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City of Doors, City of Lies - Planescape


Can we say... Slacker?! I apologize for the lack of update for the past... two weeks. I've been fighting an addiction, sad to say. A MUD game controls my life. And it's sad as afar as this goes, since the entries are basically written already - I just need to tweak them some before posting.

So expect an update in the next day or so, and hopefully I'll get back on track. Hopefully.

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First Post
And this shall be bumped back onto the first page, as an incentive for theRuinedOne to shake his MUD addiction.

Remember, repeat after me - 'I am strong. I am my own man. I do not need MUD's to survive. I DO NOT need MUD's. I am strong of mind and free to do whatever I want.'


Gissa update!


[ Hecatomb 19th – Day 33 ]

As Killian and Quinn make their way into the Exchange in the early morning, they are introduced to two cutters new to the Fiery Blades. One is a muscular human bearing no obvious faction symbols, who is introduced as Cross. He looks over both Killian and Quinn, but speaks not a word. The second is a tiefling named Kesdran, who directly greets Killian and introduces himself as a fellow member of the Doomguard. Felinca is there speaking with the two about employment. Seeing Killian and Quinn, she eagerly accepts the Crown of Flame scrolls and has them sent to Baerlon, the overall owner of the Exchange.

Felinca sends Cross and Kesdran out to speak with someone called ‘the Fat Man’ regarding their contracts. They head down to the lower levels of the Exchange, but turn a different direction from where Killian trains with Gunther. They find a secured room with bars and a bolted door. An overweight human apparently in his fifties waits behind a barred window for them. He knows of their presence and hands them simple documents with their names penned in still-fresh ink. They look over the details, which include a weekly salary, plus commisions on all jobs taken for the Blades. These contracts are very similar to the ones presented to Tira, Quinn, and Killian months before. They sign and ask the Fat Man about some job specifics.

Upstairs, Felinca is very relieved to have the scrolls from Mount Celestia. She advises the pair that there is a serious mission coming up that will require a good deal of the Blades’ resources. They inquire, but she is not allowed to give any details regarding the mission, merely that it will likely involve her, Gunther, and some of the other senior members. To this end, she requires the assistance of these two and Tira. Felinca says that they still have jobs that will need attending to, and she would like to include the two they just hired (Cross and Kesdran). Given Quinn and Killian’s success so far, she requests that they work with them and train them in the way of the Blades. They don’t think Tira will mind too much, so they accept and go to meet with the others.

Killian and Kesdran seem to warm to one another immediately, talking about current news with their faction. Kesdran is a wizard who studies under a fire genasi that Killian knows named Scorch Ashpowder. Ashpowder is higher up in the faction than Killian, but the two of them have spoken occasionally. Cross is much more introspective than Kesdran, but he speaks with Quinn when the minotaur presses the subject. Cross is a member of the Godsmen, coming fresh from work within the forges of the Foundry. Hoping that their companion will return shortly, Quinn suggests that the group of them gather the next night for dinner, allowing them all time to rest and attend to personal matters.

Back in Heart’s Faith, Tira has spent much of her time studying up on the Bow of Deland. The majority of the information deals with great heroes who have used the bow to slay fiends and foil their attempts to invade the good planes. Tira is unsure whether she likes this or not – she generally has no truck with fiends, but she has never considered herself a champion of Law and Goodness. This tome is one of the few sources of information she’s found, but she admits that the authors could easily be swayed to portray the Bow of Deland in such a light.

Delving further, she finds a tale that provides useful information. It regards a young hero who quested for a time with the bow, but when in need the bowstring would snap on him. The string on the Bow had snapped for her more than once, not such an odd occurrence in general except for the short amount of time she had possessed the bow. Reading on, the tale talks of how the young hero used silvered strings and went on to decimate armies of evil without snapping a string. Tira ponders, wondering how she could get silver extruded into a string that would make for a feasible bowstring. She leaves the library, walking out to think about the matter. She walks out by the sea and ponders. The Silver Sea. Smiling, she takes out a number of extra bowstrings and soaks them in the holy waters of the sea. Once wet, she lays them out on the cobblestones and allows them to dry in the moonlit night.
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Nice update!

Hey, Ruined One, I have some free space in my server (that server where planewalker-es lives), would you like having a site for your story hour?


Horacio, I've been meaning to send you an email regarding your generous offer. I'll do so either today or tomorrow. And without further ado...

Hecatomb 20th [ Day 34 - part one ]

Quinn and Killian get together to train some over at the Armory. Once again, they enlist the assistance of Ely Cromlich to show them new techniques. Killian mentions interest in another throwing weapon after losing his chakra to Cerberus, perhaps something with blades. Ely digs through some inventory in crates until he pulls out a circular bladed weapon and a glove partially covered with chainmail links. Killian examines the blade, which Ely calls a ‘krull’. It has a solid piece in the center with an amber-colored gem embedded in it. Five ‘arms’ extend from the center and curve in a clockwise direction, each arms terminating in a sharpened blade. Ely puts on the glove and mentions that it has an enchantment of returning placed upon it. He displays this by spinning the krull across the room, and letting it ricochet off the walls until it returns to the glove.

