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Cheiromancer's Classes


Now and then I will post a prestige class or custom base class in this thread. It takes a lot of tinkering to get them exactly right, and your feedback is appreciated. Hopefully these classes will provide something useful for your own campaigns, or spark a creative idea or two. Even a poorly implemented idea might be helpful if it inspires you to think "What a messed up class! I could do better than that..."

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Guardian of Worlds

Originally posted over at Monte Cook's Prestige Class forum. Thanks to the folks there for their comments and criticisms.

Guardian of Worlds

From the Basic Catechism of Planar Organizations (3rd edition) :

...The most basic task of a guardian of worlds is to learn to be in harmony with an entire plane. This is first done by interacting with a plane which has an ethical and moral framework compatible with the guardian- typically one of the strongly aligned outer planes. This first achievement is absolutely key, as it is the foundation of the ability to become native to a multitude of planes.

The simple fact of being in harmony with a plane grants the ability to survive normal conditions there. With increasing familiarity the guardian is able to adjust sufficiently to survive on any plane, not only the ones she has adopted as a second home.

A guardian of worlds also becomes sensitive to disturbances in the fabric of her adopted realities. This includes the kind of momentary disturbance caused by teleportations, conjurings and summonings, as well as the ongoing disturbance caused by magically created objects, or the presence of beings whose very essence is contrary to the mores or ethos defended by the guardian. Not only can such disturbances be detected and reacted to with lightning speed, but the guardian also learns to employ effective countermeasures against such intrusions...


“We’re being scried.” Xantha observed calmly. Then she exploded into motion as figures materialized around her.

Her sword finds the throat of a dark-haired wizard in that translucent instant that is neither here nor there. Choking on his own blood, he stumbles back. With a seemingly casual back-hand blow Xantha decapitates the gross frog-like creature behind her. Nimbly dodging a wickedly spiked mace, her weapon finishes its arc in the belly of another of the frog creatures.

“I hate Slaadi.” Xantha announces to the room. “And I hate all who traffic with them.”

With a dispassionate eye she evaluates the scene. Her companions have not yet drawn their weapons. The battle was far from over.

Hit Dice: d8.

To become a Guardian of Worlds, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: Any except True Neutral
BAB: +6
Knowledge (the planes): 4 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Alertness
Spellcasting: Must have a spell-like ability or be able to cast spells.
Special: The Guardian of Worlds must have spent at least a week on an outer plane corresponding to her alignment before choosing this prestige class. This plane cannot be the plane on which the Guardian of Worlds was born.

Class Skills
The Guardian of Worlds’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str). See Chapter Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Level...BAB...Fort.....Ref….Will... Special
1.........+1.....+0......+2....+2.... native plane, fair warning
2.........+2.....+0......+3....+3.... follow through
3.........+3.....+1......+3....+3.... native plane, true blows
4.........+4.....+1......+4....+4.... planar survival
5.........+5.....+1......+4....+4.... sudden attack
6.........+6.....+2......+5....+5.... native plane, turnabout
7.........+7.....+2......+5....+5.... plane shift
8.........+8.....+2......+6....+6.... aligned defense
9.........+9.....+3......+6....+6.... native plane, unseen attack
10.......+10....+3......+7....+7.... aligned offense

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Guardian of Worlds prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Guardian of Worlds gains no other weapon or armor proficiencies.

Native Plane: The plane where the Guardian of Worlds was born is a native plane, and so is the plane where the special pre-requisite was satisfied. While on these planes she is treated as a native and gains the benefits of the avoid planar effects spell. At third, sixth and ninth level she chooses an additional plane in which she has spent at least a week; this plane is also considered a native plane. These subsequent choices cannot conflict with the alignment of previously chosen planes. For example, a Guardian of Worlds who has chosen the Nine Hells (mildly law-aligned, mildly evil-aligned) cannot subsequently choose a good-aligned or chaotic-aligned plane.

(Special: Whenever the Guardian of Worlds acquires a general feat, she may choose an additional native plane instead, as by the Native Plane class feature.)

Fair Warning (Ex): A Guardian of Worlds’s sensitivity to planar effects gives her a moment's warning against dimensionally travelling opponents. She receives her Dexterity bonus (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed by a conjured, summoned, or teleporting opponent. This ability applies only when the creature in question was summoned, conjured or teleported in the previous round.

