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City of Doors, City of Lies - Planescape


Good post. You reflect very well Sigilian mood, and the descriptions are great...

I like a lot the post between adventures because it's there where we can see the real roleplaying. Of course, YMMV

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Spar 22nd [ Day 12 – part two ]

At the Fortune’s Wheel, everyone sits down and has a drink. Quinn catches the same bartender as he’s changing shifts, and he subtly points out the table where Shemeska the Marauder sits. Quinn sees the King of the Cross-Trade, who is apparently a fox-like arcanaloth. Loitering around her table are a group of armed tieflings – possibly bodyguards yet they look more like assassins. One in particular is hefting a man-sized mirror with which the ‘loth is using to groom herself.

Killian and Tira watch as the minotaur approaches the table. Two of the tiefling move directly in front of him, barring his advance. Quinn pauses until the arcanoloth motions for the guards to let him approach. He begins to socialize with Shemeska, and finds that she already knows a bit about the group. She lets it slip that she knows they work for the Fiery Blades, although she doesn’t know why he is there. He presents her with the package from Selazzj, and she is pleased. Since the three of them work for hire, Shemeska asks, would they be interested in a job for her? Quinn acts interested, but requests that all three of them come to speak with her. Shemeska agrees, sending a few of her cronies over to ‘fetch’ them. The group has a delicate conversation with the arcanoloth, who at times seems more interested in preening herself than what they have to say. She drops an occasional hint that she knows far more about them than they suspect, keepiing them onedge. Shemeska is sure she will have work for them, if they are interested. With a promise that she will come calling, the three are escorted back to their own table.

After listening to the bard play (note that this is not Estrella from the night before), Killian decides to begin the job he received earlier this day. Tira and Quinn ask what he’s off to do, but he evades their questions and leaves. He leaves and heads to the Market Ward, donning a black cloak to conceal himself. He locates the house and scouts around for signs of life. There is a light at a window that he takes note of, since the house should be empty for the night. After trying a door and finding it locked, he decides to climb up to the outside balcony and try the doors there. They too are locked, but he takes a little time and opens it with his lockpicks.

Moving inside the house, he finds that he is inside a study with a few books and a desk. He considers checking around in the room, but the light he had seen bothers him. He slides out of the room and moves down the hall. The light comes from downstairs, but he hears no sounds from below. He moves into a secondary bedroom, why by his map must be where guests occasionally stay. Killian searches about and finds the strongbox where the medallion should be kept. He considers opening it, but decides to take the entire strongbox with him. It makes a bit of noise, but he feels that he is safe. He sneaks back through the hallway, and then he hears something padding up the steps. A quick glance back reveals that it is an Aoskian hound, a white, two-headed dog that is bred almost exclusively in Sigil. The dog sees him and gives chase. Killian dashes into the study and moves for the window, but disaster strikes. The dog follows and barks, using one of the hound’s peculiar magical abilities. Killian hears the bark and his muscles freeze up, causing him to fall on the floor. He feels the two heads of the hound tear into his backside. He feels the calling of complete entropy…

Some unseen force pulls the hound off of Killian. He is roughly turned over, and Killian sees a manservant looking harshly at him. He removes the lockbox from Killian’s grasp, as well as his sword and daggers. Killian cannot move, yet he hears the servant admonishing him, saying that he will go summon the Harmonium. The Harmonium (also known as the Hardheads in certain circles) act as the city guardsmen, policing Sigil and upholding the codes. Then he leaves Killian’s sight, leaving him to his fate for the moment.

It seems an eternity. Then Killian notices that the paralysis seems to be wearing off. And with it comes the pain. Killian senses that the hound is still in the room, so he tries to stay still until he’s sure he can move. After a few minutes, he leaps up and launches a dagger at the hound, but his aim is off. Without waiting to see what will happen, Killian turns and runs out to the balcony where he first entered. He leaps up on the rail, and hears the paralyzing sound of the hound once more. His muscles lock into place as he plummets off of the balcony and to the ground.

