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City of Doors, City of Lies - Planescape


IMHO, Earthdawn rules are'nt very good (for me, for my tastes, O.K., people? :) ) but the book is filled with great ideas!

But I don't want to hikjack this wonderful story hour with ED postings, so pleas, RuinedOne, tell us more things about your adventurers and their Celestial adventures... :)
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Reconstructive Surgery - remembering a 5-year old adventure

[ Hecatomb 17th – Day 31 ]

After breakfast, each of the characters is found by a messenger bearing a note from the Fiery Blades. There is an urgent mission that they have been requested for, and it requires their immediate attention. This is odd to each one, since employment at the Exchange has always been very relaxed. It sparks their curiosity, and soon enough each stands in Felinca’s office, listening to her mission.

There is a need for a certain variety of celestial magic, one that can only be obtained from Mount Celestia. Killian groans inside as he listens to the details of the task unfold. Someone has need for spells known as ‘Crown of Flame’, and they have recruited the Blades to obtain them post-haste. Felinca does not order them to go, but she stresses the importance of the mission and the need to leave promptly. Quinn, Tira and Killian converse among themselves, and they agree after a suitable payment is reached. The characters are provided with a hefty amount of jink to barter with for the magicks. Felinca does advise that on this plane, good deeds are likely to earn as many favors as jink will buy. She provides the location of a portal, saving them that portion of the quest.

The characters grab their travel garb and head to a tavern called Aurora in the Market Ward. Inside they find large common rooms separated by arched doorways. They are greeted by an attractive female tiefling named Krista, half-owner of the bar. She offers them some of their fare, interesting meals with recipes and foods from certain Prime spheres. They regretfully pass, grabbing an ale before they try to locate the portal. They inquire about the portal, and she tells them that it is within the third archway. She offers to provide the key for a small price, since they weren’t going to buy lunch. Gold changes hands and she gives them a silver-plated dinner knife. Krista says it won’t be consumed from use, and it is a return key if they can reach the portal. No one thinks to ask what she means by reaching the portal…

Through the portal they go, and they are unceremoniously dumped into an ocean of clear silvery water under a starlit nighttime sky. The transition throws them off, and Quinn and Killian find themselves struggling to stay aloft. Tira tries to assist, but she’s also concerned about her bow and other items getting soaked. The weight of his weapons makes Quinn’s struggle difficult. As he begins to sink below the waves, he considers throwing them away…

And gentle arms wrap around each of their waists, pulling them above the surface of the tranquil sea. Rubbing the water out of their eyes, they see that arms do not hold them, but instead tentacles. A yellowish-green creature with the torso of a man and the lower half of an octopus smiles at them and holds them safely in the air. It introduces itself as Nemren, a humble zoveri servant. He tells them that it is his duty to prevent the unwary from drowning in the Silvery Sea without just cause. The zoveri is quite cheerful, and all too happy to ferry the party to the shore. Soon enough, Nemren deposits them on the shores of Solania and departs.

After a bit of walking, they come upon a group of petitioners working to travel up the mountain. The petitioners invite the trio to come along, which prompts a discussion among the three. It is quickly decided that to best ascend this mountainous plane, they should find other travellers and journey with them. Tira has an inkling of the philosophies of the plane, and that invoking good deeds may be the best way to travel. Given the inherent nature of the trio, relying on others seems to be their best bet. They accompany the group, each trying to help the others along. When a wagon wheel gets wedged in the rocks, Quinn is there to help move it along. Tira acts in a social capacity, getting to know the friendly petitioners. And Killian strives to keep his thoughts in check, practicing meditation when he has the chance.

The journey is expected to be peaceful, so it is a surprise when a group of clockwork creatures – modrons – march across the pass and directly towards the group. Quinn tries to push the wagon and others along quickly to move out of the way, but it is not enough to avoid the tide of creatures. The modrons act quirky and violent, and start a combat with those in their way. The three rush to defend the others, even though they are outnumbered by the living spheres and pyramid.

At first the battle seems overwhelming because of the solid tactics of the modrons and their razor sharp swords. Quinn calls out maneuvers to Tira, involving switching up on their enemies and doing rather chaotic actions to bring them down. Killian looks for ways to sneak attack the pyramid-shaped tridrone, but its numerous eyes follow his every movement. The strength of the creature knocks Killian to the ground, but he manages to stab his short sword through the bottom of the pyramid.

The petitioners are hesitant to involve themselves in any violence, but when the force appears overwhelming, a few of the men dogpile on the remaining monodrones and take them down. They survey their losses once the modrons are dispatched and find that only one of the petitioners was slain. The others do not despair, knowing that his soul has departed to join with the plane.

