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[CoC-DnD3e-FR] Dead of Winter


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Being careful not to let down his guard, Daan approached the unconscious creature to get a better look at it. "Have you men any idea what this creature is?" Daan asked.

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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Prologue (Move 8a)

30 Flamerule 1372 DR, Caerrhen, Damara-Impiltur border
It is currently unseasonably warm and uncomfortable in northwestern Impiltur, with uncharacteristically high humidity. There is no noticeable wind.

Sir Zichard Danilk, Approximately 1115 hours
Slowing down to a near halt, you take a look around this part of Caerrhen. You've run just about clear across the town, past the temple of Ilmater, and into a small ramshackle section of buildings bordering a something that is ostensibly an apple orchard. It's pretty much one of the sickest apple orchards you've ever seen. [Spot Check: (13 on d20) + (Skill +2) = 15] You're fairly sure that the beast went into this area of the town, but you can't make out where it has gone. It may be in the orchard, but it also stands a good chance of not being there. Either way, it still has the baby...

Ezra Geonora, Approximately 1300 hours
You quickly grab the undead rodent and crush it, tossing it into the flames with its kith. Isaanhen and Masathael look at each other and at you. Isaanhen speaks slowly, "We put that panel up. We put all of them up. I'm certain that those things weren't there when we put that panel up. Ilmater's truth, I swear to it."

Before you can finish asking the priestess, she's well into casting a spell. Quietly chanting, her eyes glow in a pure white and she lapses into a waking trance. Her first eye motion is to the flame in the recess, but she quickly looks away. "There's more for certain, near here." She pauses and continues a low, hushed chant. "Tens of auras, at least one much stronger than the rats." She continues to chant, and then abruptly stops, her eyes flash from white to crimson and then back to normal, "Close to us, at times near, at others far."

Daan, Approximately 1315 hours
As you approach the rat, you notice that the canvas is still smoking from around the body. Mickul grunts, "It's not a thing I've ever seen. Not at all like the stories I've heard about shapechangers." The scarred man begins to drag the singed corpse of the other man from under the tent. He picks it up and heads into the town, "If the others come back with water, or —", he snorts, "help, tell them I've taken Vynchens to the temple. For what it's worth, at least, they might be able to do something."

He starts to head into town, and then stops. Turning to you, he points at the creature — "Bind it. Hands, feet, and drag it into town with me. Lady Assa may be able to do something with it."

OOC: If the other two of you (Rorschach, perivas) can post your moves tomorrow, I will post a response tomorrow evening. Other scheduling information in the OOC thread!
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First Post
Convinced by Karok's words, Yanis finishes his morning meal as well in half a dozen big bites and gulps down his mead. Promptly, he settles the bill and gathers his belongings. When ready, he gestures for Karok to lead the way. On his way through the tavern and to the house, he attunes his senses for the strange old man he had seen in his vision.

When he is lead to the house, Yanis circles around the building/yard as best he can to scope out the place, noting any interested individuals or interesting telltale features, such as insignia, coat of arms, sigils to provide more information about its former residents.


First Post
Fezzin grumbles as he stands over the crawlspace, wishing Zichard was present. Not that he'd fit in the small openings that were beneath the bunk, but more for another blade at his side. Talking to no-body in particular, he says, "Wher'swon, ther'smore..." and takes his axe and hacks at the edge of the floorboards, widening the crawlspace.

OOC: If there is no response from beneath, i.e. it appears empty, Fezzin will lower himself into the crawlspace, axe in one hand, holy-water in the other. And no, he doesn't mumble when he thinks! :p
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Prologue (Move 8b)

30 Flamerule 1372 DR, Caerrhen, Damara-Impiltur border
It is currently unseasonably warm and uncomfortable in northwestern Impiltur, with uncharacteristically high humidity. There is no noticeable wind.

Yanis Princetonson, Approximately 0930 hours
[Monetary Transaction: 3 sp, 4 cp deduction from Yanis's funds.]
Jannah thanks you kindly as you settle, "Always welcome at the Tankard!" Scanning the Tankard, you see an old man sitting at the far end of the bar that would have been opposite your table, but he's clearly intoxicated and muttering to himself in his beer. He takes no notice of you or Karok as you leave.

The house itself is located as deep into the southwestern corner of town as is possible. Rotting wood and broken windows tell you all you need to know about the house and its state of occupancy. Otherwise, you gain no further clues from the exterior of the house.

Fezzin Verghenheim, Approximately 1115 hours
As you raise your axe to clear some more room, Draegor returns with what you assume is some warm milk or something for the hysterical human woman. He raises an eye at your pose, and remarks wryly, "Ther're some limits t'me hospital'ty, friend. Y'll b' coverin' th' damage, f'r certain...'r at th'leas' fixin' it." He doesn't stop you, and doesn't seem angry, more resigned, if anything to the demolition of the floor, and curious as to what's been beneath his feet and over his head.

You can indeed hear an audible sigh from the owner as you clear a path for yourself. With more light, you can see that the crawlspace is only about 2 feet deep, and can intuit that movement inside is going to be reduced to a very undignified dwarven variation on slithering. You cannot hear any response from within in your current position.
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First Post
Fezzin sets his axe down on his right side (within grasp) and lowers himself onto his stomach. He mops his brow. takes a deep breath, and sticks he head in the crawl space, to see what he can see.