The paralysis doesn’t seem to last as long this time, so when he recovers, he limps off into the shadows. Bruised, bloodied, and weaponless, he travels through the side alleys until he reaches the Exchange. Gunther lets him in through the back door and shakes his head at the state he’s in. He offers him a potion at a price, but Killian refuses (due to his faction restriction). Gunther has an alternate plan, and takes him to a shoddy sawbones doctor who stitches up his rear for a few jink. They give him a few more to keep quiet about the operation. As Killian ends the night, he decides that it is time to create a list of those who must die by his hands. First and foremost, the dog…

[ DM’s note: You gotta just love Killian and his player. He’s proud, he’s wicked, and he’s a GM toy. He doesn’t mind going out and trying things that may very well fly in his face. We’ve gotten a lot of mileage in jokes about this, but it’s one of my personal highlights. ]


Dusty Dragon
This is quite entertaining!

The only time I ever got to game in Planescape was the PC game "torment", but I'm glad to see that there is some planescape stories posted!



It's seems Killian is a bit too courageous, it can be bad for his health, cannot it? :)

So it seems so Lower Planar creatures are interested in the characters... Promising...



First Post
Nice story hour. Two questions...

One, how do you balance out the extra powers Killian and Quinn get with the rest of the party? And two, have you switched to 3rd Edition yet, and if so, when will the story hour make the transition?

I look forward to reading more.


Thanks for the good words, everyone.

MasterofHeaven, we are currently using 3e, but we only made the transition back in the middle of last year. We went round and round with systems, even trying to develop and use our own. I had a big problem with the old 2nd ed. rules, and all the changes nearly destroyed the campaign. But now I'm very happy with the way things are going.

As far as balance, we weren't (and really still aren't) as concerned about it as to how it affected the story. All of the characters started out at 3rd level, just so I could push them around a bit and not kill them every session. The player of the minotaur rolled his stats as normal, then applied the template we made for it (IIRC, + 2 Str, + 2 Con, - 2 Int, - 1 Dex, - 1 Wis). He was a bit powerful, but for a city where demons and angels walk around as citizens, I wasn't too concerned.

And the drow? Well, back then drow were an 'equal' character race. So he had the standard template out of one of those 2e books (I think the player's option stuff).

My plans, interspersed with the writing, I'll post some of the 3e stuff I've made, including a few new skills, racial templates for the skaven, and other tidbits that I've collected/used/borrowed off the net such as the Outlands Calender. I think I'll even work on my website with some of this.


First Post
Ah, I see. I thought you were using the 3rd Edition Minotaurs statistical adjustments and special powers, and I was wondering why said Minotaur was not making the other Fighter in the party feel weak.

By the way... how insane are Quinn and Killian, anyway? One sleeps with a Marilith, and the other one tries to win a dart game against a bunch of Tanar'ri for no apparent reason. Insanity, I tell you. But it's fun to read. ;)
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Spar 23rd [ Day 13 ]

The next morning, Tira and Quinn meet at Kanishi’s garden. Underneath the cover of the tarp, Tira uses her paints to decorate Quinn’s blackened horns. She spends hours, creating an intricate mural on the left horn. The right she simply adorns with a few splashes of different color. As they work, Kanishi occasionally wanders by and comments on Tira’s work, hinting that maybe she should give up the warrior’s way and paint instead. Her angry responses are met by wide smiles.

They go to the Mermaid’s Cups as they had planned earlier, to meet Killian in case anything bad happened. The bar is just as bad as the name sounds. Their ‘bards’ are scantily clad females that dance on the stage for the patrons. After an hour, Killian doesn’t show up so they go try to find him. At the Exchange, Felinca tells them that he was apparently very injured the night before and that he’s resting in the back. They talk with Gunther a bit, their first time meeting him. He’s casual enough, but he does not reveal any details of Killian’s exploits from the night before. They leave a simple message for of where to meet them at later. Killian wakes after they are gone and makes his way out, filled with vengeance and loathing. Someone will pay for this slight.

Moving slowly, Killian returns to his faction headquarters, the Armory. He checks back in with Ely about obtaining a certain weapon. He had spoken with Ely and Spragg about finding some sort of bladed weapon he could throw and possibly catch on a rebound. Ely explains that such weapons require years of practice and usually a mailed glove to prevent loss of fingers. For the time being, they provide him with a balanced blunt ring and a light chain glove. He speaks with Ely about some training, since he’s never used one before. Ely says they can probably schedule it in, especially if Killian will speak with Quinn about sparring. Killian mentions the upcoming pit-fight, and with a smile, Ely decides that he too will go to Crone’s.

