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City of Doors, City of Lies - Planescape

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[ Hecatomb 5th – Day 19 ]

Next day, the group heads to the Center of Eternal Dreams to meet with their contact. The Center is a dome-shaped building that lies deep in the heart of Faunel. A basher named Sashell meets them, an elf with rather prominent pointed ears. He speaks with them about the mission and the disappearance of the previous party. They are known as the Red Rapiers, a group billing themselves as ‘ruins explorers’. They had signed in at the Center, researching a lost temple in the wilderness near Faunel. One of the Center’s guides had accompanied the party out to their location and neither the Rapiers nor the guide had returned. The Center has hired the Fiery Blades to investigate this temple and determine the fate of the missing. He gives them details on the crew that went out, and mentions the leader, Jeter, who was known for his desire to live forever. They get a map and go.

Out in the woods, things are very quiet. They trek in the direction that the last party went through. Even though it is over a week old, they are able to slowly track their movements through the swamp. As night falls, they spot an old temple shaped as a zigguraut partially sunken in the muck. They cautiously move up to investigate, but hear no sounds nor see any lights. They rationalize that a few hours of rest won’t hurt their chances of finding anyone that’s been lost over a week. They set up dry camp out at the foot of the steps leading in. They end the night checking supplies that they’ll need to climb in the temple.

[ Hecatomb 6th – Day 20 ]

They break camp at dawn and approach the temple. The incline that the structure rests at is not that steep, but because of the style of building and the accumulated moisture and muck it would be treacherous to climb without assistance. They take a grapnel and rope and after a few tries successfully hook it in the open entrance. They climb in, with Tira at the lead.

With a light source, they find the inside mostly barren and recently moved through. There is a pervading smell of rotting vegetation, probably from things that have grown and subsequently died in spots of the temple. Moving through rooms, they guess that the previous party had picked through most of the refuse, searching for ‘treasure’. There is no sign of said adventurers, yet.

The interior of the temple is decorated with murals of men being lined up and sacrificed to a great creature. The creature is much larger than the men and looks vaguely feline. The characters soon find a stairwell leading down and carefully negotiate the dangerously slanted passage. As they bring their lanterns into the room below, they see figures crouched over in a corner. They are wearing what looks to be normal garb for travelling through the swamps. The figures shift uncomfortably and murmur to themselves, but don’t greet the party. As they approach the lost party members, they rise up with a growl and launch at their ‘saviors’. Quinn is quick to note that they have sustained wounds, deep wounds and gashes that would normally be lethal. They are fighting undead!

One of the undead reaches out and slashes Quinn with a dirtied claw, leaving a stinging pain that lingers. He shrugs off the blow and plunges a sword into its jaw. Killian hacks an arm off of another ghoul, but it keeps advancing, trying to grab and bite him. Tira ducks a swing by the ghoul that attacks her and plunges a spear into its chest. The blow does not destroy the ghoul, but she is able to use the spear to push it back and keep it from reaching her. A fourth ghoul attacks Quinn, but it, along with the others, are quickly destroyed.

They examine the bodies and determine that they are indeed the remains of the group they were seeking. None of the bodies match the particular description they had see of the leader, so they decide to press onward. In a litter of discarded backpacks and equipment, they find a bow of exceptional quality. Tira knows of good deal about bowmaking, and notes the signs of superior craftmanship. She takes the bow, slinging it over her shoulder.

They move further into the complex, finding a large, dimly-lit room where one wall is dominated by a large feline statue. They hear some painful sounds of whimpering and a throaty growl coming from the rear of the room. Moving in closer, they see a panther-like creature standing protectively near a body with its muzzle stained in blood. As the feline stands, they see tentacles hovering from its backside – a displacer beast! As it slowly advances, another leaps from the side and tackles Quinn. Tira decides now is a great time to test out this new bow. She draws back and fires, and the bow’s strike would be true if she had known better where the displacer actually was (recall, their power is to appear a distance from where they actually stand).

Killian is quick to adjust to the needs of this combat. He feints towards the reflection, then spins and connects with the displaced body. Tentacles lash out at him and Tira, forcing Tira to discard the bow and use her spear. Quinn has his hands full, trying to keep the beast upon him from biting his face while the mostly invisible tentacles rake him from the sides. The minotaur is able to wrap his legs around the beast and exert enough pressure with his hands to break its neck. As he pushes the carcass off of him, he sees Tira and Killian use flanking tactics to kill the other displacer.

