Character Builder Beta available

My environment is Windows. I don't need some secondary crap to use. I find it funny how much other software isn't proprietary. I will not use any of the DDI tools requiring some .NET upgrade garbage, when it isn't needed.

I was looking forward to try waht DDI offered, but not with that kind of stuff needed for it. I wonder how much Microsoft gets for each subscription to DDI?

Thanks for the link and the info.
You were looking forward to it? Really, justanobody? That's definitely not the impression I got from you in every other thread.

Incidentally, I'm having trouble getting the beta working. I'm going to download again and retry. (It took about half a second to download, which suggests to me I didn't get all 17 megabytes.)

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You were looking forward to it? Really, justanobody? That's definitely not the impression I got from you in every other thread.

Incidentally, I'm having trouble getting the beta working. I'm going to download again and retry. (It took about half a second to download, which suggests to me I didn't get all 17 megabytes.)

Yes I was looking forward to trying the Visualizer and Builder.

You may need to get the full 230 megs .NEt from Microsoft first as the installer for CB seems to lag when trying to install .NET 3.5 SP1.


I can't get it running... doing a reinstall to see if it helps, but in the mean time... word was that the PHB2 classes would be listed somewhere in there. Is that the case? If so any official confirmation of the last two classes (Inquisitor and Theurge?)


First Post
I can't get it running... doing a reinstall to see if it helps, but in the mean time... word was that the PHB2 classes would be listed somewhere in there. Is that the case? If so any official confirmation of the last two classes (Inquisitor and Theurge?)

Make sure you get the .NET download DIRECTLY from MS. There seems to be something funny with the link from WOTC....


First Post
i cant get it to work i might be dumb who knows.

It's kind of hard to help you without details. There's a billion different things that could be wrong when all you say is that you can't get it to work.

What did you do? How far did you get? Any errors?

I, and I'm sure plenty of others here, would be happy to help you if you could give more details.


First Post
Mine installed .NET fine. Software worked out of the box. I must say, this is leaps and bounds better than the character builder that came with the 3rd Edition PHB. Kudos to WotC for having all the Dragon, AV, and FR enhancements built-in!

I was not looking forward to this because I like using my custom sheet (also, I have a poor view of the quality of WotC's past digital stuff). I think this may have converted me. This with the DDI database have made me a happy DDI convert (I have earlier stated that I was not interested in the least, and vowed never to use it. Well, now I get to eat crow).

I do hope for an x64 version soon; I would prefer to use this on my desktop system.


Woot! I uninstalled everything, grabbed the .NET link directly from MS and it works. I'm impressed... seems to be straightforward. Three thoughts:

1) More levels! My party just hit 5 and it would be nice to use those damnned useful power cards.

2) Can't seem to houserule backgrounds yet. I liked the idea so much I created some for my campaign. I think I can come up with similar ones for most of them but I think 2 characters might be outta luck. Eager to see a houserule setup.

3) I'd like to see a way to allow/disallow supplements. Would make it easy as a DM to state which you can and can't use. I know some areas it's obvious, but others (like the feats) could be made easier if the player just didn't see it.


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I really, really like the program. Quick, easy, love being able to customize the character sheet layout.

My only concern is, how can I share my character sheet with someone who doesn't have the program? There's no "export" function.

If I was at work, where I had the full version of Adobe PDF, I could print it to a PDF. But I can't install programs at work, and don't have PDF-creation capability at home.


First Post
Not a great argument. .NET 3.0 and 3.5 are essentially 2.0 with nifty stuff bolted on; thus all your 2.0 and 3.0 apps should run just fine on 3.5, barring bugs and things the developer did that doesn't match interface contracts, for example.

I've been told that .NET 4.0 is not really .NET, but a WoW clone (with some anime, a pinch of miniature wargame and a shade of CCG). Is that true?

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