Follow Through (Ex): A Guardian of Worlds deals efficiently with conjured or summoned creatures. Her awareness of when the creature will drop helps her transfer the momentum of her attack to another target. When she drops a conjured or summoned creature the Guardian of Worlds gains the benefit of the Great Cleave feat.

True Blows (Su): Walls and objects created by magic, and which therefore do not belong in the world, have subtle vulnerabilties that the Guardian of Worlds has learned to exploit. The Guardian of Worlds does double damage when attempting to sunder such objects.

Planar Survival (Ex): Increased familiarity with the planes allows the Guardian of Worlds to constantly receive the benefit of the avoid planar effects spell, even when she is on a plane for which she is not considered a native.

Sudden Attack (Ex): The Guardian of Worlds’s increasing sensitivity to planar effects allows her to prepare an attack against an opponent who has not yet materialized. She may make an extra attack against any conjured, summoned, or teleporting opponent who has appeared in the previous round. This counts as a use of an attack of opportunity.

Turnabout (Ex): Awareness of subtle eddies of planar energy further enhances a Guardian of Worlds’s combat ability. She can no longer be flanked by summoned or conjured creatures, or by creatures who have teleported in the previous round. While on a native plane she cannot be flanked by any creature whose moral or ethical sub-type differs from that plane. This ability is otherwise treated as the Improved Uncanny Dodge class ability.

Planeshift (Sp): At 7th level the Guardian of Worlds can use planeshift once per day as a sorcerer of her class level. She may only planeshift to one of her native planes.

Aligned Defense (Su): While on a native plane, the Guardian of Worlds is constantly protected by either protection from evil, good, law or chaos, as cast by a sorcerer of her class level. The exact type is restricted by the native planes she has already chosen: for example, a Guardian of Worlds who has the Nine Hells as a native plane cannot choose protection from evil or protection from law. The choice of aligned defense cannot be subsequently changed except by the use of a wish or miracle. The protection effect can be dispelled, but may be restored as a free action at the beginning of the Guardian of Worlds’s turn.

Unseen Attack (Ex): The Guardian of Worlds’s planar sensitivity allows her to locate strongly aligned creatures. When on a native plane she gains the benefits of Blindsense (30 ft. range) and Blind-fight against any creature whose moral or ethical sub-type differs from that plane. The Guardian of Worlds automatically knows the moral and ethical sub-types of any creature sensed by this ability.

Aligned Offense(Su): This special ability works only when the Guardian of Worlds is on a native plane. Whenever she succeeds in a melee attack against a creature against whom she has an aligned defense, the margin of her success is applied as a power attack. If the Guardian of Worlds has multiple attacks, the amount of “automatic” power attack is calculated separately for each attack. In no case can the amount deducted exceed the Guardian of Worlds’s BAB.

Note: A Guardian of Worlds does not lose any class abilities if her alignment should change, although her initial alignment influences all subsequent choices of native plane, and the “flavor” of the Aligned Defense and Aligned Offense class abilities.

Note: “Teleport” refers to any spell or effect with the [teleportation] descriptor. This includes spells like dimension door and gate. “Conjured or summoned” creatures include those which have been called.


First Post
The feats and the ability to cast spells is is an odd mix. If this is for Arcane users, they would not take the feats. Paldin and Cleric would do this. Decide or put somewhere that this is either a Divine or Arcane prestige class.


Historian of the Absurd
Cheiromancer said:
To become a Guardian of Worlds, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Alertness
Special: The Guardian of Worlds must have spent at least a week on an outer plane corresponding to her alignment before choosing this prestige class. This plane cannot be the plane on which the Guardian of Worlds was born.

Sudden Attack (Ex): The Guardian of Worlds’s increasing sensitivity to planar effects allows her to prepare an attack against an opponent who has not yet materialized. She may make an extra attack against any conjured, summoned, or teleporting opponent who has appeared in the previous round. This counts as a use of an attack of opportunity.
Interesting if very focused class. I cannot see a wide application for it but could be useful in a Plane-hopping campaign.

Requirements: Why those feats? Alertness I can see. Combat reflexes, I could also see. But why Power Attack and Cleave?

Shouldn't they also need some ranks in Survival and maybe Spot as well?

And, just a week to attune to a new Plane? I would think at least a month and some sort of ritual.

Sudden Attack, why not just give them an AoO against anyone who teleports or is conjured into one of the area they threaten? It would be simpler then the way you have it written . . .

Keep up the good work.