Tira and Quinn happen to go by the Xaositect construction site once more on their way to Crone’s. This time they notice that most work has ceased at the site and apparently battle lines are drawn. It’s not against another faction: this time the conflict is between the Xaositects. They are torn as to whether finish building first or paint as they go. After hearing complaints from both sides, Quinn steps forward and lets his voice be heard. It was a frightening thing for many Sigilians, hearing the mass of chaosmen chanting “Might makes Right!” over and over. His impromptu oration actually brings the Chaosmen back to working. Unfortunately, as with most things involving the Xaositects, this seems to only be a temporary solution.

At Crone’s, Tira and Quinn meet with Nester and Agnes and set up another fight for the minotaur. During some small talk, Nester mentions a third sister, the ‘ugly one’. Quinn has heard the two talk about Veldra every so often, but never had the chance to meet her. They have a bad feeling about how this hag should look, if her sisters say she has a rough appearance.

Killian arrives, and immediately a barrage of questions and a few scathing jokes are made regarding Killian’s misadventures. As the fights are begin, the characters notice that Ely has shown up to watch. During the proceedings, Tira watches Gorvak, the hobgoblin fight and decides that she could manage him, if he’d be willing. Killian slides over to talk with Ely, who is sitting with an alluring young tiefling female.

Quinn’s fight comes up, his opponent being a very disagreeable ogre named Baelsh. They go at it, and it’s a tough fight. The ogre uses its slight size advantage over the minotaur, trying to grapple him. Quinn powers out of his grasp and moves around for better shots at his backside. Baelsh cracks a good blow with his club, but all it serves is to focus Quinn. Quinn pleases the crowd by slashing him up with his cestus, then proceeds to finish him off with a mighty punch. The blow lifts the ogre off of his feet and knocks him unconscious. Quinn’s antics bring on a good cheer from the crowd. This fight catches the attention of a visiting fight promoter named L.M. Cothran. He’s from the Gehennan gate-town of Torch, where he works for an arena called Broken Swords. Before the end of the night, he speaks with Tira and Quinn about coming up for a look and possibly some work there.

Tira and Quinn join with Killian and talk to Ely. They meet his young tiefling friend, Toral (although Killian notes later that Ely is rumored to be in a tryst with Factol Pentar). More talk is made of Quinn training and sparring with Ely. In the next few days, Killian will begin to train with his new weapon, and Quinn will face off against the cambion warrior. With all of this said and done, it’s time to go home for the night. Tira has Killian accompany her, so she can change and clean the bandages for his wounds (DM note: the Doomguard eschew magical healing for more than just pride – their factional mindset tends to work against such ministrations). Quinn goes his separate way, back to the Rusty Trident where he makes his kip.

As Tira and Killian wind through the alleys, they are beset by the two nobles that Killian took some money from a few days earlier. They are both fairly drunken, and have followed the dark elf out of the bar to settle the score. With a smirk, Killian agrees to duel with Gregor Antosky, the more vocal of the two. They square off, the noble with a steel rapier; Killian with his battered short sword. They advance upon one another, dodging blows until they lock the blades together. Killian grins, and uses his innate ability to drop a cloud of darkness upon them both. Gregor’s blade does find one last mark and wounds Killian in the shoulder, but soon enough the drow uses the darkness to his advantage and slays the young rake. The other young man is incensed by this blatant treachery and makes grave threats at the two of them. Tira throws a spear at the young man, but does not try to actually kill him. It serves its purpose, and the noble runs, leaving his friend to his fate. As Killian releases the shroud and removes Gregor’s valueables, the two of them can hear his living friend swear a solemn promise to have his revenge. The night provides no more surprises for the two.


Your story is wonderful as I have already said :)

One of the things I love from it is the absence of the traditional "adventures". The four or five last posts were post of Sigilian daily life, without the sense of "quest" that most RPG sessions have. They searched no treasure, tracked no mighty foe, travelled to no far place.

I love it!!!!!

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