• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

CLOSED! Rhun's Greyhawk ALPHA Game (ToEE)


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Your group once again gathers, six strong, and begins down the road that leads past Burne's Tower, and eventually to Nulb and the Temple. Coraine pulls the rough scroll from his pack as he walks, and again examines the cryptic poem written in the flowery script:

"The Two united in the past,
a place to build, and spells to cast.
Their power grew, and took the land
and people round, as they had planned.

A key without a lock they made
of gold and gems, and overlaid
with spells, a tool for men to wield
to force the powers of Good to yield.

But armies came, their weapons bared,
while evil was yet unprepared.
The Hart was followed by the Crowns
and Moon, and people of the towns.

The two were split; one got away
but She, when came the judgment day,
did break the key, and sent the rocks
to boxes four, with magic locks.

In doing so, She fell behind
as He escaped. She was confined
among Her own; her very lair
became her prison and despair.

The Place was ruined, torn apart
and left with chains around the heart
of evil power - but the key
was never found in the debris.

He knows not where She dwells today,
She set the minions' path, the way
To lift Her Temple high again
With tools of flesh, with mortal men

Many now have gone to die
in water, flame, in earth, or sky.
They did not bear the key of old
that must be found - the orb of gold.

Beware, my friend, for you shall fall
unless you have the wherewithal
to find and search the boxes four
and then escape forevermore.

But with the key, you might succeed
in throwing down Her power and greed.
Destroy the key when you are done
and then rejoice, the battle won."

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"I don't understand much of it either, and it is hard to say how literal an interpretation one should make, but we've clearly seen the ruins. These 'boxes' that hold the pieces of the key seem like a goal for us."


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You mentioned stopping at Burne's Tower. Is that still the plan? If so, is there anything particular you are looking for?


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“Once we reach the Lord's tower, we should ask him about possible protections against the elements, and possibly weapons, be they steel or spell, to defeat them. Hopefully he will have something to aid us. Also, maybe he can send a message to the authority to warn them about the possible threat in this region. I had been asked to investigate the bandit activity here, originally, but this is growing slightly out of proportion, so any help from Lord Burne would be greatly appreciated.”


First Post
Coraine muses on the poem.

"Two who were evil joined forces to overthrow the good. They were discovered and defeated. One escaped. The other - whoever 'She' is - was imprisoned. A magical key - golden, apparently - consisting of four parts was broken and the parts were hidden. Finding the four parts is the key - pardon the pun - to defeating her. But she's already defeated, so what's the point? Although we might assume that her followers are attempting to set her free ... but that's not what the poem says the key does."

The paladin shakes his head. "Oh, this is beyond me! But I think it behoves us to keep worrying at it - like a pack of dogs with a big, juicy bone!"

He shakes his head again, then himself. "Come, let's go see Lord Burne, and then back to crack some heads. That, at least, I understand."


First Post
As you think on the poem and recall the dwarven bandit's words about the Cult of Elemental Evil, it dawns on you that you might actually know who the "two" are that are mentioned in the poem. "She" most likely refers to the demoness Zuggtmoy, while the one that escaped probably refers to Iuz the Old. Still, you only have the ramblings of the evil dwarf to rely upon.

You quickly make your way to Burne's Tower, and within a few moments the guards usher in for an audience with the well-groomed wizard. He eyes Kurt for a moment, and then smiles in welcome. "Greetings again, my friends. I see you've picked up a new recruit." Burne gestures at the comfortable arm chairs placed about the room. "Please, have a seat. What can I do for you this fine day?"


First Post
"Lord Burne." Coraine bows before continuing. "It is clear to us that what we face is a resurgence of the elemental evils which have long plagued this area. We come to ask a pair of boons of you. First, can you tell us what protections or weapons, in your experience, are particularly useful against elementals? The second is to ask that you pass on a warning to the royal authorities that what we face is no mere gang of thugs."



"An interrogation of a prisoner suggests that the countryside and village of Nulb are in the hands of supporters of the temple as well."

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