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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


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Jokad laughs maniacally as he playfully tosses Ripnugget's head at the fleeing goblins.

With his off hand now free he moves to a two-handed grip on his longsword and awaits the on-rushing dogs.

OOC:Jokad will attack the closest dog using Power Att 2

Init 10, Hit AC 18 for 13 dmg (minimum... two handed power AT is cool)

If 13 dmg actually kills a dog here is his cleave...

HIt AC 24 for 13 dmg again

He is still in his RAGE for 3 rounds (including this one)
AC 15, HP 25

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Kael moves up behind Jovik and Jokad, using his quarterstaff to disrupt the dogs movements, not attack them, so as to line them up for a better hit by his comrades.


Post #822 - Initiative (1d20+2=9)

Post #822 - Aid Another Check versus DC 10 using Quarterstaff (1d20+1=4)

Okay, although that failed, I am going to use the Aid Another special attack to add a +2 to attack rolls on who I am helping.

This first attempting, which failed, was going to be helping Jokad. My next attempt will help Danth, then Jovik, and then back around to Jokad, thus cycling.
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Danth Brinfield

Don't forget Danth's bless, it is still in effect.

Danth's weapon is on target as he attacks one of the goblin dogs, but he has very little weight behind the blow.

Initiative: 7
Attack: 17
Damage: 3 LOL!
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First Post

OOC: Order of initiative: Jovik (23), Goblin dog 2 (21, Goblin dog 1 (13, Jokad (10), Kael (9), Danth (7)

Jovik arrives in time to watch the goblins flee, the head of their chieftain bouncing a few feet along the corridor behind them, leaving a gruesome trail in its wake. The three goblin dogs, all leaking boils and stinking fur, come shrieking and yelping into the fight. The leftmost one pounces towards Danth, the right towards Jokad.

Jovik knows he only has a second to act, and his view of the one attacking Danth is not quite so clear, so he lets loose with a deft flick of his wrist at the dog approaching Jokad, watching Gull's Wing arc forward. The blade embeds in the meaty thigh of the dog. It yelps pathetically, its rat-like tail pulled between its legs as it responds to the pain.

The dog, already in mid-air when the blade struck, is completely distracted by the pain that washes over it. It aborts its leaping attack, sliding forward as its rapidly scrabbling paws tries to stop its momentum (it rolled a 1 on its attack).

Jokad knows an opportunity when he sees one. But before his axe completes its swing, the second goblin dog attacks Danth. Its leap takes it high, its jaw stretched wide as it aims to sink its teeth into the priest's chest. It lands its attack alright, but you all hear the loud crack as it breaks a few teeth off the metal of Danth's breastplate. The priest knocks the stinking beast back with his shield. The creature looks distressed.

OOC: It misses

And then Jokad's axe falls. He aims for he head, but the scrabbling dog turns and starts to retreat. It is too slow, and while his axe falls short of the neck, it still manages to cleave the creature entirely in two across its midriff. Its legs twitch one last time.

Jokad sees Danth repel the second dog, and uses the fluidity and strength of his earlier attack to take the opportunity opened up. He swings at the dog to his right, catching it under its legs, and thrusting the axe up through its gut. The dog flies into the air, hitting the far wall and then the ground with a wet smack.

The third goblin dog turns on its heels and runs for he exit. It may be stupid, but it knows that what it has just seen was frightening.

There is a moment of partial silence, broken only by your own breath. Then Jovik hears something behind him. He spins, his movement attracting all of your attention.

There, at the back of the room, frozen in fear, is a small goblin, a girl perhaps, or young adult. She is in the top left corner, where the child had been left. She is holding something, something swaddled. When she sees you all staring at her attempted secret movement, she finds herself unable to move. She thrusts the bundle behind her back, as if to hide it, but does not move. Her eyes dart left and right. She looks terrified.

You recall that you saw a single goblin dive into the northern room when you first entered the throne room. This may be her, come to reclaim the child, or perhaps hoping to make good her escape while you were occupied. She probably wasn't expecting your battle with the goblins and goblin dogs to be over in just a few short seconds.

Behind you, back towards the main entrance of the palisade, you can hear the continued noises of retreat. It appears that the goblins may be abandoning their stronghold. At least, the noises seem to be moving away from the building, back towards the long rope bridge.