Continuing onwards, a few hours of travel upshore brings the group to the Monastery of Inner Light, a place where one of the petitioners suggested that they could receive the ‘Crown of Flame’ spell. They say farewells to the petitioners, who continue their trek up the mountain. The guards at the gate are pleased to see them, but they regreat to inform them that only archons, the celestial spirits of the realm, are admitted into the monastery. The trio pushes their case, attempting to gain sympathy from the guards. They do tell them of petitioners and the like who have signed recommendations allowing safe conduct. These can be obtained from Alamiel, a lammasu from the town of Heart’s Faith. The trio is disheartened, but they resolve to travel to this new town and obtain the neccesary permit.

The trip to Heart’s Faith is much easier and without problem. Heart’s Faith is a well-sized town built into the steep cliffside over the sea. They are greeted by a pair of majestic lammasu that patrol the gates. These two are part of the Winged Lions, the lammasu guardians of the city. The guards are aggressive, taking a keen eye to Quinn and Killian as potential evildoers. They note the signs of recent battle and give stern warnings to the group against such actions in town. They give the distinct notion that they will be watching every action of the group. Irritated, the trio continue into the town.

After the battle and several hours of legwork, the trio decide that it would be a good idea to rest for a few hours before they press onward. They learn that the nighttime skies of Lunia are a perpetual feature, so they won’t be losing out on any daylight. They secure lodgings at the Ironshod Mount, a clean inn near the front edge of the town.
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[ Hecatomb 18th – Day 32 – part one ]

After they rise from rest, the group begins to gather information and find this Alamiel mentioned at the Monastery. Since they are of the same race, the Winged Lions are a likely choice to direct them to him/her. Tira is volunteered to ask, since the Lions were extremely suspicious towards Killian and Quinn. When Tira asks, she is not much better off, because the Lions know that she travelled with them. They direct her towards a large temple in the center of town. She also inquires about libraries, and they point her to a tall building along one edge of the town.

The group gathers and goes to the Temple of Mitra, which rises higher than any other building in the central plaza. The tides have receded, leaving the cobbles wet and shiny. They pass several merchants setting up stalls in the area surrounding the temple. Killian comments that he does not like it here, as the Winged Lions seem to be perched on rooftops, watching him wherever he goes. Quinn chalks it up as paranoia, even though the Lions do seem to be ever-present.

Once inside the polished Temple of Mitra, they do not have to wait long before meeting Alamiel. The lammasu must be an elder, because there is an aura of power that can be felt when in her presence. Tira makes the plea, requesting a pass of safe conduct into the Monastery. Alamiel questions their purpose and their natures, and is very thoughtful after they provide truthful answers. Citing their good intentions, Alamiel agrees to grant them safe conduct if they will complete a minor quest for her.

A group of petitioners was tasked with bringing Alamiel a bundle of phoenix feathers. They arrived with the package, but several quills were missing from the bundle. None of the petitioners would admit to the loss, and Alamiel does not suspect theft on their part. She received word from a lantern archon that was watching over the petitioner’s progress. The lantern reported that the missing feathers fell into a portal or gate in the mountain, and have not been seen since. Portals that lead from Mount Celestia are a tricky business, Alamiel explains, because to leave the mountain means to abandon your quest for ascendance. She needs the feathers, and it only makes sense that she has travellers such as the trio try to find them. The three are not thrilled with yet another side trek keeping them from obtaining the Crown spells, but this is a small price to pay. They agree to the quest and receive instructions on how to find the lantern archon, Oriel.

Leaving the Temple, Tira leads them to the Library of Heart’s Faith. Near the entrance are a group of aasimon marshalling their forces. Killian and Quinn stop for a moment to watches the angelic formation while Tira enters the building. Within the Library, Tira speaks with an elderly woman about her bow and its reputed origins. Tira is very respectful, speaking of a desire to learn about the weapon. The woman offers to look for books containing information about such weapons while they attend to their quest.

Following Alamiel’s instructions, they travel out of the city and call for Oriel. Soon enough, a sphere of light darts across the sky and approaches them. Presenting itself before them, the sphere speaks in a joyous tone. Oriel introduces himself as a lantern archon, humbly working his way to higher plateaus. Quinn tells Oriel of the mission and that they would appreciate it if ‘he’ could lead them to the portal. The group, used to the ways of Sigil, prepares to make an offer for Oriel’s help. There is no chance to, as Oriel eagerly agrees and begins to move in the direction of the portal. Killian and Quinn look at each other with a shrug and begin to follow the glowing ball of light.


[ Hecatomb 18th – Day 32 – part two ]

Oriel, the lantern archon, guides the characters up the gentle slopes of the mountain. The ball of light is full of good cheer, commenting on the journeys of the previous group of petitioners. The characters inquire about the portal that these phoenix feathers fell through, but Oriel apologizes for it does not know much about it. Soon enough, Oriel leads them to a crevasse in the mountain that is large enough for Quinn to fit through. The archon thanks them for allowing it to assist, since it will surely aid in it’s progress up the mountain. They bid the cheery sphere goodbye and set to investigating the crevasse.

