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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


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The goblins seem furious that you have spoiled their fun by killing one of them. It appears that they had hoped that you would all stand around nicely while they set fire to you to add a nice dancing flame performance to the massive bonfire that is roaring.

In the distance you see a couple of town guards trying to break through to get to you to help, but they are being held back by three goblins who are throwing burning wood at them.

The goblins are slow to react this round (initiative 6 and 12 for the goblins and warchanter respectively).

Kael you get to go in first this round, flashing your swing hard at the warchanter who appears to be preparing a spell. Your tiny round stone flies true, hitting her right between the eyes. There is an audible crunch as something seems to crack nastily, and then she is prone on the ground, bleeding, immobile, quite possibly dead.

The three remaining goblin warriors turn ashen, and as a one turn to flee. You have completely destroyed their morale!

OOC: Attack of opportunity! I will post results shortly.

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"Cowardly scum!!", Jokad bellows through gritted teeth as he lunges after the fleeing goblins.

Attack of Opportunity

Looks like a hit and decent damage. Maybe a kill? AC 19, 8 hp dmg

Do you get a cleave attempt on an AO? If so and the first one dies...

Cleave - AC 24, 8 hp dmg

If this works out Jokad will be pretty pleased with himself.... [/sblock]
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OOC: According to the SRD the AoO pauses the round. You only get one AoO. I actually own the Rules Compendium, and it complicates things. Says the above, but in the footnote says that a frostgiant AoO that killed an opponent triggered his cleave ability. Given that the Rules Compendium is meant to be THE final definitive guide, I say you get your cleave!

IC: ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY! (I rolled for Jovik and Danth, to speed things along. I am going to run AoO using the order of initiative for the round).

As the goblins flee, Jokad swings at the one on his right, slashes hard against his turning neck, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. Jokad's mighty swing is turned through and to the left, hacking deep into the side of another goblin, spilling a messy pool of innards onto the muddy ground.

Danth, taken a little by surprise, swings hard with his morningstar (OOC: You are right, you have a morningstar with you!), but misses. Jovik, on the other hand, flashes forward with his stolen dog-slicer and catches the last goblin.

(Danth got an 8, Jovik a 22, including a possible crit! The possible crit fails! Damage is rolled as a stinking 2).

His dogslicer hits, carving a cruel cut across the goblins arm and back, but not killing him. He flees off across the square, crying in self pity as he goes.

In the distance you see the guards you spotted earlier finally overcome the goblins they were attacking, and then start to move towards you and the fire.

OOC: What would you like to do? The retreating goblin is not a threat to you, but you can chase him (kael you should be able to get a sling attack in next round), or you can search/check the dead goblins, or toast marshmallows on the fire. The guards will be with you in 2 rounds.


With a frown on his face, Kael says quietly, "We can't afford to let you go, gobie."

Quickly the warbling noise of Kael's sling fills the air, his sight focused down his aiming arm, leading his target, and just at the right moment he lets the bullet fly.


In case you wanted an initiative - Post #634 - Initiative (1d20+2=15)

Sling Attack - Post #64 - Sling Attack (1d20+2=20, 1d4=4)

ADDENDUM - By the way, that #634 should be #64, but obviously I can't change it on Invisible Castle, nor do I want to hold it until this threads 634th post. ;)
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First Post
OOC: Hopefully by the 634th post we will be past the goblin encounters :)

Kael lets loose with his sling shot before the goblin gets out of range, hitting him hard on the back of the head. There is a strange pinging noise as the stone makes contact, and for a good fifteen or twenty feet the goblin runs on. But as he moves his route becomes erratic, slower, before he slowly, almost comically folds down upon himself, hitting the dirt with the ungainly crumple of a corpse.

OOC: Congratulations on completing encounter 2 with minimal collateral damage. The guards will be with you soon.


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OOC: 300 experience points each! I want you all to keep a tally of your XP and alert me when you level up. There will be a lot of trust in this game.


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Danth rubs his sore ankle where the goblin warchanter's whip had bruised his flesh, and then looks up at his companions. His trained eyes note that Jovik looks to be burned fairly bad. Approaching the man, the young priest smiles. "Would you like me to do something about those burns?" he asks the Chelaxian.


Rhun said:
Danth rubs his sore ankle where the goblin warchanter's whip had bruised his flesh, and then looks up at his companions. His trained eyes note that Jovik looks to be burned fairly bad. Approaching the man, the young priest smiles. "Would you like me to do something about those burns?" he asks the Chelaxian.

"Please" replies Jovik. "This is not a habit I would like to acquire. Getting cut and burned that is"


First Post
Jokad roars in exultation at his double kill and looks around the square for other enemies to fight.

He looks ready to charge off after the fleeing goblin until he sees the wizard drop it with another well placed sling stone.

Shrugging helplessly he turns to look (perhaps for the 1st time) at the companions fate has dealt him.

The Chelaxian has already proven his mettle with two kills and a couple of nasty wounds, the old one had a useful trick or two, and the wizard aquitted himself quite well with his arcane bolts and deadly sling stones. The fiery haired Varisian cleric was certainly brave and had the build of a warrior, but Joakd had yet to see what he could do. Still, a stout lot by any standard.

His face changes from blood caked grimace to smile as he finally introduces himself, "Well fought my friends! I am Jokad of the Shadde Quah."

OOC: No offense Rhun just playing it from his perspective ;)


Kael and Mal approach the group, with the young varisian kneeling down to pet his companion vigorously about the neck and shoulders.

After the shoanti speaks, Kael says a common shoanti greeting for new companions before looking to the others and nodding.

"I couldn't image how we'd far if we were better prepared," says Kael with an easy smile, almost infectious, smile upon his face. "The gobs seemed fairly well motivated, too. Well, at least until that screecher went down and you all devastated their ranks."

"The name is Kael Saern and this is Mal, my companion," adds the young man. "Desna tipped the dice today, eh priest?"

That last comment was directed toward Mandraiv, not Danth.


Tipped the dice = Good luck for us :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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