Bloodied, the characters move over to the body, which fits the description of Jeter, the leader of the Red Rapiers. Given the wounds and partially devoured state of his body, he should be dead, yet he seems to live on. Though his ruined face, he keeps repeating ‘It’s not supposed to be like this.’ A bit of searching reveals two things: first, a pack belonging to Jeter which has two rough fist-sized gems; second, another displacer beast and two small cubs. The displacer growls at them, but does not leave her young to attack. Wisely the character leave them alone and inspects the area. Killian wants the gems for the group, but he is quick to notice that the statue has two empty eye sockets, close in size to the gems. With fears of a curse unleashed by the Red Rapiers, the group sends Killian up to grudgingly return the gems to the eyes of the statue. There is no obvious resolution, other than Jeter’s body finally giving its last breath.

They take their news of the group back to the town, so that a burial and retrieval party can be sent out. They update Sashell’s map and receive their payment from the Center. Then begins a thankfully uneventful return to Sigil.
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[ Hecatomb 9th – Day 23 ]

When the group returns to Sigil, it is business as usual. After speaking with their employers, Killian visits his one-room apartment to drop off his travelling gear. He notes something is amiss when he enters, small things that he’s left ‘in the way’ that have been moved. Nothing looks stolen, but things have been disturbed. On his bed, he finds a note written with exceptional penmanship. “ Come to the Wheel to speak of business. Signed, The King.” Killian knows that this is from Shemeska the Marauder, and he cannot decide which is worse – that someone has successfully broken into his apartment, or that the King of the Cross-Trade has taken an interest in him.

The group goes to Tivvum’s Antiquities to visit Alluvius Ruskin. On their last visit, they had made a quick agreements about plants they could acquire for her gate keys. They make a quick sale and move onto other topics of conversation. While they talk, they inquire about someone who could assist them in identifying magical items. She knows of a professor who works out of the Rowan Academy. His name is Serrateno D’Arquestine, and she directs them to visit with him. Everyone is still fatigued from travelling through the Outlands, so they decide they will do this on the morrow.

Killian makes his way by Fortune’s Wheel, with intentions of speaking with Shemeska and hoping to see Estrella. Unfortunately for him, Estrella is not working this night, and Shemeska is present. He sits at her table, and after a short amount of time she acknowledges him. Killian mentions that he doesn’t take kindly to others breaking into his home. She quips that perhaps he should move into a more secure house. She segues into a conversation about an item she would have use for, a item called a Planar Compass. She understands that there is one in a shop, the Hands of Time, but it belongs to another. Shemeska says she’s sure that there are more out there, and if Killian were to come into possession, she’d be glad to purchase it. The mission understood, Killian agrees, stating that it may be a while before he is able to ‘locate’ one.

[ Hecatomb 10th – Day 24 ]

The next day, they walk to the Hall of Records and to the neighboring Rowan Academy where this wizard apparently works. Speaking to a desk clerk they go up a few floors (paying a small fee for entering within the Fated controlled building) and wait outside a classroom as this man lectures on some confusing part of magical theory. When the class dismisses an hour later they speak with him about some work. Of course, he’s happy to do this for money, and so they come to an agreement with him holding onto most of the weapons. Serrateno is a gregarious sort, talking loud with an equivalent of a Jamaican accent.

For the rest of the day, the characters go back to the Exchange and train in their respective arts. The rest of that day is spent free of problems and adversity.

[ Hecatomb 11th – Day 25 ]

Early the next morn while traversing Sigil, Tira is approached by a robed human who knows of her. He introduces himself as Teller Madir, a priest of Dionysus. She is unfamiliar with the god, but the man’s breath smells faintly of alcohol, so she is curious. He speaks of their mutual friend, Orem, the man who had trained her with the spear. Teller says that Orem is dead, murdered by an unknown party. Tira is saddened for a moment, and thanks him for the information. He has more concerns though. He believes that Orem’s spirit has been displaced, sent to the wrong realm because it ‘was not his time to pass’. He asks for their assistance (knowing also of her party). She wants more information, but decides that should present his information to the entire group.

Later that evening, the trio meets with Madir and gets more details to this odd situation. Over drinks, he tells them that Orem’s soul has been mislocated into the realm of Hades, which lies in the Grey Waste. It seems that the power there, Hades and his wife Persephone, have been known to bargain with mortals for lives of their friends. He thinks it is worth a shot, and both he and Tira agree that it would be worth it to retrieve their lost friend. Killian and Quinn mull over this mission, but when it is apparent that Tira is going to go to Hades regardless of their choice, they both agree to accompany her. With this, Teller makes an odd statement that ‘the blood of the living will work to save the dead’.


Tarmy update, blood!

A short adventure and they are back in Sigil...
Do you usually do short adventures out Sigil, a game session or two, and then some session of Sigil ?


Thanks, cutter. Yeah, the majority of play takes place in Sigil, as I wanted a more urban feel: Politics and Intrigue in the City of Doors. But then I use outside adventures to break up the ever-present rain and gloominess of Sigil. It can feel very harsh at times to experience the peaceful glades of Elysium, then be dumped back in the puddles and grime of the Hive Ward.