Power Attack is the pre-requisite for Cleave, which is the pre-requisite for Great Cleave. The Follow Through class ability is a limited form of Great Cleave. Power Attack is a pre-requisite for Improved Sunder, which is basically what True Blows is. The Aligned Attack ability is a variation on Power Attack.

Since planar survival is basically a magical ability, I wanted them to have a little bit of capability in that regard before they entered the class. I could see Paladin and Ranger especially being suited for this role. However, I didn't want to tilt the field too much towards the Ranger, which is what would happen if I made Spot and Survival ranks a pre-req. Clerics, Fighter/Sorcerers, Bards; I thought a variety of possible prefixes would be a good idea.

I made it a week to attune to a new plane because I figured that anyone who could survive a week on the plane of Elemental Fire or Positive Energy Plane could last there indefinitely- they either have some sort of magic item which protects them, or assured access to the required spells. A longer time seems to belabor the point. A ritual might be a good way to mark going up a level, but that is to the DMs discretion as a flavor element.

Sudden Attack, as written, allows the character to move and then attack the teleporting or conjuring creatures. I intend this class to be a counter to the Buff/Scry/Teleport combo- or at least to take the edge off of it a bit. You are right about Combat Reflexes being extremely useful, but I think I can rely on players to figure that out themselves.

Thanks for the encouragement!


Meso Magician

The wizard’s right eye, the blue one, regarded Jasarl steadily. The left eye, the brown one, looked up and to the left, tracking something behind the young cleric of Boccob.

“That must be Methili,” Jasarl thought. “But she’s flying, silenced and invisible...”

The left half of the wizard’s face curled into a smile, and he began to mutter arcane syllables and weave arcane gestures. The spell was familiar.

“A bolt of enervation,...” thought Jasarl as he noticed the distinctive hook and curl of the wizard’s left forefinger. But then he saw the glass spheres in the wizard’s right hand, and recognized their contortions. “...and a feeblemind? Both at once? But that’s impossible...”

That was also Jasarl’s last coherent thought.

(Old version in spoiler block; rebalanced/updated version below)
Hit Dice: d4.

To become a meso magician, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Spellcraft: 9 ranks
Spells: Must be able to prepare haste as an arcane spell.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell.

Class Skills
The meso magician’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Level...BAB...Fort.....Ref….Will... Special..........................................Spellcasting
1.........+0.....+0......+0....+0.... double quicken................................+1 spellcaster level
2.........+1.....+0......+0....+0.... fragment........................................
3.........+1.....+1......+1....+1.... hands and voice..............................+1 spellcaster level
4.........+2.....+1......+1....+1.... lesser twin.....................................
5.........+2.....+1......+1....+1.... two hands......................................+1 spellcaster level
6.........+3.....+2......+2....+2.... greater twin...................................
7.........+3.....+2......+2....+2.... double mind....................................+1 spellcaster level
8.........+4.....+2......+2....+2.... true twin........................................

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the meso magician prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The meso magician gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Double quicken: You may cast two quickened spells in a round, instead of only one. You may not cast another spell until your next turn.
Fragment: You may cast extra spells per day. Calculate the base number of spells per day of a wizard 1/4 your spellcaster level (maximum 4th level). You do not get any additional spells known. Do not include bonuses from ability scores, school specialization or feats. You cast these spells as a wizard 1/4 your level (maximum 4th level). Round all fractions down.
Hands and voice: You may cast two spells simultaneously. One spell must lack somatic components, and the other must lack vocal components. To use this ability you must be the only target of an active haste spell.
Lesser twin: As fragment, but the bonus spells are as a wizard 1/2 your spellcaster level (maximum 8th level)
Two hands: You may cast two spells simultaneously. One spell must lack vocal components, and you must have both hands free to cast. To use this ability you must be the only target of an active haste spell.
Greater twin: As fragment, but the bonus spells are as a wizard 3/4 your spellcaster level (maximum 12th level).
Double mind: Gain a +2 on all checks based on your intelligence.
True Twin: As fragment, but the bonus spells are as a wizard of your spellcaster level (maximum 16th level).[/sblock]

Meso Magician
Concept: Two Fisted Spellcaster
Hit Dice: d4.

To become a meso magician, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Spellcraft: 11 ranks
Spells: Must be able to prepare haste as an arcane spell.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Practiced Spellcaster, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Still Spell.
Special: A meso magician may not have a familiar. A fragment of the meso magician's own mind develops a kind of autonomy; essentially the meso magician is his own familiar.

