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Character Folio - Character Sheet for iPad


Let me know how you use the iPad2 in game. I'm thinking of having it open to the pfsrd webpage so that I can quickly get info but also having the PDFs of the books on there too (of course) as backup. I'll be curious which I reference more.

I'm currently a player in a game now, but if I were to DM, I would use the iPad to show the players what they were fighting by loading up the bestiary and bestiary 2 and then bring up the picture (making it fully fit the screen) so that the players could see the picture without the stats/name of the monster.

I think it will really add to the tabletop experience.

I was already using the PFRPG App from my iPhone during my game, now that it's also iPad compatible it'll be an even bigger help for getting to stuff quickly.

Mostly I intended to use the iPad for prep and speeding up combat and organization on my end, but I think that I'll go a bit farther and more convoluted with your image idea.

I've already been copying the images of monsters and NPC's from the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP and printing them out on paper (sometimes cardstock from a color lasre printer at work) to show my players. But now I might not need to do that anymore if I can copy the images and import them to the ipad using pages or keynote (which I have for my mac, I'd just need to get the Ipad versions as well)...

At the beginning of Curse of the Crimson Throne I put together a little PowerPoint trailer to introduce the players to the AP. I was planning on doing this at the beginning of each chapter with a Dramatis Personae now that they've met quite a few NPC's. I actually lost the original trailer in a mishap so I think I'll redo it for prosperity's sake.

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First Post
I was already using the PFRPG App from my iPhone during my game, now that it's also iPad compatible it'll be an even bigger help for getting to stuff quickly.

Mostly I intended to use the iPad for prep and speeding up combat and organization on my end, but I think that I'll go a bit farther and more convoluted with your image idea.

I've already been copying the images of monsters and NPC's from the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP and printing them out on paper (sometimes cardstock from a color lasre printer at work) to show my players. But now I might not need to do that anymore if I can copy the images and import them to the ipad using pages or keynote (which I have for my mac, I'd just need to get the Ipad versions as well)...

At the beginning of Curse of the Crimson Throne I put together a little PowerPoint trailer to introduce the players to the AP. I was planning on doing this at the beginning of each chapter with a Dramatis Personae now that they've met quite a few NPC's. I actually lost the original trailer in a mishap so I think I'll redo it for prosperity's sake.

Have you tried doing a screen shot on the ipad?


Let me know how you use the iPad2 in game. I'm thinking of having it open to the pfsrd webpage so that I can quickly get info but also having the PDFs of the books on there too (of course) as backup. I'll be curious which I reference more.

I'm currently a player in a game now, but if I were to DM, I would use the iPad to show the players what they were fighting by loading up the bestiary and bestiary 2 and then bring up the picture (making it fully fit the screen) so that the players could see the picture without the stats/name of the monster.

I think it will really add to the tabletop experience.

On my iPad(1), the PFSRD web page looks pretty ugly - I strongly suggest one of the PF apps. GoodReader is the way to go for viewing PDFs - I have most of my PDF collection on it, including Pathfinder. I recently ran a BECMI game at a local Con this weekend using only my iPad to view the rules, adventure, and roll dice (with Dicenomicon). It even doubled as an excellent DM's screen. Would have loved to had the above app for the PF game I was in over the weekend :).

Also, you could either load the APs up as PDFs or load the various maps in as pictures and use your iPad as a sort of battlemap (or hook it to a LCD).


This app looks pretty good - any chance of getting a Savage Worlds character sheet added?


First Post
Thanks for the positive vibes so far. Yes, app does rotate. You can see screenshots at Character Folio page

We've thought about a dice roller but haven't added on for this version. Things like Dicenomicon are already uber cool and not sure how much value we could add.

PF APG ... We are discussing it. You could always manually enter/save the bits you wanted from it

Format is under the hood SQL and plists

What's the number one character sheet outside of PF and 4e you'd like to see?



PF APG ... We are discussing it. You could always manually enter/save the bits you wanted from it

Interesting - that must mean most of the feats and stuff are already in those plists you mentioned...which is good, I hate typing in all that stuff and would rather be able to "click it".

Perhaps you could offer info from the APG and the like as downloadable content add-ons?


Have you tried doing a screen shot on the ipad?

Actually no. But what I did just try was what Dave suggested using the images from the actual PDF and just zooming in on the picture. Depending on the formatting on the page you can actually at times show the entire image without showing any text.

To get slightly back on topic, I can wait for this character folio so i can keep track of all of my players character sheets in the likelihood that someone forgets theirs (its happened before...).


First Post
so i can keep track of all of my players character sheets in the likelihood that someone forgets theirs (its happened before...)

I think you may like the forthcoming GM Folio then as well. Targeting late 2011 for that one but expect some cool interaction between the folio's - such as a copy of your PC's. NPC/thug generation and messaging to PC's ("you've just been blackjacked and replaced by a doppleganger. please lead the rest of the the party to their doom")

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