[CoC/Eberron]Morgrave Gambit-Ex Oblivion, Eberron! IC

{OOC}Looks like 'eezer may be carrying practically everyone out of the room -- what a bunch of crappy rolls, folks! :D Hope I can do it fast enough...{/OOC}

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Mark Causey

Enveloped, surrounded by darkness I cannot abate.

The light spoke out loud; it spoke to Velious, Calach, and Aalin. It announced itself and commanded those around it. It spread like a sheet being slowly lowered onto a bed, suspended in mid-air.

"I am Luciana. Your minds and bodies are mine. Return to me my crystalline heart, which she has stolen!"

Aalin's energies failed to construct the matrix they were designed for and reconstituted around her, having her glow with a purple sheen.

Velious, Calach, and Aalin were all aware that Flamewind was incapacitated and that Dala now protected the crystal from their approach.

"Stand back!" Dala screamed, holding her sword arm and waving you off weakly.

The wee forged grabbed at its head with its hands, dropping its weapon that had been drawn sometime in the past, maybe an eon ago. The goblin had ripped a strip from his clothing and tied it about his eyes. He had grabbed the forged by its pack and was pulling them now along the outer face of the wall. The half elf was walking forward toward the darkness and light, eyes glazed, entranced. Her armor shone brightly about her, mirroring the insanity she approached.

A second peal of the underwater bell rung out. The iron bound doors opened with a crash. A tall, masculine, hunched warrior, tight muscles bound in rigid cloths, ears long and retreating, scimitar of ebony in hand, entered with a slow gait, followed by a wolf-sized scorpion.

He pointed his weapon forward and spoke - Sylvan -
Touch not the Crystal of Darkness, lest ye suffer for all eternity elsewhen and elsewhere!

{OOC - Aalin, Calach, Velious - Sanity damage 5, 5, 2}
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
"Return the crystalline heart? That doesn't seem like a good idea." Calach says this as he draws his sword, a finely made longsword with ornate markings on the blade.


Velious looks back and forth between Dala and the new arrival. He is still somewhat stunned and confused, unsure of how much of this is real. He pauses for a long moment before saying anything, as if searching deep within himself for correct course of action.

"My Lady Luciana...I hear you, but my eyes cannot make you out. I am a sworn protector of the weak. And if you have had your heart stolen from you, than surely it has made you weak--thus, I am honor bound to protect you!" Velious' words are halting and strange, as if he is not quite sure of his own logic.

He begins slowly making his way toward Dala, speaking softly and calmly. "Young scholar...you have erred by becoming involved in this mad plot, no doubt concieved by the cloaked woman you may have thought your friend and ally. But can you not see that this has gone to far. You have risked too much! Turn aside from your misguided plan, and work together with me to resolve this." Velious bears no weapon, and holds his hand outstretched in a gesture of peace as he nears the frightened girl.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Calach loosely grips his sword, his eyes trained on the newcomer. He has no idea what the newcomer has said, but seems to be ready to pounce. The young man waits...

Mark Causey

{OOC}We haven't really seen what you've done since all of the new information; you can narrate him taking you away if you want, otherwise act as if he has not.{/OOC}


First Post
Aalin blinks away tears, still shaking violently from the touch of the black tongue, and notes with wonder the change in the energies she had been trying to direct. Looking down at her hands, she sees the purple glow.


Then, as the light speaks, she feels the shifter's strong hands trying to move her away from danger. For just a moment, she is sorely tempted to find refuge somewhere.

"No," she tells him. "I can't leave. Not yet."

Weakly, she pushes his hands away and draws her crossbow. She hears Velious address both the light and the scholar, and hopes that he knows what he is doing. At the arrival of the warrior, she loads her weapon.

{OOC} Does Aalin understand what has happened to her and why she is glowing? Knowledge (arcana) check. {/OOC}

eabha said:
{OOC} Quick question...did 'eezer already pick up Aalin or is he just thinking about it? {/OOC}
{OOC}'eezer doesn't spend too much time just thinking about what to do, but I was waiting for your reaction to resolve that.{/OOC}

Ebeneezer sets the girl down gently near the tapestry. "Alright, stay then. What's going on? I don't understand this arcane mumbo-jumbo. Should I grab that girl and bring her out?" 'eezer points his thumb at Dala. "How can I help?"


First Post
Aalin briefly glances at 'eezer but returns her attention to Velious and his attempts to resolve the situation, or at least bring it under some sort of control.

"I'm not sure I understand it all myself," Aalin admits. "But I think the cloaked woman was trying to remove us to another plane. Perhaps forever. It has something to do with that crystal," she explains, gesturing vaguely towards Dala and the object she is trying to protect. "The light has spoken, and she seems to be referring to the crystal as her heart. She wants the thing back.

"What he wants - " she nods towards the warrior, " - is a mystery to me. But I'd keep an eye on him if I were you."

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