Class Skills
The meso magician’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Level...BAB...Fort.....Ref….Will... Special..........................................Spellcasting
1.........+0.....+0......+0....+0.... double quicken................................+1 spellcaster level
2.........+1.....+0......+0....+0.... fragment........................................
3.........+1.....+1......+1....+1.... hands and voice..............................+1 spellcaster level
4.........+2.....+1......+1....+1.... lesser twin.....................................
5.........+2.....+1......+1....+1.... two hands......................................+1 spellcaster level
6.........+3.....+2......+2....+2.... greater twin...................................
7.........+3.....+2......+2....+2.... double mind....................................+1 spellcaster level
8.........+4.....+2......+2....+2.... true twin........................................

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the meso magician prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The meso magician gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Double quicken: You may take two swift actions per round, as long as one of them is used to cast a spell. You may not cast another spell until your next turn. Thus you may cast two quickened spells in a round, instead of only one. Typically the extra spell will be at the end of your turn.

Fragment: You may prepare and cast extra spells per day, but your caster level and inititative modifier are each permanently reduced by 1. The penalty to caster level does not affect spells known or spells per day, just caster level. Calculate the base number of spells per day of a wizard 1/4 the level you prepare spells as (maximum 4th level). You do not get any additional spells known. Do not include bonuses from ability scores, school specialization or feats when calculating spells/day. You prepare and cast these extra spells as a wizard 1/4 your spellcaster level (maximum 4th level). Round all fractions down.

Note: The practiced spellcaster feat typically compensates for the caster level penalty, while improved initiative compensates for the initiative penalty. An 8th level wizard/2nd level meso magician prepares spells as a 9th level wizard, and casts them at 10th level; the fragment is 2nd level, and the initiative bonus is +3.

Hands and voice: You may cast two spells simultaneously. One spell must lack somatic components, and the other must lack vocal components. To use this ability you must be the only target of an active haste spell.

Lesser twin: As fragment, but the bonus spells are as a wizard 1/2 your spellcaster level (maximum 8th level). You lose another caster level and take another -1 initiative penalty. (Total penalty is -2 to each). An 8th level wizard/4th level meso magician prepares spells as a 10th level wizard, and casts them at 12th level; the lesser twin is 5th level, and the initiative bonus is +2.

Two hands: You may cast two spells simultaneously. One spell must lack vocal components, and you must have both hands free to cast. To use this ability you must be the only target of an active haste spell.

Greater twin: As fragment, but the bonus spells are as a wizard 3/4 your spellcaster level (maximum 12th level). You lose another caster level and take another -1 initiative penalty. (Total penalty is -3 to each). An 8th level wizard/6th level meso magician prepares spells as an 11th level wizard, and casts them at 12th level; the greater twin is 8th level, and the initiative bonus is +1.

Double mind: Gain a +2 on all checks based on your intelligence.

True Twin: As fragment, but the bonus spells are as a wizard of your spellcaster level (maximum 16th level). You lose another caster level and take another -1 initiative penalty. (Total penalty is -4 to each). An 8th level wizard/8th level meso magician prepares spells as a 12th level wizard, and casts them at 12th level; the true twin is 12th level too. The bonus from improved initiative has been entirely removed.

Comments: This PrCl "eats" the familiar class feature and two good feats; practiced spellcaster and improved initiative. The mental fragmentation also imposes a penalty to will saves; thus the save progression is poor rather than good. Further, the ability to "multicast" is somewhat tricky to set up; the fact that a haste spell has to be active is a vulnerability, and usually the spells cast have to be modified by still spell or silent spell, or else the player has to put aside any rods or wands he might otherwise want to have ready. But a clever player can cast a *lot* of spells in a short period of time.
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Goetic Magician

From "The Ethical Use of Arcane Magic: an Oronthonian's Guide," by Deacon Rhodin of Iua.

"Beware the temptations of Goetia, for those who would use diabolism to achieve their foul ends, our Lord has no mercy. Pain and suffering immeasurable shall be their lot, as their souls are condemned to the pit. There they will be immersed in great lakes of boiling lead, until the last days."

Roland’s discourse continues in a similar flowery and rhetorical vein for several pages, admonishing the true believer against using dark magics and citing numerous theologians to back up his point. Further into the chapter, beneath a stylized plate of a wizard fleeing from a horned demon, Roland finally addresses the nature of Goetic magic.

