Chance of unsubscribing

Twin Rose

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JoeBlank said:
Upon further review, I did lose some subscribed threads. I think it was only the threads which I had set to email notice. Guess that makes sense.

I'm all for improving speed and stability of the boards. Thanks for all the hard work.

Speaking of which, are you guys noticing? It's been about 24 hours since my last significant 'lag' at all - and I've been refreshing one of the most intensive pages on the site (the game store main page).

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So, If I were to set my emails to "no reply" then I would not lose them if you had to do this again, TR?

BTW, EN World is going a LOT faster than before; bravo :)


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Well, there went the vast majority of my subscriptions. Luckily I can search for any of the ones I needed to keep track of, but still...

Wouldn't just disabling instant notification for forum subscriptions cut down on the mail big time?


A few opinions I've formed from this thread:

* I have no idea who the guys are who were subscribing to general, but they're flat out insane. I mean, really, Instant notifiation on General?

* I have lost a bunch of old subscriptions, which is a shame: but nothing I couldn't dig out with the search function if pushed. Like others, I didn't tend to trim it.

* The boards are apparently working better. This is news to me, cause I hadn't noticed them working worse: but to be fiar, I certainly haven't noticed any catastrophic failures today, and as a Brit I'm usually on at the quieter times anyway. GMT and all that.

* It sucks that there was so little time for people to salvage their nuked subscriptions: I'm glad that Twin Rose prevented forum death, but I wish he could have done so with a bit more notice. The subbed threads feature was clearly used by a lot of peopel as an ENWOrld specific bookmarks list: whilst I tended to save, print or bookmark individual threads of major use, I can appreciate why people did what they did. But this is perhaps a bigger vBulletin issue and Twin Rose just took the only option he could.

* No , really, Instant Notification on General is the stupidest thing I've heard all year.


OK, addendum to the above post: I'm so used to ENWorld being slow I didn't know how much faster it could be. I'm used to s hort wait between pressing "subscribe" and the page changing, and instead got an insta-subscribe to this thread. All good!

And yes, it was an instant notification subscription I got. ;-)

A lot of people have commented in this thread that they use the Subscribe feature solely to keep track of useful or interesting threads -- with No Email Notification. Would it be possible to split off that aspect of the Subscribe function into something like a "bookmark" or "favorites" function?

Also, the default thread subscription should NOT be Instant. In fact, there is really no reason to have Instant notification as an option, period. If the thread is very active, you don't need instant notification (because you can jut assume it will have been updated since you last viewed it); and if the thread is not very active, you don't need instant notification (because when there is any activity it will caught by Daily or Digest).

Also, I would support restricting any type of e-mail notification Subscribe to community supporters only -- as is done with the other increased-server-load function, i.e. Search. This isn't 1998 when everything on the Internet was "free" -- so pay up if you want to Subscribe.

Most of my subscriptions are gone, too. Mine were specific threads I wanted to reference later, not just a general forum notification (which is, indeed, silly for a site this busy).

More notice would have been nice. But I will play with the Search function so I can bookmark them for later use. :)


First Post
Greylock said:
My subscribed threads hadn't been replied to in ages. That was why I subscribed to them. So I could FIND them again.

Double poop.
Yeah, I just stumbled upon this myself. I also has subscribed to threads that were low volume but were of interest to me so that I could find them again.


"MOST shouldn't have had all their subscriptions deleted - only the ones that were set for instant mail notification."

Could you have turned off mail notifications? and allowed us to recover our subscriptions before you did this? It would have stopped the mail problem.

Recovering all of these hurts my online time.


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