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[CoC-DnD3e-FR] Dead of Winter


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A perplexed eyeball emerges from beneath Fezzin's scraggly eyebrow as he considers the drunkard's comments. Muttering to himself, he's just downing the last of his flagon when he hears the crash. Alesuds fly from his beard as he whirls, drawing Veinsplitter and charging up the stairs behind Zichard.

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Zichard's eyes dart to the window then to Fezzin "Quick, Fezzin, check outside". Zichard then approaches the woman, "Tell us, what has occurred here" he says in a firm voice, trying to bring some order to situation.
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Ezra is puzzled by the disturbing images of the plague victims, especially the rearmost one. Could it really be moving? Ezra wonders. Ezra will point this out to the priestess in white, and if nothing comes of that, he'll consider breaking the pane of glass.


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Relatively sure he would be unable to drag either figure outside, Daan crouched down and hurried to the figures. "The tent is collapsing, get out now!" he yelled at them. He then prepared to head back outside himself.


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Seeing that the thing swarming up the wall, Oskar stops trying to draw is sword and unclips his crossbow from his belt. He pulls the string back to render the bow able to fire in a manner that doesn't break the moderation policy of this forum and fumbles a bolt into the slot before taking aim at the thing.

"To arms!" he shouts again in Common.
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Yanis inspects the item closely and attempts to determine its value. He then attempts discern the cryptic meaning of the runes. Failing that, he will "copy" the runes using his chalk onto some suitable cloth material and roll that up to preserve it. Handing the object back to Karok, Yanis speaks in a hushed tone. "Interesting find. I reckon that it's worth XXX gold pieces. Better keep it safe and close to your heart. Holding it in this manner would likely land you in trouble. This house you found it in? Is it abandoned? Who would leave such an object of value behind? What do you know of this house? Why were you there?"

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Prologue (Move 4b, 5b)

30 Flamerule 1372 DR, Caerrhen, Damara-Impiltur border
It is currently unseasonably warm and uncomfortable in northwestern Impiltur, with uncharacteristically high humidity. There is no noticeable wind.

OOC: This is move 4b for novyet, 5b for perivas and Richard. Move 6 will (hopefully) be posted tomorrow night, but that really depends on the feasibility of getting a quick response to this from everyone. So, we'll deal with it when we get there...:)

Yanis Princetonson, Approximately 0915 hours
You examine the item thoroughly. Unfortunately, the item is too rare and unusual for you to get a grasp on how much it is worth.
[Appraise Check, Untrained: (Roll 16 on d20) + (Int -1) = 15] The runes themselves are tiny, but you manage to make a fairly good copy of them on a cloth napkin nearby. The script is clearly ancient, and consists of many curved lines arranged in different groupings, meeting at different points in a seemingly random fashion.

As you hand back the item to Karok, he considers your questions. "As near as I could tell, the house I found it in was abandoned. I mean, it was clear that not a soul was living there, leastways as far as cleanliness and upkeep were concerned. In all truth, the place is a pit. I was walking around a night or so ago after mining, and I was bored, wandered into the house completely and purely by accident, I mean, I'm sure you know how things just tend to happen to me," he grins apologetically as he takes a breath. "To be right honest, I don't know anything about the house, except for the fact that some of the others round parts say that it's best left alone."

Ezra Geonora, Approximately 1220 hours
The priestess in white comes over at your beckon and looks carefully at the panel. She shakes her head. "I'm really not sure that the glass is...moving, my Son." She hesitates on the word, and then suddenly flinches. "If you are certain, however, I've no reason to doubt you." She motions for the twins to come over.

Masathael and Isannhen look carefully at the panel, each with his head cocked off to one side as if looking at it from an angle would better serve his purpose. Resolutely, they come to their conclusions. "It is moving." "Are you certain? I don't see any motion." Not much more helpful than the priestess to be sure. Isannhen (you think it's Isannhen) volunteers taking the panel down, however — as he says, "If you're certain there's something back there, it can't hurt to take it down and put it up again. After all, my brother seems to see it, too, and we can't have anything infringing on the splendor of Boranthel's glasswork. We could do it quite quickly if you'd like to assist..." He trails off, waiting for your response.

Oskar Dankil, Approximately 1415 hours, Combat: Rnd 2
As you tend to your crossbow, the rat-thing scuttles up the rest of the wall until he reaches the top, at which point you see him brace himself for the descent down the other side.[You remain 25 ft. away from the wall, the rat is now approximately 10 ft. higher on the wall.]