"What is Goetia, you may ask? It is the greatest peril. It is dealing with fiends to achieve your ends, and claiming that your ends are good. Only the purest and most stalwart of souls may endure such vileness without the taint falling upon them. Are you one of these? I doubt it.”

Several magical diagrams follow, accompanied by descriptions of summoning rituals.

A goetic magician is an arcane specialist who follows a strict code of conduct when dealing with fiends.

Hit Dice: d4.

To become a goetic magician, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Knowledge (the planes): 6 ranks
Knowledge (religion): 6 ranks
Diplomacy: 6 ranks
Feats: Augment Summoning, Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion) or Skill Focus: Knowledge (the Planes), Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Spell casting: must be able to cast dimensional anchor, lesser planar binding, summon monster IV (or higher) and four arcane enchantment (compulsion) spells, at least one of which must be of level 4 or higher
Languages: must be able to speak Abyssal and Infernal

Class Skills
The goetic magician’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int). See Chapter Four: Skills in the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Level...BAB...Fort.....Ref….Will... Special.......................Spellcasting
1.........+0.....+0......+0....+2.... fiendish luck, goetia....+1 level of existing spellcasting class
2.........+1.....+0......+0....+3.... unholy bargain............+1 level of existing spellcasting class
3.........+1.....+1......+1....+3.... goetic initiate.............+1 spell power
4.........+2.....+1......+1....+4.... hard bargainer............+1 level of existing spellcasting class
5.........+2.....+1......+1....+4.... the will and the way....+1 level of existing spellcasting class
6.........+3.....+2......+2....+5.... goetic master.............+1 spell power

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the goetic magician prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The goetic magician gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Fiendish Luck (Su): Once per day the goetic magician may reroll one ability or skill check; the better result automatically applies.

Goetia (Ex): The special abilities of the goetic magician class are known collectively as goetia. If a goetic magician uses goetia when summoning or calling a creature, and then instructs that creature to hurt, kill or oppress a non-combatant sentient being of good alignment, future use of goetia will be corrupted. Usually this means that conjured creatures will no longer be completely under the goetic magician’s control.

The degree to which conjured creatures will disobey or try to harm the goetic magician will be similar to the way that the goetic magician abused her powers, but to a greater extent. If the harm is slight and indirect (due to careless instructions, say), conjured monsters will thereafter be unruly, and disobey in minor ways; if the harm is direct and explicitly ordered, they will become completely uncontrolled. A similar corruption of class abilities will occur if the goetic magician fails to fulfill a bargain with a fiend. These penalties can be removed only by fully repairing the harm done and making additional reparations (generally three times the value involved in the breach of the code of conduct).

Unholy Bargain (Su): The goetic magician may, in place of any planar binding spell, cast the corresponding planar ally spell instead; the target creature may still be specified, but is more cooperative. Only evil creatures may be called, and they react to the goetic magician as if she were evil.

Goetic Initiate (Su): When a goetic magician of 3rd level or higher casts a summon monster spell, it is treated as the equivalent spell of one level higher for purposes of summoning evil creatures. For example, a goetic magician refers to the summon monster V list for evil outsiders when casting summon monster IV. Furthermore, when casting any planar binding or planar ally spell, she can call an evil creature with 3 HD more than is normally allowed.

+1 Spell Power: This ability increases the goetic magician’s effective caster level by +1 for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables such as damage dice or range, and caster level checks only. She does not gain additional spell slots or spells known.

Hard Bargainer: At 4th level the goetic magician can bargain with extraplanar creatures so that the payment for services rendered is only 50% the standard fee.

The Will and the Way (Su): At 5th level the xp costs for any conjuration spell the goetic magician casts are reduced by 50%. When she is otherwise capable of casting 8th level spells, she automatically adds Lesser Gate to her list of spells known. Lesser Gate is an 8th level spell that can only use the “creature calling” function, but which is otherwise identical to Gate.

Goetic Master (Su): As Goetic Initiate, except the goetic magician refers to the summoning list two levels higher than the one for the summon monster spell she is casting. Furthermore, when casting any planar binding or planar ally spell, she can call an evil creature with 6 HD more than is normally allowed.


Comments: the flavor text is lifted from Sepulchrave's Story Hour. If you are as yet unacquainted with this masterpiece, go read it now!

