CG's Keep on the Shadowfell (IC)(4e)

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(OOC: Adamar... just fyi... please do not go out of order, because everything you've just done to the battlemat is not valid. I go first after Autumn and then the kobolds go, which means you (and probably the kobolds) are not where you are really supposed to be. Most likely they would have come to you rather than you going to them.)

Stratagem sees a pair of kobolds pop up from behind some rocks, and the tiefling makes a beeline over to one of them to take a basic swing at it with his sword. "No point in trying to hide, my friends... we have eyes everywhere."

By getting a jump on the small reptillians beasts, he gains a slight advantage over them, and thus his swing easily catches one across the chest, causing a small amount of blood loss.

Attack: [1d20 + 6 + 2 combat advantage = 27]
Damage: [1d8 + 3 = 8]
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Charwoman Gene

[sblock=kobold rolls]vs. Strat AC (1d20+5=19) Minion hits Strategem 5.
url=]Javelin vs. Autumn AC 16 (1d20+5=11, 4=)[/url] Minion misses autumn
2 Att vs. Strat AC 22 (1d20+7+2=28, 1d6+3=8, 1d20+7+2=16, 1d6+3=6)DS1 hits for 8 marks Strategem.
DS shift minor, then move away to new locations
Gluepot vs. Adamar AC 19 (1d20+6=8, 1d6+3=4)slinger missed adamar[/sblock]

The kobolds gang up on Stratagem, stab him severely, and then slip away from his grasp. One kobold huls a javelin at Autumn, the other throws a ceramic globe at Adamar that cracks open to his right, releasing a sticky mass of glue.

Adamar HP 30/30[15], HS 11/11[7] SW; D(19|16,12,13), AP 1;
Alain HP 30/30[15], HS 11/11[7] SW; D(16|14,13,15), AP 1;
Autumn HP 20/20[10], HS 6/6[5] SW; D(16:11,14,16), AP 1;
Alear HP 28/28[14], HS 9/9[7] SW; D(19|13,15,15), AP 1;
Stratagem HP 9/22[11], HS 7/7[5] SW; D(17|14,13,13), AP 1; Bloodied, Marked(DS1)

K1 Kobold Minion HP 1; D(15|11,13,11);
K2 Kobold Minion Dead
K3 Kobold Minion Dead
K4 Kobold Minion Dead
K5 Kobold Minion HP 1; D(15|11,13,11);
KS Kobold Slinger HP 24/24[12]; D(13|12,14,12);
DS1 Kobold Dragonshield HP 36/36[18]; D(18|14,13,13);
DS2 Kobold Dragonshield HP 28/36[18]; D(18|14,13,13);


First Post
Adamar HP 30/30, AC: 19, Fort: 16 Reflex: 12 Will: 13

The saphire blue dragonborn moves to the group north of the road to avoid the goop between him and the critter in front of him (N,N,N,N,E). Adamar swings his flail through DS2 then shifts past it to swing at the slinger.

Attack1: 1d20+8=22, 1d10+4=7

Attack2: 1d20+10=11, 1d10+4=11

Hitting the first but missing the 2nd as he steps in some gravel at the base of the rocks, Adamar marks them both. Growling into the face of the ranged attacker thats now in his reach he adds, "Try throwing those sticks and stones at me now pup.!"

[sblock=OOC]Use Passing Attack. I used the same rolls from friday when I posted in the wrong order.[/sblock]

Charwoman Gene

As you approached the Dragon shield, he slid out of your way. You still hit him, but he prefers to be over just a bit.
[sblock=ooc]Dragonshield Tactics (immediate reaction, when an adjacent
enemy shifts away or an enemy moves adjacent; at-will)
The kobold dragonshield shifts 1 square. I assume you still do passing attack on both. Let me know if I should assume you use combat challenge against the first marked enemy to trigger it.[/sblock]

*Adamar HP 30/30[15], HS 11/11[7] SW; D(19|16,12,13), AP 1;
Alain HP 30/30[15], HS 11/11[7] SW; D(16|14,13,15), AP 1;
Autumn HP 20/20[10], HS 6/6[5] SW; D(16:11,14,16), AP 1;
Alear HP 28/28[14], HS 9/9[7] SW; D(19|13,15,15), AP 1;
Stratagem HP 9/22[11], HS 7/7[5] SW; D(17|14,13,13), AP 1; Bloodied, Marked(DS1)

K1 Kobold Minion HP 1; D(15|11,13,11)
K5 Kobold Minion HP 1; D(15|11,13,11);
KS Kobold Slinger HP 24/24[12]; D(13|12,14,12);
DS1 Kobold Dragonshield HP 36/36[18]; D(18|14,13,13);
DS2 Kobold Dragonshield HP 21/36[18]; D(18|14,13,13);


First Post
Such bravery is admirable, Stratagem, but we need you hale and hearty to win the day, Alain admonishes the tiefling as he pours his arcane energy into a brief tune of healing power. Moving to confront the approaching enemy he shouts to all of his allies, Hit this one if you can reach him!
[sblock=ooc] Majestic Word on Stratagem, HS+4 healing, and he can slide 1 square.
Move 2 squares (3 if he shifts away as I approach)
Attack DS1 with Warsong Strike, hits AC 23 for 5 damage, and anyone who hits DS1 before the end of my next turn gets 4 temp hit points.[/sblock]


First Post
Since the remaining kobolds largely spread out and intermingled with her companions to a degree that the attack she used before would be less effective, she called upon Ioun's power to aid Adamar, who was still facing two opponents. She brought forth a flury of astral blades, destroying one of the kobolds, damaging the slinger, and affording Adamar some manner of protection.

OOC: Blades of Astral Fire (encounter power)
1d20+5=20 vs. Reflex Hits the slinger, 1d6+5=11 damage, 1d20+5=23 Hits kobold 1, 1d6+5=6 damage is sufficient to kill a minion
Plus, Adamar gains a +3 power bonus to AC until the end of Autumn's next turn.


*EDIT* Just realized I shouldn't take my action until Charwoman Gene decides whether or not kobold DS1 is going to shift away from Alain or not. My action was to move up into flank, but that might not be possible.

This is a placeholder post until I know whether DS1 is staying where he is or shifting away.

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