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"I would be most happy to assist, for I believe something does indeed mar this glass. Isaanhen I'm glad you're brother saw something, I was wondering if perhaps I had been on the trail too long. Shall we get to work then?"


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Fezzin turns to his right and charges towards the window, glass crunching beneath his boots. His momentum causes him to take the sill right in chest, nearly knocking him backwards.

OOC: Depending on what he sees, Fezzin may turn heel and give pursuit, unless Zichard has reasons he shouldn't.
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Prologue (Move 5c, Move 6)

30 Flamerule 1372 DR, Caerrhen, Damara-Impiltur border
It is currently unseasonably warm and uncomfortable in northwestern Impiltur, with uncharacteristically high humidity. There is no noticeable wind.

OOC: This is Move 5c for novyet, and Move 6 for everyone else. When perivas posts his next action, my response will be Move 6 for him, as well.

Sir Zichard Danilk, Fezzin Verghenheim, Approximately 1115 hours
The woman is clearly hysterical, far too wound up to give more than the most cursory information before dissolving into a series of wracking, heaving sobs. "That thing took my baby!"

Draegor, polking around the area, mutters a quick oath, mostly unintelligible, but he speaks up for the most important bits: "Well, bloody 'ell, It's come from 'neath th'bunks o'er i'th'corner." Muddy tracks, as if those of a large rodent track across the room's floor, past the hysterical woman, and over to the window and out.

From his vantage point at the window, Fezzin can see a cloaked bipedal creature loping away towards the village holding a small package (a package you can only assume to be the woman's child). The creature seems to be limping, but before you can get a really good look at it, it veers out of your line of sight, and off into the southeastern part of Caerrhen.

Ezra Geonora, Approximately 1300 hours
Initially the work is slow going, but after some rather animated discourse as to how to best preserve the Boranthelian glasswork, a plan of attack is made. The plate itself is roughly 3 ft. tall and 2 ft. wide, making it a rather awkward and heavy panel to take down in one piece. With a rather prominent bar across the middle denoting the scene's horizon, the elves decide to carefully "break" the glass across that line, and remove the glass from top to bottom.

After just over thirty minutes of work, you manage to lift the top section away from the wall, revealing a small recess, approximately 1 ft. deep. The twins then start to move the bottom section of the glass down from the wall. As it turns out, the panel was being pressed against by something...the entire recess is filled with greasy, squirming balls of matted, rotting fur...

Daan, Approximately 1310 hours, Round 2 in tent
As you crawl over to the creatures, you can see two pairs of feet, one roughly bestial, the other shod in heavy leather work-boots. They don't seem to pay any attention to the gnome crawling across the tent floor, and you are nearly stepped on at least twice. Unfortunately, by opening your mouth to warn the two of them, you still manage to catch a little bit of smoke, and your warning comes out as little more than a rasping cough, easily ignored by the two combatants [Fort Save against Smoke Inhalation, DC 15: (Roll of 9 on d20) + (Con +2) = 11, failure. Because your character is low to the ground, you manage to not spend the round hacking and coughing. Speaking still proves too difficult for the moment.] You easily manage to get outside of the tent, just in time to avoid the falling canvas. The two men drop their knives; one rushes over to tend to you, the other begins to gauge which of the struggling figures to tackle. As it ends up the scarred man helps you up, and shakes his head with a slight grin, "Well, my little friend, you're a hell of a lot braver than I. Here's hoping it doesn't get you killed. This area could use more selfless men." He looks over at the other man. "Catch your breath, and come give Mickul and myself a hand sorting out this mess. I figure we can use the tent as something of a net..."

Oskar Dankil, Approximately 1415 hours, Combat: Round 3
OOC: Instructions for this post were posted over e-mail. The move from the e-mail will be posted here later.
The rat-thing is well over the wall before you can fire your crossbow. Turning to get the guards, you nearly run into one of the guards that stood outside the Warehouse. About six of them are scattered around the area. Their leader, a wiry man in black studded leather armor looks at you, "What the hell has gone on here?"

Another man crouches over the charred dwarf. "No telling if he did this here, but odds are no. He doesn't look like he's the kind to cook his opponents." He winks at you and gives you a broad grin. "If you didn't do it, who did? And more importantly, what will we find in there?" He glances at Forge Two.

The leader nods, and sends two of them inside. He then turns his attention back to you. "Well?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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