There is some speculation regarding the portal and what could have triggered it. Hopefully it wasn’t the feathers themselves, for they have none with which to activate it. Killian removes a silken rope from his pack and they have Quinn lower Tira down into the fissure. No portal activates and Tira finds herself in a sizeable cavern. As she starts a torch, Killian and Quinn drop down into the cavern. They begin to talk, but quickly silence as they hear sounds from deeper within. Drawing weapons, they move further in.

As they near a turn in the cavern, they can see multicolored lights playing against the walls. They listen and hear pieces of conversation: casual, playful voices that debate on what to do with their ‘feathers’. Guessing that their items have been found, they move forward to confront the speakers. They find three beings that are celestial in appearance, yet while most of the archons they have seen wore sensible garments of modest colors, these three were garbed in a riot of colors.

The celestials call out to the approaching trio, hailing them. Tira inquires about the phoenix feathers, claiming that they seek to return them to their rightful owners. The celestials counter, stating that the items were discarded and found by them, so they are the rightful owners. They proclaim that they can find many good uses for the feathers, much better than the lawful archons on the mount. The situation with the chaotic celestials gets tense, as they begin to question their true intentions with the feathers. Quinn successfully appeals to their chaotic natures, offering to split the feathers and let the celestials have half of them. Killian is a bit hesitant, just knowing that Alamiel is going to want every last feather. The celestials agree to the division, and the trio accepts, preferring this to a dangerous fight.

They return to Heart’s Faith with a small bag of quills. They present them to Alamiel, but she advises they keep the feathers. They begin to question, but think better of it when the lammasu hands them a sealed writ to allow safe passage to the Monastery. Alamiel ushers them on to the task ahead, offering no explanations. And so, the heroes begin trekking the path up to the monastery once again, finding the journey easier this time.

to be continued...


[ Hecatomb 18th – Day 32 – part three ]

The trio nears the Monastery of Inner Light, where they begin to hear sounds of marching and clashing swords. Over a rise, they see a daunting sight – a considerable force of modrons is laying siege to the Monastery. They see archers firing from the top of the monastery, while ground troops battle against the mechanical horde. The characters wait while the conflict rages, not sure that they want to join in the fray.

As they watch, the scroll that Quinn holds on to gets physically warm. Letting the others know, he breaks the seal and looks at the writing. Arcane symbols written in a gold script burn into his eyes and he can feel the power surging. At the same time, the bag of quills is ripped from Tira’s grasp and one of the quills goes soaring into the air, held aloft by gentle winds. They watch the feather as it goes upwards into the sky. It spins and turns, and then explodes in a brilliant fireball that washes heat over the party. They shield their eyes, but they can hear the roar of flames as a large phoenix appears overhead.

The group watches as the phoenix rains fire upon the rogue modron force, destroying several of the units. The remainder scatter, trying to regroup to face the new foe, but the assault of the phoenix is more than the modrons can handle. It seems to take only moments, but the fiery creature destroys the assaulting force. The phoenix then turns and approaches the party, hovering in the air. It says nothing, but the character get a sense of respect from the majestic creature. Then it turns and flies up to a higher point on the mountain.

Tira, Quinn, and Killian advance to the Monastery and are let in without problem this time. There are some dead strewn across the battlefield, but the majority of the casualties belonged to the modrons. Once inside, the archons are all too happy to provide the characters with the 'Crown of Flame' spells they requested, in the form of three scrolls. Tira hands over the remaining phoenix quills, which they accept with gratitude. The archons do provide the group with a quill, just in case they need it at some point. The archons offer them a chance to rest and study within the monastery, but the trio are quite ready to be on their way and finish the quest.

Back down the mountain they go, returning to Heart’s Faith. As they approach the library, a winged archon breaks from his unit and hails the group. He is very formal and introduces himself as Ragarian, a sword archon. Quickly it becomes apparent that he is interested in Tira and the bow she wields, calling it the Bow of Deland. Tira asks how he knows of the bow she carries. Ragarian calls it a legendary weapon for the forces of good. He thought he had recognized it when she passed through earlier, so he checked with Margaretta, the woman in the library. Ragarian says he actually helped her retrieve a tome that spoke of the legendary bow.

Tira is a bit unnerved by the archon’s fervent interest in the bow. He begins to ask if he can hold and examine it, but he is called back to his unit that is preparing to leave. Ragarian is disappointed, but he mentions that perhaps later he will be able to talk to Tira about the Bow of Deland. With Ragarian gone, the three go into the library. They find Margaretta, and sure enough, she has a tome of weapons used during one of the celestial crusades. Tira wants to study on the bow, but she is prohibited from taking the book with her. Quinn and Killian desperately want to leave Mount Celestia, so they agree to leave and she will meet them in Sigil in a few days hence. The decision is for the best, since Felinca seemed rather impatient to get the scrolls for the Fiery Blades.

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