"We should let the children go," says Kael simply enough as he moves toward the goblin-child. Mal follows by his master's side, sensing his thoughts and being calm, but wary. "We may be hard men, doing hard work, but we're not monsters."

Kael does move close enough to make sure that the small bundle is what he thinks it is, a baby-goblin, before he motions for the child to flee in a safe direction. He'll try to use a soothing voice.

"I'm sure you don't understand any of this," says Kael simply enough toward the goblin child. "Nor should you, but if you remember anything, anything at all today, it's that we let you go...both of you."

"Go with them," Kael points toward the noise of the retreat, making a show of his letting the child go. His tone is stern, but not as harsh as it was during battle. "Go, NOW!"


I figure that maybe charisma will overcome the language gap, even if I'm an ugly pink skin. ;) Obviously all of this is said in common.

Spot Check vs. Goblin Child (1d20+3=17)

Obviously, if my assumption about the bundle is wrong, I'd like to rephrase what I've wrote. ;)


First Post
Kael speaks calmly, trying to keep the adrenaline of battle that still courses through his body out of his voice. The goblin girl is young, the equivalent of perhaps a thirteen year old human. As the young sorcerer move closer she flinches and edges back towards the wall.

Kael continues to talk, moving slightly to one side, trying to get a glimpse of the bundle. She sees what you are trying to do, and turns her whole body away from you, taking the bundle and protecting it with the entire arch of her body. You see it wriggle, hear the infant within the cloth cry again as it senses the fear in the goblin girl who protects it. Sure enough, it is the infant that was abandoned. She seems to have wrapped it in a blanket, probably something she recovered from the room to the north.

As you point towards the exit, and command her to go, you see her flinch. You are pointing her towards the giant barbarian who just chopped down the goblin dogs. She looks frozen with fear, but clearly wants to leave. She just doesn't seem to keen to do it by passing too close to the giant one. Her eyes meet yours, you are expecting tears, but there is a strength there.

OOC: if the others clear the way, she will leave.
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Danth moves out of the path of the goblin girl, making a motion that she is free to go.

He turns his attention to his companions. "We should investigate the rest of this place while we can. There may well still be dangers here."


First Post
As the third goblin dog flees Jokad flexes and lets out another blood-curdling war cry. He follows the fleeing creature to the main doors where he stands breathing hard watching as the wretched goblins make their retreat.

Then all is silence... or almost. He distantly hear Kael talking and turns to see a small goblin protectively carrying the squalling infant he recognized from the throne room.

Kael is telling her to leave but the fear in her eyes is evident as she briefly looks toward him (Jokad).

It is in that moment that you see your large friend regain his grasp on reality. He suddenly is not quite so large and imposing. He seems ashamed of his blood-soaked weapons and armor and quickly shrinks from sight around the corner (Q15) allowing free passage to the girl and child.

OOC: That was a fun fight for a barbarian. Good touch with goblin child, hewligan. Puts things in perspective. In their POV are we not the monsters?

Jokad is down 19/30 hp at this point
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Thistletop Turns Silent

Jokad moves quietly to one side, letting the girl edge past. She keeps her eyes on him the entire way, keeping her previous cargo as far from the barbarian as she can. The second she is past, and out the main entrance, she sets off at a darting run towards the bridge.

Jokad follows slowly after her to the door. His muscles ache a little from the rage that has just coursed through him. Coming down from these battles is always a strange feeling. Pain that was always with him, but pushed to the recesses of his mind, start to edge up from his joints, his cuts, the deep welts that will become blackened bruises. He stretches his arms out as he takes in the fresh air at the front gate of Thistletop fort. The clean sea air is such a welcome, cleansing feeling after the stifling stench of the inside of the goblin fort.

Ahead he watches the retreating girl. She makes it to the rope bridge where she edges carefully across, one arm holding the rope at the side. You can see the thick stretch of the bramble woods beyond. There is no sign of any other goblins, and the only sign that any were here is the slick much thick with their retreating, hurried footsteps leading from the exit to the bridge.

After a few seconds the girl reaches the other side and vanishes from view. It is quiet now, just the wind, the crashing of waves below, and the gentle patter of a light rainfall.


Image above is a bit small, but should give an idea of what areas you have searched and what is left.


With a nod, now that the girl is safely gone, Kael looks at the others and says, "Danth is right, we definitely need to take advantage of our luck and the blood price, searching for this leader of theirs."


On a side note, it was Kael who coaxed the girl, not Jovik. ;)

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