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Christian Women Don't Do D&D

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Coredump said:
But "Christian" is not *a* religion; so you have nothing to apologize for. It applies to literally, thousands of different religions and sects. Each one can have its own take on just about everything.

Just like "Gaming" is not *one* game. I can actually understand a person not wanting their child playing Vampire. It is based, afterall, on playing a blood drinking 'abomination'. But to color the entire gaming genre based on a few games, or a few players, is like assuming all 'christians' are exactly the same.

I know this....I just didn't see any "tongue in cheek" smilies. ;)

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The more telling thing to me is that there is never any tangible explanation of WHY D&D is bad, evil or damning. It's a foregone conclusion to the writer and the audience, apparently and never explained. Her father was an alcoholic, she claims, but she considers that to be a minor problem...that he played D&D, THAT was a failing? That he didn't prevent her from playing D&D was even moreso, but he would have prevented it if had but known. {insert swoon here}

You have t consider the source, here: this is a 'preaching to the choir' publication for a particular demographic subset, not really the Christian mainstream, per se. Note that being raped, having a child with ADHD and quitting cigarettes are all rated on the same level as having 'survived' D&D. :p

The best and really only thing to do with this sort of stuff is ignore it. Every statistic we have so far shows that RPGs are healthy and fun. It's even pretty likely that most D&D players ARE Christians, so it's even less likely that the mainstream has a problem with it. The best way to handle this sort of thing is with restrained and bemused information, such as pointing such parties to tthe Escapist or James Wyatt's site. One doesn't have to have religious beliefs to be closed minded, and one doesn't have to be closed-minded when they have religious beliefs.


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And would this be the same church that burned Galileo for insisting that the material plane is at the center of the D&D cosmology and is intimately connected to the astral and shadow planes?

Lucky Number

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Warehouse23 said:
And would this be the same church that burned Galileo for insisting that the material plane is at the center of the D&D cosmology and is intimately connected to the astral and shadow planes?

That really made my day. Thank you.


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Well its nice to know that an "open minded" group of people still oppose us.

The writer clearly has no clue that gaming has saved lives (mine and my father's interestingly). That it teaches reading, writing, and mathmatic skills. They only see that we aren't spending time worshipping their beliefs, so it must be evil.

Sorry Michelle M. Woods, but its your narrow minded prejudice that destroys, that would have me the son of a drug addicted abusive alcoholic for just a few more decades (he would have died before now- but that is another story). I would have followed him into that and not survived (I know that).

Do us all a favor, and don't spread this drak when you see it, just leave it lie.

Honestly, it sounds like this woman replaced one addiction with another. I had an uncle who used to alternate periods of being a fervant Southern Baptist with bouts of alcoholism.
Religion can be addictive, just like gaming, drugs, sex, gambling, television, or anything else that draws our attention away from the things we don't like about ourselves. Rather than using introspection and faith to help define herself, she defines herself based on her hobbies or her church, and so any positive improvements are unlikely to outlast her attention span.


First Post
Oh, anyone that is religious, my apologizes if you took offense. I have a real hatred of religious people that thump their bibles and tell me about brimstone and fire because of how much hatred it spreads when they do so.

Take care, be good to each other and know you don't have to spread love through talking hate (which is what this kinda stuff does).

Michael Morris

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I think it's pretty clear at this point that some sects of Christians have and always will consider D&D to be the work of Satan.

I also think it's pretty clear that ENWorld has a "No religious discussions" rule and has had for some time for just that reason - it hits a pretty rare nerve for some folks.

This thread has nowhere to go but downhill so here goes one of my rare :clicks:

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