Korgrave.
if he sees the boy in the stable he'll scare him again, otherwise he'll just wait, if anyone else is coming he'll retreat back to the house.

Finding that no one, not even Oswald or the goodwives previously seen working in the garden, is out back, Grotz and Korgrave settle in to wait.

Karl pulls a tome off Sharwyn's shelf beneath the window sill and finds that the small volume is apparently a book of plant names with hand-drawn illustrations in charcoal and subsequent notes on their use for spellcasting.


Karl grunts quietly to himself at the book. He nods sagely recalling Eldwyn's comments about adventuring.


Looking subtly over one shoulder to make sure Gretchen isn't watching him, he begins a more thorough inspection of the girls room, looking for personal papers, diaries, corespondance. Anything that might give a clue as to her intentions prior to her dissapearance.

ooc: search +5

Seeing that Gretchen waits in the hall outside and availing himself of an opportunity, Karl continues to search through Sharwyn's belongings. Stuffed inside a larger bound volume of childrens' nursery rhymes on Sharwyn's bookshelf are a series of three folded letters written on actual paper. The script is flowing, elaborate, and done in thick black ink of good quality. Karl, scanning the letters, finds that the letters are obviously written to Sharwyn by a Sir Braford, a knight of Pelor. Though the letters demonstrate fondness for Sharwyn, the bulk of Sir Braford's thoughts seem to be focused on a blade he only recently acquired, a particularly special longsword on whose merits the goodly knight waxes eloquently for half a page at a time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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