They do have some jaunts that take a bit longer outside of the Cage, but Sigil is their base of operations, so they'll always be back soon, if possible.


I like it, blood, I love Sigil, and I think you can play a lot of campaigns without ever quitting it... And yes, your structure of short voyages outside the Cage is great, because it cuts the eventual monotony...


[ Spoiler Note: This entry contains a good portion of one of the mini-modules included in the Planes of Conflict boxed set. You have been warned. ]

[ Hecatomb 12th – Day 26 ]

The next day, they leave out with portal information obtained from from Teller. Their path seems a bit unusual, requiring them to travel to Arborea first and travel along the roots of Grandfather Oak. They arrive and run across a shepard who is antagonized by the party scaring his sheep. He attacks with fearsome strength, trying to grapple and injure to the best of his ability. He locks up with Quinn, and after a few moves, Quinn is able to throw him off with a great feat of strength. They subdue the shepherd, but wisely, they do not kill him. Unbeknownst to the party, the shepard is one of the many sons of Hermes and his life is watched over by the power.

They find the roots of Grandfather Oak and begin to travel down into the deep recesses. They follow onward as the landscape turns from fertile plantlife to a withering shade of grey. Travel through this hopeless realm seems to consume the remainder of their day.

[ Hecatomb 13th - Day 27 ]

Eventually they come to caverns, the entrance to the realm of Hades. Soon they come upon the fabled guardian of the gates of Hades, the triple-headed dog Cerebrus. The beast stands twenty feet in height, with a dark grey coat. Killian cannot help but twinge at the memory of the Aoskian hound. At first, Cerebrus bars them access to the realm because they are still alive. It states that if they were to enter, then they would remain in the land of the dead for eternity. They bargain with the gargantuan hound until it makes them an offer. Cerebrus will allow them entry and exit (Hades’ decision pending, of course), if they each give the hound something very precious to them. It is a tough call, but they decide that Orem’s soul is worth the sacrifice. Tira gives a rolled up painting that she had recently completed, possibly her best work yet. Quinn relieves himself of his spiked gauntlets that he’s won many fights with in the arena. Killian hesitates, refusing to give up anything to this demanding dog. The gigantic dog allows the others to continue, saying that it will play with Killian while he waits. Finally they convince him to give something, his chakra, a weapon he recently gained from Ely. Cursing all the way, Killian accompanies them into the land of the dead.

Within they find petitioners milling about, acting listless. The dead are all grey and partially transparent, lacking life and passion like most inhabitants of the Waste. The dead do not hamper the group’s progress, seeming not to sense them. They come upon Hades’ grand palace, somewhat lonely in this landscape. They enter and walk through the abandoned halls. Eventually they find a large throne room, and sitting on two massive seats are a regal male and female. They reach almost thirty feet into the air as they sit. Persephone is the first to take notice of the mortals.

They plead their case to Hades, asking for the life of their friend who has been taken by mistake. Hades is impassionate, stating that there is no other interpretation of final death - there shall be no return from the land of the dead. They say that they have heard of it before, in which a few have returned from servitude here. Hades becomes indignant and wishes not to speak with them further. Instead the group, particularly Tira, address Persephone with their plea. By making convincing arguments and appealing to Persephone’s good nature, they pull her to their side of thinking. Persephone turns the charm on the sullen god beside her, and he agrees to free Orem. There is a condition to his release: the party must not harm any dead souls as they leave, for if they do, not only is Orem’s soul forfeit, but they will not leave Hades with their lives. They know that Cerebrus will be there to enforce its master’s will, should they fail. The deal hurts, but they agree and plan to meet Orem outside of the gates of Hades.

Walking back across the bleak landscape, Hades’ plan becomes obvious. As they walk, a group of the listless dead solidify more than before and begin to take interest in the party. They walk forward and quickly surround the party, swiping with clawed hands. One hits Quinn and spills some blood onto the ground, a bright red against the grey soil. Many undead quickly bend down to sup on the blood. Remembering Teller’s quote and seeing this, Tira stabs her hand and bleeds on the ground so that the undead will stop attacking. Killian and Quinn purposely wound themselves and use the distraction to slide away from the horde of undead.

At the gates, they find Orem waiting, haunted and somewhat lifeless. His body has taken on the shade of grey that permeates everyone else. They take him and are allowed by Cerebrus to leave. Killian, indignant as ever, makes a foolish promise to his friends that one day he will get even with Cerebrus over his weapon. They simply smile at Killian for his eccentricity and move on.

They travel back up the roots of the Oak and go to Arborea. Deciding that the vibrant lands of the plane could revitalize their spirits more than the streets of Sigil, the group takes a vacation for a few days on the plane, returning to their newly-acquired friends up on the branches of Grandfather Oak.


