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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


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Danth Brinfield

Cure Light Wounds: 10 points

Breathing a sigh of relief as the healing power of Sarenae mends his wounds, Danth smiles. He again graps his weapon, and steps back into the melee, swinging wildly.

AC 17, HP: 10/10

Ha, ha ha...damn invisible castle!!!
Initiative: 2
Attack: 5
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Mandraiv exhorts his comrades, Fellows, we should try to take this last one alive. Kill the dog, and I shall order him to surrender. If that fails, knock him out. He then commands the little foe to back down, spewing out vicious words in the Goblin tongue.

Intimidate goblin 5


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Mandraiv shouts some words out to the sole remaining goblin, hoping to intimidate the poor fellow into surrender. It may have worked, too, if he didn't feel so trapped (counter roll 17). There is fear in his eyes, but he spits back in goblin "You just want me to drop my weapon so that you can kill me unarmed!"

OOC: InvisibleCastle hates you! You all miss. I have rolled initiative for the baddies. They got a 15 for the goblin and 5 for the goblin dog ). I even rolled for Mal, and it appears InvisibleCastle just hates life in general!

The goblin, after spitting out his rebute, lunges forward at Jovik, trying to kill the one he has already injured badly. He hits hard, but Jovik manages to turn the weapon onto his armour and away. He came damn close to a dangerous blow, but not quite (rolled a 13, needed a 14).

The goblin dog seems intent on Jokad, snarling and dripping stinking mucus as it lunges once more at the barbarian, but Jokad parries easily.

The nobleman is on his feet now, leaning heavily against the wall of the inn, as if steadying his still wobbly legs, but he is intent on the fight now, watching Jokad rebuff the goblin dog with hope in his eyes.

OOC: A bit of a duff round. No hits from anyone. You have one unharmed, nervous, but so far resistant little goblin, and one badly injured goblin dog. Initiatives and actions please.


I said take him alive! Mandraiv says sternly, We must interrogate this one and it won't be possible if he's dead. Mandraiv checks his swing as he tries to knock the goblin unconscious.

Attack 9

OOC: Everyone, swing for nonlethal damage by taking a -4, unless of course you just don't care. ;)


First Post
OOC: Init of 17 for goblin, 8 for goblin dog. I will post for the absent. Happy thanksgiving!

The crowd from the White Deer can be heard clearly, cheering and shouting encouragement. A few of the braver souls have started filtering out from the inn to stand and watch the proceedings, looking excited, but hanging back enough to suggest more than a little fear. The nobleman has regained his composure, and clenches his fist in support.

The lone goblin, realising with a sinking clarity that this will be the end of him, and not too keen to die just yet, throws down his weapon and squeals for mercy. His little arms jut up into the air, palms stretched, showing his surrender.

"Please, please, please, don't hurt!" he squeals in goblin.

Jokad, not paying too much attention to the goblin, so focused is he on the goblin dog, swings his axe towards the leaping dog. Its mouth is spread wide, trying to pounce and attach to Jokad's neck. His axe catches the goblin dog hard in the mouth, part splitting its head open, and spilling a messy lump of jaw and tongue onto the ground. The dog is still wedged onto the axe, its body limp, and it is this stuck body that stops Jokad being able to hit the goblin with his cleaving sweep. Instead he whacks the goblin off his feet, effectively bowling him over with the carcass of the goblin dog.

Mandraiv, seeing his opportunity, moves forward to stand over the goblin, kicking his dogslicer far out of reach, and making sure, at the same time, that none of his companions decide to end the little green fellow's life.

The crowd cheer, and with the relative calm that descends after their outburst of joy, you notice that there is no discernible sounds of combat elsewhere in Sandpoint. It appears that the goblin raid may be over. At least for now.

The nobleman strides forward, his lip curled up in distaste at the goblin prisoner.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Aldern Foxglove.". The man thanks you all profusely, walking around, shaking each of your hands in turn. When he reaches Jokad, he takes the big barbarian's hands and clasps them strongly. "A true hero! If you hadn't come along when you did they would have killed me. I owe you now. I am in your debt! I just wish those filthy little things hadn't killed poor Raxnor. He may have been too old for the hunt now, but he was still my favourite dog!."

Encounter 3 is over! 3 goblins dead, 1 goblin dog dead, and 1 captive!

OOC: The nobleman wants to stay and chat to you for a bit. You have a prisoner, some dead bodies around you, and probably need to get the sheriff involved.
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Kael returns Foxglove's greeting politely, even going far as to introduce himself before turning his attention to Mal. "I'm Kael Saern and this is Mal, we're sorry about your fallen companion, he took a brave stand for you. It was obvious that you were his favorite, too."

Once he is sure that Mal is okay, Kael will search the goblins, making sure that they are down for the count, save for their living prisoner, of course.

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