Fiendish luck is in case you roll a 1 on your charisma check to keep a fiend bound. Planar binding hit dice caps end up being the same as in the old 3.0 rules. Lesser gate is typically achieved about the same time that other spellcasters are able to acquire gate, since their spell advancement is two levels behind.
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This is based substantially on quirk4u's Shadow Knight; it is also based on some novels by Laurell K. Hamilton (Kiss of Shadows, Caress of Twilight and others).

Night Raven

Andain, Queen of Air and Darkness and ruler of the Unseelie Court, was served by 27 court gentlemen known as the Queen’s Ravens. They were her bodyguards, her assassins and, often enough, her lovers. Few of the Queen’s Ravens survived the violent end of Andain’s long and bloody reign, but one, a fallen paladin known as Night, went on to train the elite guards of certain exiled nobles of Faerie. Those trained in Night’s philosophy and methods became known as Night Ravens. Night Ravens often receive further training as assassins, shadowdancers or blackguards.

Hit dice: d6

To qualify to become a Night Raven, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Race: fey, elf or half-elf
Alignment: Any non good
Gender: Male
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Knowledge (Religion): 4 ranks
Profession (Bodyguard): 8 ranks
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Quickdraw, Power Attack

Class Skills
The Night Raven’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (the Planes) (Int), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis) and Tumble (Dex).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.

Level...BAB...Fort.....Ref….Will... Special
1.........+0.....+0......+0....+2.... malice, death attack
2.........+1.....+0......+0....+3.... dark shielding, blindfight
3.........+2.....+1......+1....+3.... command undead, ward
4.........+3.....+1......+1....+4.... speed of shadow, slice through shadow
5.........+3.....+1......+1....+4.... heartlink, shadow run
6.........+4.....+2......+2....+5.... improved dark shielding

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Night Raven prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Night Ravens gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.

Malice (Su): As a standard action a Night Raven can channel a blast of negative energy at a living creature within 30 feet. The Night Raven must make a successful ranged touch attack; if successful, he deals an amount of negative energy damage equal to his charisma modifier multiplied by his class level. Paladin and Blackguard levels count as Night Raven levels for this purpose. The Night Raven may spread this damage out over multiple attacks in one day, as long as the total damage from all attacks never exceeds his class level multiplied by his charisma modifier.

Death Attack (Ex): As the assassin class ability; furthermore, levels of assassin stack with Night Raven in determining the save DC for the death attack.

Dark Shielding (Su): The Night Raven is trained to shape negative energy into a protective shroud. At second level the Night Raven receives his charisma bonus (if any) as a bonus to all saves.

Blindfight (Ex): The Night Raven gets the Blindfight feat for free. If he already has the Blindfight feat, he may choose a different feat for which he is eligible.

Command Undead (Su): The Night Raven rebukes and commands undead as a cleric two levels lower. Treat any ex-Paladin or Blackguard levels as Night Raven levels for this purpose. He may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his charisma modifier.

Ward (Su): At third level the Night Raven may, by expending one use of his command undead ability, designate a single female as his ward. As long as his ward is within 5 feet, the benefit of the Night Raven’s Dark Shielding applies to the ward instead of to the Night Raven. If someone is protected by more than one Dark Shielding, the bonuses stack. A Night Raven may not have more than one ward at a time, but he can withdraw or shift his protection by expending another use of his command undead ability.

Speed of Shadow (Su): The Night Raven gains a bonus to inititiative equal to his intelligence bonus (if any). This ability applies only in unholy areas (e.g. the area of a desecrate or unhallow spell), or in darkness deep enough to provide concealment.

Slice through Shadow (Su): The Night Raven may ignore concealment (but not total concealment) due to darkness.

Heartlink (Sp): The Night Raven’s control over negative energy allows him to protect his ward at his own expense. By expending one use of his command undead ability, the Night Raven may cast shield other on his ward, using his Night Raven level as caster level. It functions exactly as the spell except that it is dispelled if either the Night Raven or his ward is exposed to sunlight.

Shadow Run (Su):The Night Raven gains a speed bonus equal to his Constitution modifier × 5 when wearing no or light armor (and not carrying a heavy load). This bonus is to his base speed, before modifiers such as taking the double move action are figured in. This ability applies only in unholy areas (e.g. the area of a desecrate or unhallow spell), or in darkness deep enough to provide concealment.

Improved Dark Shielding (Su): As Dark Shielding, except the the Night Raven’s charisma bonus (if any) also applies to the recipient’s spell resistance. If the recipient does not have innate spell resistance this ability is the same as dark shielding.
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