FAE Dresden blurb...and question...
Okay kids, Matt's reply helped my indeterminate self decide to go ahead and run my FAE Dresden event, but I'm still indeterminate about which slot I should run it in. I see merit in running it in the afternoon (greater cognizance on my part, for one) but I thought Laurie's Dread-loving self was only making the pm slot. It turns out she's making both, so I'm unsure which event I should run when.
Does anybody running in either slot desire to play either of my events, and thus prefer it to be the opposite slot of theirs? Kelly, you said you preferred Buzz or me to run Dresden in the am...well, we
both are, so I'm not sure that helps, oops. Anybody else have an opinion? Should I switch so people have the option to play FATE Accelerated and/or Dresden-verse games All Day Long? Is there a morning gm who wants to play Dread, so I should leave things as they are?
I'll do my best to respond to your input, folks; otherwise, I'll leave it as is: FAE am & Dread pm.
Time: morning slot
(unless I switch again, oops)
Game System: FAE
Event Title: Freely Held, Faeriely Given
Content Rating: Adults Only
Number of Players: 5
Table Preference: D
Something important is happening in Aurora, and when the Red Court of vampires is looking for more than blood, the White Court is acting even shiftier than usual, and a certain underworld Gentleman is visiting from Chicago, whatever it is can't possibly be good. It's up to the non-vanilla residents of Aurora to figure out what's going on and put a stop to it.
FAE stands for FATE Accelerated, a simplified version of the base ruleset used in the regular Dresden Files RPG. Grab some Fudge dice (or even regular d6s!) and get ready to explore the Dresden-verse supernatural side of Chicago's biggest suburb!
Special Note: This is a sequel to the Dresden Files scenario I ran a few years ago; returning players are free to play the same character they did then, if they so choose.