OOC: Re: the previous move, should available light really make a difference to what he sees since Fezzin has darkvision? How should this work, since he's standing in a room that is (presumably) well lit, and looking into a hole which is dark? Does his color vision kick out where the darkness begins? Darkness, as a concept, admits of degrees and some relativism as well, so speaking of it "beginning" seems odd (magical darkness excluded). Sorry for the philosophical digression, but it seems pertinent to play. Pending the outcome of this ruling, I may wish to take a mulligan and reconsider. (Can I do that???)


First Post
Daan eyed the creature warily. "Can you give me a hand with this abomination, sir? I did not catch your name." Daan cut some of the loose tent rope to use as bindings and approached the creature to subdue it. He also wanted to get a better look at the thing.

OOC: Not sure form your last post, is the tent underneath the creature smoking, as if the creature is burning? Also Daan is trying to use his druidic knowledge of animals to determine more about the origins of this creature.


First Post
Are there ally ways etc. nearby that Zichard would be able to ride through and have the ability to search the area thoroughly, or would he have to dismount?

If the former; Zichard shall continue atop his horse, weaving in and out of surrounding buildings in search of the offender. If a townsperson is spotted he shall ask them if they have seen anything suspicious.

If the latter; Zichard shall dismount and draw fourth his short sword, then walk into the apple orchard, holding the tie of his horse in his left hand.
"I would not be stunned if the creature made quarters within this sick grove."

OOC: Zichard has left most of his belongings at the inn, as stated before, so he has no shield and no bastard sword.


First Post
"Trust me, I believe you about the panels. Turning back to the priestess, "Did you say tens of auras, and one much stronger?"

"This isn't good, but we have to destroy whatever these things are, and figure out how they got into the temple without anyone's knowledge..."

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Prologue (Move 9)

30 Flamerule 1372 DR, Caerrhen, Damara-Impiltur border
It is currently unseasonably warm and uncomfortable in northwestern Impiltur, with uncharacteristically high humidity. There is no noticeable wind.

Fezzin Verghenheim, Approximately 1115 hours
The crawlspace is dirty and bears a faint odor, along the lines of spoiled cheese and rabbit urine. About two feet down from your nose, you can see the boards and planks of the first floor's ceiling. You cannot see any signs of life in the rest of the crawlspace, nor hear any signs either.

Sir Zichard Danilk, Approximately 1115 hours
From current vantage point, you cannot see any clear paths into the orchard that would be comfortable for scouting on horseback. Resigning yourself to scouting on foot, you hop off of your horse, and draw your shortsword, holding the reins of your horse in your left hand.

Even at midday, the orchard is dark and gloomy, with a mix of fresh and rotten apples littering the ground. Underlying the typical woodsy scent of a grove is a pale, but arresting foetor. [Listen Check: (15 on d20) + (+1 Wis) = 16] You force yourself to disregard the stench and bear on into the orchard. As you do, you can hear some scuttling noises that vaguely sound like a very large cat with a little bit ahead of you and to your left.

Korbi Gobknocker, Approximately 1115 hours
Having travelled most of the morning, you finally reach the southern gate of Caerrhen. For mid-morning, the town is eerily quiet. Ahead of you, in the center of town, you can see a large, ostentatious temple of the Broken God, clearly new judging by the shine of the stone work. On your right, a ramshackle group of buildings border a sickly grove or orchard, which exactly proves hard to tell. To your left, a fairly large, well-kept inn.

The inn itself has a rather bold wooden sign posted outside. Adorned with rather garish lettering for an inn in a backwater mining town, the sign screams out the name of the inn: the Elk & Star. A small cat, grey and white, sleeps at the bottom of the sign, mewing quietly as it dreams.

Ezra Geonora, Approximately 1300 hours
She nods her assent. "It's not good, but the auras were far too great in number for me to feel comfortable about sending the three of you after that much undead."

Silence. The two elf twins seem intent on cleaning this area up and getting back to work, judging by how uncomfortable they became when she said "the three of you."

Finally, the priestess speaks again. "Until we find some more help or figure out a better plan, I would suggest that we bar the doors that lead from this section of the temple into the other wings and the cellars. The doors are iron, and they should hold." She looks at you for commentary or suggestion.

Daan, Approximately 1315 hours
Binding the creature, you can see that it's really only about gnome-size, maybe even smaller. It looks like nothing so much as a humanoid rat thing, a rat-man or ratling, if you will, with a tail roughly four feet long. Aside from this, the most noteworthy characteristics of the beast are its scent (like sulphur) and its fur (brownish-red, highlighted with orange streaks). Your druidic knowledge doesn't cover anything similar to this, so you can only assume that it isn't natural.

The scarred man turns his head upon hearing your request. "Look, friend, I can't help you with that and carry Vynchens to the temple. You've got it bound, now grab it, by the tail if you want, and drag it. It's not going to give us any trouble for a while, I'm sure. As for my name, Vadim Vadimov, although you'll forgive me if I skip most of the common pleasantries...." He leaves off and waits for your name.

OOC: : In response to Rorschach's question, Darkvision, as I'm working it, gives you black & white vision in total darkness. In semi-lit areas, you have color vision out to edge of the light radius, where the color gets kind of dull and grey. From there on out, vision is in black & white until your Darkvision range is up. At that point, you can't see. (Actual Darkvision rules are on DMG 74). It's pretty much by the book, really.
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