[ Hecatomb 16th – Day 30 ]

The group returns to Sigil mid-day, with Orem in tow. Their clothes are still a greyish color, but the vibrant nature of Arborea sems to have healed their spirits. Orem still seems odd, somewhat gaunt in appearance, but they all know he looks much better than when they first retrieved him. The group goes by the Rowan Academy to check with Serrateno about the identified weapons.

Tira’s bow interests Serrateno, and he questions her what she knows about it so far. He says that the bow is attuned to a celestial nature, and he believes the wood was gathered from one of the Upper Planes. He has determined that the bow’s strength has been enhanced, and small runes etched at the ends of the wood may indicate further enhancements that have yet to be activated. Serrateno suggests that she take the bow with her on travels and see if any sages or scholars can help identify the bow’s origins, so that its secrets can be unlocked.

[ ed. Note: I’ve always loved the Earthdawn system for magic items. Rarely do the characters find simple +1 or +2 items. These crafted items have names, origins, and sometimes layered abilities that can be unlocked by their wielders. This is one such item. ]

After a meal, Orem decides to retire for the night. As he stands up to leave, the characters agree to accompany him back to his warehouse. They travel through the streets heading from the Market Ward to the Guildhall Ward where his building resides. As they approach the building, they realize that there are lights from within the warehouse, and smoke drifting from the furnace chimney. They doubt that it is Teller awaiting their return, so they creep up to find out. Orem suggests a trapdoor from the roof so they can look in from above. Killian scouts and shows them the best way to climb up onto the roof without a great amount of noise.

At the ‘skylight’, they see a number of men working in the warehouse. They have set up some kind of cauldron where they are cooking a greenish ore. The smell that escapes from the nearby chimney is bitter and acidic. Orem looks in and recognizes a few of the men who attacked (and killed) him. The group decides to avenge their friend, and determine what these bashers are up to. Quietly, Killian opens the trapdoor fully and climbs in. He stealthily moves along the beams until he finds a suitable location. He signals the group, and Quinn and Orem leap into the middle of the room.

Surprised, the six invaders are slow to react to this new threat. Killian uses the distraction to quietly kill one of the men from behind. A few of the men grab up weapons to defend themselves from the minotaur and the human. As Quinn and Orem rush in brandishing short swords and spears, Tira draws her bow at the trapdoor, firing and striking two of the enemies. The armed men clash with the three on the ground, while two of the men turn to cast spells. Tira tries to interrupt one of the casters, but her bowstring snaps as she draws back. Cursing, she partially rolls out of the way as one of the men sends a bolt of lightning from his hands.

As Quinn fells one of the combatants, the air around him is filled with a pungent yellow cloud. Hacking and sputtering, he is put on the defensive as another warrior closes in. Orem attacks with a vengeance, slashing and stabbing through one of his opponents. He is assisted by his pupil Tira, as she drops from the roof and pulls out her spear. Killian takes advantage of one of the mages who did not realize he was there. As he tries to cast a spell, Killian runs him through with his short sword.

Holding his breath, Quinn charges out of the cloud he’s in and headbutts the man before him, knocking him unconscious. Enraged, he turns his attention to the remaining spellcaster. Orem and Tira double-team the warrior, making short work of him. The spellcaster finds himself between the minotaur and the drow, and meets his end trying to cast one final spell. With their enemies fallen, the group collects themselves and tries to determine what they were doing.

Killian goes to investigate the cauldron and the foul-smelling material inside. There are green glowing rocks inside that are dissolving into powder from the continual heat. Near the cauldron there are a number of small containers, some of which are filled with the green powder. Orem wonders why they would kill him for this?

Something has been nagging Tira since they first saw these bashers. She pulls one of the bodies near another and notes that their features are similar. Orem remarked that he thought the ones who attacked him were brothers. They take a closer look and note that the eyes are very similar. This would not be odd, except that it is the same for all six, and they look to be of a variety of racial descent. They send for a Harmonium patrol to look into the situation, and the collectors to retrieve the bodies. The Harmonium officers that come ask a few pointed questions, but when it is determined that the house belongs to Orem, their defense seems plausible. The trio leave, agreeing to delve deeper into this mystery in the following days.
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Good update!

I love Earthdawn system for magic items too. I think it's a lot more romantic, the item don't show all its possibilities when a new basher takes it, itt must be attuned, its magic must be discovered and in D&D xp must be invested....
(OT: Do they keep that system in the new edition of Earthdawn?)


I'm not sure, Horacio. From what I understand, they didn't change too much about the Earthdawn system. I think they revamped Taunt, because that was a rude ability, but I would guess that Magic Items were left as they were. And honestly, I never touched the ED rules or GM books until just recently. That was one campaign where I went in purposely without knowledge, and I'm very happy I did.

Next: The Party goes to Mount Celestia...

Voidrunner's Codex

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