“ Is the glove neccesary?” Killian asks, noting its resemblance to chainmail.
“ Only if you plan to keep your fingers.”

Quinn inquires about the mythril spear Tira had commisioned. Ely does indeed have the spear, which he shows to Quinn. It is long and a dull silver color. Quinn hefts it and finds it to be very light, and impossible to bend even with his great strength. He pays for the spear out of Tira’s payment for the mission to Mount Celestia.

Kesdran spends his morning studying under his mentor, Scorch. He attends to minor factional duties and spends a good deal of time pouring over a few spells he has been trying to master. There is no mention of working with Killian, as that is work outside of the faction’s realm.

Cross wanders the streets of Sigil, refamiliarizing himself with the city. Sigil is an odd city, as portions of it seem to change constantly. Abandoned buildings are torn down by dabus overnight, while new structures seem to spring from the stonework. Yet overall, the locale stays the same. Because of the enclosure, Sigil does not expand and overcome the surrounding terrain as an Outlands city would. The six wards that divide the city are stable, even if the boundaries between them are defined in only the vaguest sense.

Tira’s morning is spent in ritual and meditation, an attempt to bring all of the elements of her life into perspective. After a swim in the Silver Sea, she says her goodbyes and returns to the City of Doors.

Eventually everyone gathers at the Exchange for a late lunch. Tira meets Cross and Kesdran for the first time, and all of them decide to get some food and talk. Creatures of habit, they all make their way to Fortune’s Wheel. Cross is hesitant to go inside, as this is known to be a classy restaurant. He did receive his starting pay for joining the Blades, but he had devoted almost all of it to the room where he had stayed for the past few weeks. The others invite him to come on, but he declines, commenting that he needs some distance from the singing minotaur. So as the others enter Fortune’s Wheel, Cross moves to find a place to sit outside.

Inside, Killian asks the barkeep about Estrella. He doesn’t know, but the woman seated beside Killian does. He looks her over, an elven female wearing a stylish green shirt and form-fitting leather pants. He’s seen her before, and soon realizes that she’s usually found at the desk before the Azure Iris, a comfortable inn that conveniently rests atop of Fortune’s Wheel. Killian knows that they collect a good fare from factioneers too drunk to walk across town to their houses. She introduces herself as Verden, owner of the Azure Iris. She knows Estrella, as she has a permanent room in the Iris. Verden remarks that it’s a little early in the day for Estrella, who’s asleep after performing the previous night.

Tira, Quinn, and Kesdran look on with amusement as Killian spends a good amount of time talking to this elven female. They order their food and prepare to have an enjoyable lunch.

Meanwhile, Cross waits outside in the light rains. He pays attention to his surroundings, and notices a cloaked stranger who waits outside not far from him. As he watches, a group of four similarly garbed bashers approach and speak with the one. Cross listens and hears the distinct word ‘minotaur’, and they continue to wait and occasionally point at Fortune's Wheel. Unsure of their purpose, Cross goes into Fortune’s Wheel to alert his companions to the potential threat.
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First Post
Hey, basher! That's my job - what are ya, a tiefer-in-training?!?!? ;)


There's space on the new PW for this chant too! :D


Ashy said:
Hey, basher! That's my job - what are ya, a tiefer-in-training?!?!? ;)


There's space on the new PW for this chant too! :D

Hey, boss, if you didn't propose it, I had to do it :)

So, Ruined One, now if ol' Ashy doesn't give you place, remember I have plenty of Mb waiting for you ;)

Ol' tiefer, if you aren't a good boy with Ruined One, he well join the Spanish branch... :p


[ Hecatomb 20th – Day 34 – part two]

Cross enters Fortune’s Wheel and finds his companions to warn them of a potential conflict. They quickly draw Killian over from his conversation with Verden and come up with an impromptu plan. They don’t want to fight in the tavern, as they frequent the establishment, so they decide to draw the fight outside. The three warriors will go outside to draw the attention of this group, while Killian and Kesdran will follow afterwards.

The two Doomguardsmen watch as their companions head out to the streets of the Lady’s Ward. They settle the tab and waste a minute before preparing to leave. As Kesdran and Killian move to the door, four cloaked individuals like Cross describe walk in through the front doors and directly towards them.

