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Celtic Dreams


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Agatha tosses and turn in her sleap.

There she walks on the battlefield, the Maiden of Battles, your mistress. Dressed in the blood of her enemies, she stands there, laughing, as she fends off attack after attack, a pile of dead foes at her feet. She is ever young and beatifull, and terrifying at the same time, a remnant of the old days, when the cold grey iron was unknown, when heroes walked the earth and talked with the elder gods, clad in bronze.
She looks at you. "Come, my child, come to me. So few now still hold to the old ways." Her gaze wanders over your travelling companions, the men that follow you, see you as their lucky charm, loving you, serving you. They too still are in part trained in the old ways, each for their own reasons. Cauaros the giant, The gentle bard, LLyr the silent, Llyr the cursed, Nac Mac Feagle, the houndmaster, Aeric of the forest, Fendor the thief.
"You have done well, my child, collecting these men. You shall go east, to Macedonia. The greeks who live there are desperate for mercenaries. Many are fighting for the throne. You will find that your skills there will be more approved of then here, where the Celts have grown soft in the new ways."

You wake up in the knowledge that your godess has spoken to you. Your warband is now at Lake Como, at the border of the Etruscan territory. Yopu can go overland or try to book passage on a ship.The lands around here are wild, with Fomori running wild stuck in their everlasting war with the Fae. The nearest town, Como, is about a days travel to the south.

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Argent Silvermage

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Agatha stands naked in the morning light. She yawns and walks to the lake’s edge to wash herself clean in the waters. The lake is cold this time of year and she lets out a howl of pleasure-pain as the cold water engulfs her flesh. The battle scars still show on her pale skin as she washed and a few wild birds fly past as she returns to the camp. She slips into her tunic of wolf skins and ties her hair back with strong cord.
As she moves through camp she comes upon the body of Bruno the bold. She kicks the corpse and wakes the men. Last night Bruno had made a fatal mistake. He had gotten so drunk he tried to take the Moon Maiden’s virginity away. She looks on his face now and thinks how funny it looked as she castrated him while he tried to get her armor off.
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A suffusion of yellow
Cauaros looked down at the corpse and then to the maiden as she returns to the camp.

"I see that he did not respect the goddess" the giant says in sombre tones. He stands over 7 feet tall, larger in height and bulk than any other man you have seen. His skin is tanned, in the manner of the clans of Galatia, his mothers people

"a mans lust becomes his burden - and the goddess takes no mere mortal to her bed" he quotes from some old rhyme with a slight bemused grin upon his lips

"There is food upon the fire and let us hope that this lich does not have kinsmen as hot bloodied as he was before he gave it back to the earth"

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Agatha smiles up at the "giant" then she starts dragging the body towards the lake side and then piles rocks on top making a small cairn that she spits upon before she returns for Breakfast.

Once that is done she becomes more responsive and speaks. Good morning men. I am glad to see none of the Faeries have taken you in the night. Joking about the time Fendor had sworn that the Shee were going to attack them in the black forest of Germania.
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Fendor grimaces at the reminder. "The only reason they didn't is because the gods watched over us... I swear they watch... even now!" His voice raising in pitch as he spoke, but seeing the others faces, and remembering thier last reaction to his musings, he quickly grabs a piece of whatever meat it was they were cooking and shoves it into his mouth, nearly having to spit it out for the heat of it.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Ha Ha Ha! Careful not to scald that silver tongue of yours my friend. Agatha said. She wanted over to the acmpfire and took a hunk of meat for herself. Settleing on some furs she ate and awaited the others to come to. We are to go east to Macedonia. She has spoken to me in my dreams. We are needed there.


Fendor nods, finally getting the meat down into his belly, wiping the hot grease from his chin with his sleave.

"When do we leave, fearless leader?" He was ready to go now, as he was always ready. It was noce to feel a part of something, and not have to worry about going hungry besides.

Looking down at his studded leather, he smiles as he pats it into place as he stands to rinse his hands in the stream. It was really nice of them to let him keep it, but he often wondered if they would be offended if he sold it and gave it to some of the less fortunate? It was a gift from them, and they may not feel that him selling it was honoring them.


The camp hounds set to barking in low tones, some (particularly the hunting dogs) point into the nearby woods.

Low shrubs part as eight silent tan and black mastiffs pad into camp, their scruffy red master behind them.

"Chwaron", he says to his hounds, and all but two break away from him and run cavorting with the other dogs and people. Nak turns to those gathered around Agatha. He stumps up and drops a string of hares at their feet.

"Mad Boreol*", he greets them. "I see preperations for departure. Its good I was nay out for a long walk."

He sniffs, and looks around, pats the two guard dogs at his flank on their heads.

"The the air is clearer, we lost Bruno eh?" Nak says jokingly, "Well no grief, lad dinna ken to whats for the best."

*Mad bereol roughly means 'Good/Lucky morning' in welsh... roughly.

Editted: spelling errors.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
I'm glad we are all in agreement. Bruno was no great loss. We can always find another mercinary along the way. Agatha says while finishing her meal. Once she is done she will practice fighting moves for an hour while the men take care to pack.

ooc: It's good to be the Queen.


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Having slept through most of the conversation, Aerik is roused by a kick by one of the other men as they're packing up. He springs to his feet, looking wildly about, then settles down and heads to the lake for his morning dunking. Along the way, he sees that cairn, looks back at the camp, and nods knowingly. I told him and told him, sure and she's tempting, but she's tempting because she's fiery. And that fire burns hot and fierce...Too hot for you, Bruno, or even for me. Still shaking his head, Aerik dunks his head into the cold lake water, then rears back, water flying from his long blonde hair, shakes his head like a dog come in from the rain. Nopw fully awake, Aerik heads back to camp to help finish packing.
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