Chicago Gameday XI a success! Share your war stories.

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William Ronald

Hi, buzz:

Sorry that I have been away but I have been busy -- and had computer problems as well. Fortunately, I have time and the computer woes are resolved. I will give you my choices and I will mention this over at a few other sites.

Sign me up for breakfast as well as Slot 1,Game 4a: Land of hte Lost Heroes, Slot 1, Game 4b: It's the End of the World As We Know It Pretty Much Period..., and Slot 2, Game 6: Runeskull Island,

Buzz, if for some reason we get a huge number of walk-ins during the morning, I am willing to bow out of my morning slots and serve as a back up DM.

So far, it looks like the Gameday is coming together. Come on July.


First Post
Sir Brennen said:

Is the Buffy/Angel event suitable for those un-initiated in the game system?

Absotively. I ALWAYS play fast and loose with the rules, put the focus on the group story-telling, etc, but the whole point of the Game Day Double Feature is to give people a chance to try new systems, games they haven't played before.

Unisystem is TOTALLY easy to learn & play, just needs one d10. And this scenario doesn't rely on anything too specific, knowledge of the BtVS or Angel RPGames is not at all needed. A knowledge of the show will be helpful in the sense of "mood" or "atmosphere" but is not at ALL required for the game itself.

Hope to see you there! *g*

Master: *monologues on his triumph of opening the Hellmouth & defeating the Slayer*
Buffy: (staring raptly in supposedly hypnotized state at his permanently blood-stained face)
"You have fruit-punch mouth."


First Post

I'd like to sign up for Slot 2's Game 1: Nine Lives, Cat RPG.

Oh, and Thalmin told me there was an entry fee for Gameday. $50 a person as he reminded me it is, "as fun or funner than Six Flags. And it's my store, so pay up."*

Buzz, how much of a cut are you receiving from him? And be careful about him skimming off the top. You know how those wily game store owners are... :D

*Disclaimer: Stated quotes are not actual quotes but merely words which have quotation marks around them. Any lawsuits for libel or defaming of character are hereby made a dumb and stupid thing to do. Please don't send assassins, it was trouble cleaning up the last batch off of the floor and walls without the landlord finding out.
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Nazriel said:

I'd like to sign up for Slot 2's Game 1: Nine Lives, Cat RPG.
Done! Another event fills up.

Nazriel said:
Oh, and Thalmin told me there was an entry fee for Gameday. $50 a person as he reminded me it is, "as fun or funner than Six Flags. And it's my store, so pay up."

Buzz, how much of a cut are you receiving from him? And be careful about him skimming off the top. You know how those wily game store owners are... :D
Well, the funner than Six Flags comment was true...


First Post
Buzz: will you volunteer to put on a rubber bald-head and bow tie, and dance around to that annoyingly catchy Six Flags tune?

Now *that* would be worth the price of admission. Which is, to say, free. :)


rowport said:
Buzz: will you volunteer to put on a rubber bald-head and bow tie, and dance around to that annoyingly catchy Six Flags tune?
I was at Six Flags last weekend, and, I tell ya, I was humming that song for the next couple of days.

Oh, and to answer your question: No.

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