Outside, Cross, Tira and Quinn do not directly see any of the individuals Cross spoke of. They search around and see two heading off into a nearby alleyway. The trio quickens their pace, sliding weapons from their scabards and quivers. Rounding the corner, they spot their targets a few yards away. They have pulled back the hoods of their cloaks, revealing similar features they encountered at Orem’s warehouse. The one that strikes them most of all is a half-orc who also has the look: a certain darkness about the eyes, a thin nose. As they prepare their attack, Quinn notes that their moves seem very well-coordinated.

In Fortune’s Wheel, some of the cloaked individuals reveal their faces, which Killian recognizes. Kesdran isn’t sure about what will happen, but he soon follows Killian’s lead as he bares his sword and advances upon the four. Killian dodges out of the way as one of the attackers brings his sword down, then pivots to slash his backside. As Killian makes this move, another of his foes lays a hand on him and sends electricity coursing through his body.

Kesdran takes a few steps back as of the cloaked figures advances with a mace in hand. As he nears to attack, Kesdran unleashes an arc of flame that set his attacker on fire, as well as a nearby table and some of the chairs.

Outside, the two groups square off and advance upon one another. Quinn snorts and rushes the half-orc with his horns lowered. The half-orc, almost as tall as Quinn, lashes out with a hammer in an attempt to push Quinn to the side. He connects, but the minotaur has too much force to be swept aside. One of his horns gores into the half-orc’s stomach, sending him staggering backwards.

Tira tells Cross that they can handle these two, so Cross moves back to Fortune’s Wheel to see if he can assist their companions. The remaining attacker is slow to advance upon Tira, moving his hands in an odd pattern. Wielding her mithril spear, Tira leans forward and unsuccessfully tries to skewer her opponent. The spear clips his outfit, but fails to find flesh. With a chanted word, the attacker leans forward and strikes Tira across the face. Her vision blurs with the blow and quickly fades to blindness.

Cross runs into the bar, to find his companions locked in combat with four of these odd-looking men. Killian has his hands full, warding off the swordblows of one attacker, while the other launches spells at him. He sees Kesdran stepping away from one man that has been set afire, which another waits for an opportunity. Cross barrels into the mage near Killian, disrupting a spell that could have finished Killian. The two tumble in the floor, Cross using his greater strength to his advantage.

Killian deflects many jarring swordblows from his primary opponent. He has already taken another painful blast from the mage, and he’s begun to gauge his chances to flee from the bar. The swordsman swings towards Killian’s feet, but the dark elf dodges by flipping backwards to land on a table. The swordsman gapes at this feat, and the pause is all Killian needs. He leans forward, sending the table careening at his opponent’s feet. The man instinctively steps back and is unprepared for the assault as Killian buries his sword into his chest.

It takes everything Kesdran has to avoid the flailing arms of the man he set afire. He’s trying to prepare another spell, but to do so would leave him open and probably end with himself on fire as well. He feels his back come up against the bar and realizes that he must have moved in the wrong direction as the assailant rears up before him… and collapses, succumbing to the flames. He breathes a sigh of relief, and fails to see the remaining assailant levelling a crossbow at his head.

Quinn and the injured half-orc trade blows, Quinn with sharpened cestus and the half-orc with mailed gloves. Quinn develops a quick respect for his strength, but knows that his initial blow has weakened the half-orc. The two end up locking hands in an attempt to overpower the other. The struggle is great, each one pushing their muscles to the limit. Quinn powers forward, bringing his opponent to his knees, and finishes by kicking him into unconsciousness.

Tira slashes through the air, connecting with nothing. She knows that she could go beserk and swing everywhere without fear of breaking her new spear, but she does not want to hit Quinn in the process. She calms herself, recalling some of the instructions given to her by Orem. Instead of sight, she focuses on her hearing and sense of smell. She hears a quiet chuckle just to the right of her, so she pivots and slashes the man with the edge of her spear. She hears him grunt, and then the sounds of footsteps running away.

Back in the bar, Killian calls out to Kesdran to avoid his unseen enemy. Kesdran turns to look and sees the man but is too late. The man aims the crossbow directly between Kesdran’s eyes… and is encased in a billowing darkness. All three quickly turn to spot the source of the attack, and are dumbstruck. The wooden head and neck of the bar, for which the dragon bar is named, has animated and breathed forth the cloud of darkness. Kesdran moves, aiming to move from the targetted area. But the shot never comes. The darkness settles and still contricts around the remaining enemy, who quickly falls to the floor. The three of them are amazed at the event, and it appears that many of the bar’s patrons are in agreement.

Cross tells them that the other two were fighting outside, and soon all five are gathered together. Tira’s blindness remains, but for the most part the others are fine save for a few cuts and bruises. Word has spread fast within the bar, and patrons from other areas have come to see those barmy enough to launch an attack in the tavern. The Harmonium arrive in short order, as Fortune’s Wheel is not far from the Barracks where they make their headquarters. No one in the party notices as Cross slips out of the tavern just before the Harmonium officers appear.
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